
October 10, 2010

New Curtains by Mabra

Download at Arte della Vita


  1. I don't like how the textures are darker at the bottom, but not just in the folds where it should be. That just looks a tiny bit off to me.

    The mesh looks like it has potential. The overall shape is pretty natural.

  2. What beautiful curtains - I can't thank you enough.

  3. I believe these are semi-transparent. The darkness you see is probably just the shadow from the window sill. Have you checked them in-game? I am curious. They look lovely to me.

  4. ^The shadow appears to go up higher than the windowsill so I don't think so. Not yet tested in-game but based on the images, it's almost certainly the texture. It's extremely minor though (probably wouldn't even be noticeable in-game, since it's barely noticeable here), and it still looks really good.

  5. Are these CAST-able? I see that under each variation it says download. I like these curtains but not any of the textures.

  6. ^Very good point...I certainly don't want these if they are not recolorable, as the patterns they have now are horrid.

    Will test soon and get back to comment if I have time.

  7. ^Agreed with both RD and anon. If these are not CAST-able, then that's ridiculous. This is not the Sims 2 and the game is going into its third expansion pack. Totally not acceptable at this point.

  8. ^I agree, but only if it's true. Perhaps we ought to find out before we rant...
