
October 27, 2010

Raon Female Hair 80 ~ Fixed and Pooklet'd by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File name:
Raonjena's version here


  1. This is a very nice retexture. :)

    Anubis always makes hairs look alot nicer :)

  2. This was already done by Anubis, right, back in the day? I can't remember. This is ok I guess, not one of the best meshes for a Pooklet retexture, looks flat and almost plastic lol But still... gotta love stuff by Anubis. Total brand addiction here.

  3. yay nice low poly hair

  4. Lovely as always! Thanks Anubis:)

  5. It is kind of boring, I agree there. But it's nice, and it looks like an actual hairstyle used by human beings.

  6. ^ Your comment is kind of boring, but nice too. (whatever the fuck that means)

    Anyway, lovely fixed hair as usual Anubis!

  7. ^^^ lol I was wondering the same thing

  8. I got drunk last night and pookleted all over my friend's car.

    Does someone want me to upload it?

  9. Anonymous said...

    This was already done by Anubis, right, back in the day? I can't remember. This is ok I guess, not one of the best meshes for a Pooklet retexture, looks flat and almost plastic lol But still... gotta love stuff by Anubis. Total brand addiction here.

    So you don't like it, but you're going to get it just because of the name on it?
    Baaa. Baaaaaa.

  10. I was just looking for a hair style like this the other day! Haha, perfect!

    I like that it's simple :)

  11. This hair looks so good retextured.
    Thank you Anubis!

  12. "I got drunk last night and pookleted all over my friend's car.

    Does someone want me to upload it?"

    Pics or GTFO

  13. "So you don't like it, but you're going to get it just because of the name on it?
    Baaa. Baaaaaa."

    As opposed to Raon? Whether you love or hate Anubis it's still 100x better then Raon's broken version, at least now it CAN be retextured to your own personal taste. I think this hair is really cute and simple.

  14. "I got drunk last night and pookleted all over my friend's car.

    Does someone want me to upload it?"

    LOL... so fucking true, dude, so fucking true...
