
October 02, 2010

Peggy October '10 Special Gift ~ Pooklet'd for all ages by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File names:


Peggy's version here


  1. Thanks Anubis! This version looks much better :)

  2. Daddy bought me some eyeshadow from Walmart!!!!!!!! I tried it on and I looked SO beautiful, just like a REAL girl!!!!! But I left my lipstick in my pocket and it melted in the dryer!!! I'm crying so hard right now!!!! :( Dumb dryer! :(

  3. Where can I get the original?

  4. This fixes the stringiness, but just highlights a certain oddness to the mesh, imho. :/
    Thank you, though.

  5. WHOA, I wanna get me some of THAT hairspray! :O

  6. Ha-ha, I want some of this powerful hairspray Peggy has too!

  7. Anubis is just the best! Anubis is just the best! Thank you <3 <3

  8. its so hard being 12 :| i just dont know what to do with these strong, confusing new urges :|

  9. I like the controls on this hair. Perfect for my snooty, rich, elders. That is the only sims I can think to use it for.

  10. You realize that you're popularizing Peggy hairs, right?

  11. I liked it, until I saw the back. :/

  12. ^^ I'm pretty sure she doesn't care.

  13. ^^So what? Peggy already has some of the most popular hairs in the business. Many people really love her work and many others love her meshes but hate her textures. Joe is just presenting the hairs that people want to see, and retexturers are just providing a service that the people want.

    I understand, really. But it's tacky and pointless to try to pressure other people into avoiding content just because YOU don't like the behavior of the creators. If they want to use/edit Peggy hair, they will. Deal with it.

  14. ^Oops, too slow. That was intended for one comment further up.

  15. if you dont download it some one else will. :-0

  16. wonderful! good job!

    you are so good and very fast!

  17. "Ha-ha, I want some of this powerful hairspray Peggy has too!" Hahahaha they must have some good shit in Texas!

    I really love this Anubis, you are the best :D Thanks

  18. Shyne, as someone from Texas, I take great offense to that. Do you enjoy being ignorant?

  19. Taking offense at some harmless comment... I wonder who's the ignorant.

  20. ^ Evidently you're just being petty and if I do say so myself, predacious towards me because I'm from Texas. I do not understand why you are insulting me. Does this get you off or something?

  21. who's ignorant now? ahaahahahhahaa

  22. "Evidently you're just being petty and if I do say so myself, predacious towards me because I'm from Texas."

    Just because we are all anons doesn't mean we are all the same person, js.

  23. stupid ads, they're everywhere.

  24. it's because of the cowboy hat she made. stop taking offense over nothing. life is too short.

  25. ^ That cowboy is from an anime. So how is that funny? Not all cowboys are from Texas. Christ.

  26. i've come to the conclusion that you "offended" texans are either psychotic or don't understand humor. screw all of ya. i'm going to bed.

  27. Well I have a disable child, too. But you know what? I've raised him to rise against ridiculous WORDS like that. My child is going to be a guiding light for those who cannot overcome the so called "power of words"!

  28. Apparently people from texas have no sense of humor and are easily butthurt... must be the heat.

  29. ^ More like in heat! AMIRITE?!

  30. lol you Texans.

  31. In Texas they execute retards, and elect them to be governor....

  32. "Well I have a disable child, too. But you know what? I've raised him to rise against ridiculous WORDS like that. My child is going to be a guiding light for those who cannot overcome the so called "power of words"!"

    That is about the stupidest thing you've said yet.

    It's ok to offend and cause heartbreak to other disabled kids because hey, your kid is going to be some kind of hero.

    My kid IS a hero, to me, every single day, and to pretty much everyone who's ever met him. He's pretty awesome really, but then, I am his mom.

    You're a grown fucking adult. You say you have a disabled child. You should know more than anyone the power of words (esp if you feel comfortable calling someone else "illiterate"). You should have more compassion, sense, and honor than this.

    so you come on here trying to defend Texas... But if you're representative of what Texas is, I'm going to have to start making Texas jokes.

    You use an ablist, offensive word that is derogatory towards the disabled when used the way you used it, but you want people to stop making Texas comments - even though other Texans might think they're hilarious (my grandpa was a Texan, and he'd have been pretty amused.)

    You're asking for far better treatment than you give to people who face far worse than you do.

  33. ^ Ok, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you in the way that I did. I just get easily carried away.

  34. ... Oh... I'm gonna cry.......

  35. Don't forget that George W.Bush is from the "wonderful"state of Texas.

    It seems like all Texans are the same to me,arrogant,ignorant,gun toting and racist.

  36. Nah. My grandpa, as mentioned, was a funny, gentle, wonderful man who always carried this sadness around with him. I miss him terribly to this day.

    Texas, we're cool. People get defensive and end up causing unintended pain sometimes. I respect someone having the ability to apologize.

  37. pixels, people... they are pixels...

  38. The hair looks great! I like it much better than the original. Thanks :)

  39. "pixels, people... they are pixels..."

    Made by people, for people,with opinions and feelings about opinions.

    Your point? Other than you're no sociologist.

  40. ^STFU and get a life. They were making fun of you because you appear to take this way to seriously.


  42. People from Texas tend to have big mouths and can't take criticism,they truly believe that they live in the greatest state in the Union.

    Somehow their peanut sized brains equate"largest"with being the"best".

    And whenever you criticize their precious state they act like they want to jump off of a bridge.

    Lol,so thin skinned.
