
October 30, 2010

Peggy #000247 Pooklet'd by pahtrick

Download at Garden of Shadows

File name: 
Peggy's version here


  1. ...Why would anyone bother retexturing this? It doesn't change the fact it looks like birthday clown hair.

  2. This is a very.. phallic hairstyle indeed :/

  3. I find this hair hilariously fun as always. I'm glad you decided to re-texture it. I understand bitching when a hair is poorly made, but this isn't made poorly. Wacky styles are fun to have in the game.

  4. i just threw up a little..wacky hairstyles are fun right but this isn't wacky or fun it's ridiculous

  5. haha ice cream conee

  6. Don't even put Lady Gaga in comparison with this ridiculous hair. She is a brilliant artist, this is simply trash.

  7. Chop that thing off and it'll be great..

  8. Okay... I get a lot of people don't like this hair.

    But I do like this hair, even though I might be one of the 5 people in the whole world who do, that's why I retextured it. And I only uploaded it so that the other 4 people who like it can download it, if they want.

    So if you don't like it, I won't lose any sleep over it. Don't download it if you don't like it. I just don't get how some people can get so upset over some hairstyle for pixel people.
    It's just a game, not real life...

  9. Reminds me of the hairstyle Mondo Guerra gave his models in Project Runway ... oh well.

  10. Don't worry Patrick.
    I do admit this cone mesh is heck funny.
    I like to have a good laugh in my game, and to put this in some sims while making them a makeover is hilarious.

    Great job on the retexture! ;)

  11. I totally get it Pahtrick, sometimes you like something that everybody hates.

    This hair is still weird but I always thought it would be great for a clown, I play some really insane sims sometimes that this hair would fit....

  12. ^^ Did you not like Mondo?

  13. I just don't get how some people can get so upset over some hairstyle for pixel people.
    It's just a game, not real life...

    Who's upset? Not liking this hair, or finding it hilariously awful (not the texture, just the actual idea of it) does not = upset.

    Your texture's decent. Your model is pretty good. The hair... well, you like it.

  14. " Anonymous said...
    Don't even put Lady Gaga in comparison with this ridiculous hair. She is a brilliant artist, this is simply trash."

    AHAHAHHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HA. YOU. HA. You've got a great sense of humour kid, that could take you far in life.

  15. I'm pretty sure it's a medieval hairstyle, which makes you guys look completely fucking retarded when you react to it as if it was made to appeal to modern people.

    I'm so sorry that the 1500s didn't think "Gosh, will our hair offend some dumb skanks in the year 2010? We better rethink this one".

  16. I've never had an interest in this hair because it reminds me of a unicorn horn =/. But your retexture is pretty decent and it's nice to see others who like unusual hair. I might download this in the future if I have a sim that has the personality and face for this hair.

  17. If it had long flowing hair coming out of the stick, it would make really nice Bayonetta hair.

  18. "I'm pretty sure it's a medieval hairstyle, which makes you guys look completely fucking retarded when you react to it as if it was made to appeal to modern people"
    Medieval hairstyles:

    There's nothing medieval about this apart from the ribbon like wrapping

    Mesh is silly but retexure is good
    To each his own

  19. This is not a medieval hair. Way to make yourself look like an ignorant fuckstick while chastising other people about their supposed ignorance, Shivar.
    And if it was a medieval hairstyle, the ribbons wouldn't just be tossed on there willy-nilly. Do you have any idea how expensive ribbons were? They weren't fricking 50's era tinsel.

    It's like this poor chick's trying to hide the axe handle.

  20. Anon ahead of me already took care of it. See, Shivar? Someone knows about medieval hair and ribbons.

    A well to do woman could afford both the ribbons and the help braiding her hair intricately. Help that drunkenly applied ribbons would be fired.

    Who was offended, btw? I thought most people were L their AO.

  21. It looks like Disney villain hair. I love that it's so unique and interesting.

  22. thanks for fixing up this POS hair

  23. Thank you pahtrick, I'm one of the 4 people who like this hair too. I really appreciate you retexturing it as I knew this would be one people would avoid. Yeah it's not a hair you would put on every sim but why such hatred over pixel hair strands. There is always so much energy expelled over disliking uploaded items on this blog, it amazes me that some of you could even be bothered. It's about a diversity of custom content which parallels with personal taste. It concerns me to think if this is how you react to a pixelated hair what do you do with situations and objects that offend/irritate or simply don't appeal to you in real life? Yes, this is a comments section for comments but shouldn't they be constructive, encouraging not just spiteful little rants? Again pahtrick thank you for your effort, pay no attention to the negativity.

  24. Its a lady gaga hair!

    I bet she'd like it, even wear it, probably!

  25. I like this hair a lot. It's weird. That makes it perfect for weird/fantasy/whatthefuckever Sims.

    Also, to the commentor who thinks it looks like a penis - I'm sorry that you've had to deal with such highly deformed penises in your lifetime ):

  26. So THATS where my vibrator went!

  27. O.O Wow. This is a weird hair... I can sort of envision it being worn by princesses and all that stuff, though.

  28. This isn't a medieval hair style? I thought it was.

  29. Oh, no. They had some funky hairstyles in medieval times, but this was not one of them.


    And by it, I meant Shivar, and not the hair.

  31. I sort of like it in green :D

  32. I did an audiable LOL when I saw this hair. Then a louder LOL when I saw Claerdick/Shitvar try to get other people to like his fetish by insulting them, and doing a terrible job at it.

    Oh The Sims. <3

  33. I would never use this hair,but it is unique,different is always good.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. "Again pahtrick thank you for your effort, pay no attention to the negativity"

    The negativity is from the mesh which he didn't create- no one is arguing the retexture is good. He said so himself he knew no one liked it but it was a request which fulfilled very well

  36. 'The negativity is from the mesh which he didn't create- no one is arguing the retexture is good. He said so himself he knew no one liked it but it was a request which fulfilled very well'

    That's pretty obvious! I was supporting his choice [which he states at GOS he thinks is awesome] of hair - a hair which creates such a ridiculous reaction. This was a given if you actually understood my whole comment. Fair enough if you felt angst towards one sentence but it's not worth perusing now that I have explained myself.

  37. Let's have some fun this beat is sick..

    You know the rest.


  38. That sim looks like shivar. Shivar wants that hair on.

  39. Ahahaha <3 I love that someone re-textured this hair!

    I think Shivar is correct and it is a Medieval style. I could be wrong, but who cares.

    Shivar didn't take one thing into account. IT'S NOT THE MEDIEVAL times! So therefore I believe we can all have a good laugh at this hair if we feel like it.

    And also, it looks more like a "natural tampon" to me.

  40. Laugh all you want, this is still one of the most natural looking hairs Peggy has made in a loooooong time.

  41. Mondo Guerra used this style in his Project Runway show. XD
