
October 27, 2010

Newsea Rinka Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. EW.......... THIS IS SO UGLY. Some new boyz hairs are good but this hunk of junk? Mine is bigger than that hair and that's no pick up line, Little Miss Epic


    Little Miss Epic is the most annoying person on this damn blog!

    And her and Shyne always comment on the same comments. They probably are the same person!

  3. Hmm.. no thanks. But I liked the hairstyle he took is inspiration from :(

  4. I think it's cute, better than that huge last one. But really, it looks so greasy and roots are still so dark that it throws me off.

    I'm surprised he didn't make it for males too, not that it would look good but it's been some time since he made female hairstyles for man it's almost as if he listened to all the complaints (could listen about the dark roots too!).

  5. Newsea HATES blondes. Fact.

    I dont like this, looks a lot like one i saw not long ago - stop recycling, Newsea.

  6. Looks like a Peggy hair -.-

  7. ^ My thoughts as well.

    And Newsea hair is so crappy, and full of flaws it isn't worth pirating. :/

  8. I like the base hairstyle (it's pretty cute). But the end result is so.... stringy! May keep an eye on the exchange and see how it looks on "regular" sims

  9. Looks like a bad knockoff of a Peggy hair. Fail.

    TSR must be pushing Newsea to release two hairs a week, I think he's losing his inspiration.

  10. fugliest hair contest-peggy vs. newsea ...go

  11. Ugh, again with the dark roots? Why do Peggy and Newsea continue to do this? It's awful!

    What if I want a sim with light blue hair? It is NOT possible because I have to deal with dark roots.

    Seriously we should start a petition and send it to Peggy and Newsea. Also add an explanation why dark roots are so awful!!

    As far as the hairstyle goes, it's meh for me. Nothing special, nothing I really want.

  12. As others have said, this is very similar to a Peggy hairstyle released the other month or so.

    But then again, Newsea and Peggy used to work together, so I'm not surprised.

    I think it's cute on toddlers, but that's about it.

  13. rip off of peggy lol

  14. I like it, especially on the little girl. Thank you!

  15. Looks almost exactly like the Rena Ryuugu hair he did a while back...

  16. Looks exactly like a shortened version of a hair he released not too long ago.

    Hey NewSea, I thought you were asking for hair ideas? Where the fuck are they?

  17. Yeeeeahh... now I'm that much MORE convinced that Peggy, Rose, and Newsea are the same f-ing person.

    Not only do they charge MONEY for re-releasing their own hair multiple times with almost no changes, but this also happens constantly between the 3 of them. You seriously need to try harder if you wish to continue fooling people anymore.

  18. ^ this. I'm disgusted by this on so many levels...

    fortunately I can only care so much but still.

  19. ^ Like a creature/monster cross-breeder. Get it?

  20. If this was free and hosted on a free site everyone would love it.

  21. ^ But it's not, so we don't.

  22. It's kind of retarded to hate something so passionately only because it's not free and hosted on a popular site.

    You proved my point exactly,thank you so much.

  23. ^ No, the point that people have to pay a subscription to get a hair that SHOULD be free. That's reason enough to validate the hate.

  24. Actually, if this was free and on a popular site, I'd still hate it. Not everyone is a sheep. There are plenty of the so-called "popular" hairs that I find hideous and have no intentions of downloading.

    So stop assuming you know the thoughts of everyone who posts here.

  25. I like this! Very cute on toddlers!

  26. Personally, I like the idea of the hair, but I'm sure it looks like ass in-game in accordance with the prophecy.

    At face value, though, I think it's probably the best-looking of the Rose/Newsea/Peggy Let's-Sell-The-Same-Thing-20-Times party.

  27. If this was free and hosted on a free site everyone would love it.

    Oh no. No. Oh-why-won't-someone-think-of-the-children no.

  28. Ew, it's gross and stringy. The floating looks like it was caused by grease.

  29. Even if this hair would be free I stil wouldnt like it. New sea hardly makes good "shaped" hairs, they look unreal and the hair is usually always so big that it makes it feel like the sim has some fricking cancer crowing behind her/his head. There's like only 5-6 hairs from Newsea that are worth of compliments.

  30. This hair had potential... but Peggy already did the hair with potential, and it wasn't very nice. I guess it's just an ugly hairstyle. Oh well.

    [i]If this was free and hosted on a free site everyone would love it.[/i]

    Maybe they'd try to be nicer towards it considering they're not being forced to pay to have it, but even then I would not download it. Dark roots, knowing NewSea only one high poly LOD. My game would start crying.

  31. hmmm ... good hair ... not the awesome one though ... but i agree if it would be free everyone will download and everyone would like it ... anyways some of free newsea hairs SUCKS ! like that dina one :p unless carolin one it's a bit batter.

  32. For those who liked the hair, can get it here for free:

  33. Thank you anon. Downloaded already.

  34. " but i agree if it would be free everyone will download and everyone would like it"

    You're completely fucking stupid and so is that another anon who first made the claim. Do you see how much free content is ragged upon on this blog on a daily basis? Free does not automatically mean that people would like it.

    Also, if people REALLY disliked hairs only because they were pay, then the Booty would not exist and you wouldn't see people begging for Newsea pay hairs at GOS, here, and several other sharing sites. That right there destroys your flawed logic.

    Fucking idiots.
