
October 15, 2010

Melody by Ariz

Download at Ariz, Larz and Cholez Sims3 Blog


  1. she is beautiful in the game she goes! My place is becoming full with your sims Ariz!

  2. Absolutely LOVE her. Gorgeous.

  3. I really like her. She's cute and not generic like every other sim out there. Thanks Ariz!

  4. ^ Lol please stfu Anon. Emmies hasn't said anything wrong here.

  5. I'm no fan of Emmies but I am a fan of this sim! Great job Ariz!

  6. To everyone above, all I wanted to say was well done to Ariz. I didn't mean any offence to anyone, and I realise I could have worded my thanks better. Okay?

  7. I really love her eyes and nose. c: She adorable! Thanks Ariz! <3

  8. ^ I agree about the eyes ;D
    Adorable simmie :D :D

  9. Holy magikarp, I love her. So fuckin cute!

  10. Emmies, I had no problem with your comment, my Sims are generic. I am learning to be more creative on creating my sims, so thanks for critizing me so I can do better. :)

    Anon, stfu! Emmies did nothing to you what so ever got a problem with her? To bad! You can kiss her/his ass... Leave her/him alone...

  11. if not for this sim, i would not have been able to finally find dat hair. ty!

  12. Shucks, Thank you all so much <333


  13. Can we stop talking about Emmies and the anons and go back to Ariz and how awesome this Sim is, please?

  14. She's boring. I like my sims a little unique but still pretty. Meh.

  15. "Can we stop talking about Emmies and the anons and go back to Ariz and how awesome this Sim is, please?"

    We were getting along fine until you brought it up AGAIN, THANKS. :(

  16. 2 anons up: If you don't think she's pretty, point me towards a sim whom YOU find "pretty"... I'm awfully curious lol.

  17. I don't need to point you toward anything. Don't care enough. Like I said, ugly sim and stop harassing people who don't like it.

  18. ^ Right. Stop 'harassing' you so you can continue to harass this talented creator for making "ugly, boring sims".

    You sure seem like you just want to flame a creation for the sport of it. An anon called you on it, and you chickened-out, proving that you're just being hurtful for the sake of being hurtful.

  19. It's funny that somebody calls a sim ugly and stupid, and when somebody else asks them to merely mention a sim they find attractive/interesting, instead of just not responding because they don't care, they RESPOND with "no because I don't care".

    Weird people on this blog...

  20. heh. Some people are just that insecure they have to hate on people for being good at something. Sad. :(

    This sim is about as beautiful AND ALSO unique as they come. Thank you so much!

  21. what's so great about her? she's ok...

  22. i think she's quite pretty :]

    question: does she come with all that cc or should i download it separately? thanks :3

  23. "Anonymous said...
    what's so great about her? she's ok..."

    I agree, she's certainly cute but not anything special. Idk usually this type of sim would get bashed on here for being generic.

    She's pretty, but not enough for me to bother downloading. Thanks anyway tho

  24. Her face is so cute! I really love her.

  25. ^ That's fantastic

    There's a huge difference between stating that you don't like something and being an a** for no good reason. Maybe if you didn't state your opinion like a troll then you wouldn't be treated like a troll.

    I thought I posted earlier but she is very pretty, thanks Ariz, she's definitely going into my game :)

  26. She's a really nice Sim! Definitely downloading! :D

  27. Thanks again everyone. I am so glad you guys like her. And to answer your question zola; no she will not come with her cc.

