
October 30, 2010

Peggy Hair 536 ~ Pooklet'd for all ages by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File names:

Peggy's version here


  1. and triple wow...

  2. I feel safe knowing that a fixed peggy hair by anubis will be available in a matter of hours since it's release.

    Or incredibly greedy.

  3. thank you again anubis!

  4. As much as I love you, Anubis, this hair isn't good. But I still love you for trying ♥ :P

  5. Less ugly, but still ugly.

  6. This is actually really gorgeous now. If that barrette was removed, it'd be perfect!

  7. i know it's no anubis's fault but the mesh is blocky and eww.. pooklets texures make this more obvious

  8. Thanks for trying, Anubis, but this hair is just... terrible.

  9. I like it.It's very classy.Now that the roots are fixed I'll download.

  10. There are noticeable flaws on the curls-kinda things. (those black spots) It's a big improvement though.

  11. Thank you Nubie. This hair isn't to my tastes but I appreciate you doing this nonetheless.

  12. Shouldn't peggy realize by now that all her textures suck? She should try doing something about it so it doesn't need retexturing.

  13. Too big, imo, and I love big hair. It would look wonderful if it was a bit flatter.

  14. "She should try doing something about it so it doesn't need retexturing."

    The hairs would still need retexturing because of the numerous flaws with them.

    Oh, BTW, Anubis, are you able to change the mesh comments when you retexture Peggy hairs so that they don't move with the eye corner height slider? I know I downloaded your retexture of the "Rachel" hair and a few other Peggy hairs after the issue was brought to light and the problem persisted.

    Or is that only something that could be done if you were doing a conversion?

  15. "is that only something that could be done if you were doing a conversion?"

    I can fix those issues with Raon hairs, for example, because I'm able to extract the meshes and change the comments. But with Peggy's that is just impossible. Simgeom plugins (and TSRW plugins too) are icompatible with whatever Peggy uses, so meshes can't be extracted. And I'm not even able to import them as a .obj file in Milkshape or any other program. So unless she fixes her meshes, we have to deal with the eye sliders issues :P

  16. This looks not so ugly now, but still ugly.

    And Mefiadire? Lol.

  17. "i know it's no anubis's fault but the mesh is blocky and eww.. pooklets texures make this more obvious"

    My textures made it very obvious too, that's why I didn't upload, I honestly didn't like the mesh. I think Peggy's texture is the best texture to use with this mesh, it hides how stretched the UV map is.

    But I think that Anubis' version is still very pretty, and much nicer than my attempt lol

  18. Thanks, Anubis. Awesome retexture on a horrible hair. :( It almost makes it look good...almost.

  19. "Less ugly, but still ugly."

    This. It went from an "Oh God" to a "eh..."

  20. Hideous mesh. The retexture is better than the original but I don't know why anyone would even want a retexture.

  21. I guess I'm one of the few people that really like this hair.

    Great job, Anubis! :)
