
October 09, 2010

Newsea Lazy Day Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. Something to save for that lazy day when you're feeling like being a lardass and forget to do anything about your freaking disgusting hair.

  2. omfg i actually love this, can please someone retexture it..

  3. ^No, dude.

    TSR hacks people and ruins their shit. Use it the way it is or don't download.

  4. I actually like the messy ponytail. Now all my sims won't look like they just stepped out of the salon.

  5. Anon just wait for somebody upload a sim with this hair on exchange at ts3 or on simscave. I do the same. Or take a look on the booty.
    btw. It looks really good. This time it looks even not as bad as usuall on toddlers.

  6. Perfect for my house fraus.

  7. It's good enough to arr.

  8. On another note, the toddler creeps me out even more now.

  9. the blonde sims reminds me of kristan cavallari

  10. is it up anywhere yet?

  11. This is pretty cute, but I don't trust the sims resource

  12. It's a LAZY DAY!!!

  13. Needs a male version o.o;

  14. I love that he doesnt photoshop the blonde colour anymore. Ick, that texture is awful.

  15. I hate the front but I love the back. Really want a messy ponytail for my game.

  16. Oh, I WANT THIS HAIR!!!

    I hate, when Newsea add the beautifullest hair to the subscriber stuff!I really like the Newsea hair!
    I hope someone upload it on mediafire...

  17. This hair is surprisingly cute in-game. Check it out if you guys like.

  18. Another one I shall ARR when it becomes available.

  19. I love it. I don't always want my Sims looking like movie stars who have their own personal stylists, either. I like the slightly messy look.

  20. This hair is surprisingly cute in-game. Check it out if you guys like.
    Are you a subscriber at TSR?

  21. "This hair is surprisingly cute in-game"

    That's good to know because a lot her crap doesn't. Unfortunately she doesn't post polys(and she doesn't have to I know)and I have seen where hers are usually quite high.

  22. Cute and natural, but her head is swollen. Way too freaking big in the back of the head. It looks like she's hiding something just above the pony tail o_O I wish Newsea would quit giving sims swollen heads in the back D:

  23. This is nice. Love the more casual "I didn't spend an hour fixing my hair" looks.

  24. I shall happily check it out... as soon as someone shares a link here or it is available at The Booty. If anyone would like to share, it would be appreciated. :) Just please remove the evil trackers first so you don't get busted. Or send it to the Booty and they will update it when they have the time and resources - they seem to be updating again :)

  25. Man, this looks almost exactly like my hair :S

  26. I agree with the Anon that says there needs to be a male version. I'd never stick this on any of my female sims, but there are one or two male sims that I have that this would work for.

  27. ^Apparently newsea only likes girly hairs for their men.

  28. Yay for hair that does not look like you spent 2 1/2 hours on! Perfect for my low maintenance sims :)

  29. I'm a'aaaring it.

  30. lol at teeth lazy lady

  31. Hmm, I have a friend who use her hair like this most of the time.
    So I guess she is lazy. Ha-ha!
    Kidding, hopefully someone will share it. y'Arr!

  32. ^I might be willing to share with non-anons. Thinking about it.

    How does the Booty clean their files, anyway? I've been wanting to edit and share some hairs from there but I'm not willing to take the risk if I can be tracked. Anyone know of a way besides "Let Pescado do it?"

  33. I've spoken with him regarding T$R trackers, they are nothing more than coo information that is added at the end of the .Sims3Pack file, might be an instant method made by the use of some streams, but he states that passing those files through s3rc will remove this coo data that was inside of it.

    If you could send to my email so I could study and compare both end files would be great, so that we are sure of it.

  34. Friday, you're a subscriber?! I never thought you would lol

  35. "but he states that passing those files through s3rc will remove this coo data that was inside of it."

    Just to be clear, are we talking about recompressorizing or decrapifying? I know Pescado has stated that decrapifying removes them, but I was unaware that recompressorizing alone does. I only ask because decrapified files don't share well.


  37. has anyone got this yet? I so need it lol for a couple of my simmies ^^

  38. This hair is cute :)

  39. Please,can someone upload it there?!!!!

  40. Well if anyone would like to share it with me privately, it would be very much appreciated as well. Click on my profile. Otherwise I'll wait for the link to show up here or The Booty. Thanks :)

  41. It's up. But if you ask me, not worth the hype at all.

  42. You can now dl the hair with a sim at the cave here:
    there is a version with more cc and one with less cc (nearly only EA-stuff)

  43. Anonymous: "Just to be clear, are we talking about recompressorizing or decrapifying? I know Pescado has stated that decrapifying removes them, but I was unaware that recompressorizing alone does. I only ask because decrapified files don't share well."

    Both. S3RC is integrated with Decrapify, but they both need to read the file, and since the pigeon data is out of the file scope it's eliminated, as he says.

    Using argument -f will attempt to "fix", but there's nothing to fix, so regarding this, it will "browse" the file, and since the pigeon data is not part of the file structure, it's removed.

  44. So, in short, is it safe to run TSR files on CompressorizerRedux? It'll clean the TSR files?

  45. ^I mean, using the decrapify option that comes with the CompressorizerRedux.

  46. Pescado said there are no contradictions regarding this.

    But I am studying both original and the file passed through s3rc, they are different, obviously, but the bytes changed need to be decrypted first before I can study the differences.
    I am not sure what to use, I tried UTF-8 and ASCII but no dice, if someone can help me with this.

    Anyway, unless I be able to study it with a broader view, I can't give you a straight answer.

    But as Pescado is the developer on this, I would take his word for granted.

  47. Thanks, Anon, for that link. I'll give it a shot. Sometimes sims crash my game, but if I get the hair I'll be happy.

    I hope you figure it out, aWT. I'd love to know how to do it myself.

  48. Here it is. Adult only as package...

    Enjoy! =)

  49. all ages:

  50. ^ i love you, whoever you are.

  51. i love them too *kisskiss*

  52. It's Lazy Day, not Lady Day.
