
October 29, 2010

School Uniforms for Child - Teen Females by Irink @ a

Download the teen uniform here and the girl's here


  1. Huh? These look more like maid uniforms.

    The teen sim is scaring me...

  2. Slutty comment in 3...2...1

    They look horrible btw.

  3. ^ Thought the same thing, soon the slut comments will come.

    What does maid uniforms have to do with school uniforms?

  4. Some of you are just SO FUCKING IGNORANT to other cultures that it is embarrassing for the human race.

    If you had just googled "Russian school uniform," you'd see that some of them actually DO look like this.

    Educate yourselves before making stupid remarks.

  5. ^Pretty much. The creator is Russian so it's not a stretch that she would do Russian uniforms.

  6. I'm so sick of snotty anons on their high horses telling us to "educate ourselves". Shut the fuck up.

    That said, I barely even looked at the uniforms, since the hair looks insane. Those ribbons might as well have PHOTOSHOP written right on them.

  7. Some of you are just SO FUCKING IGNORANT to other cultures that it is embarrassing for the human race.

    If you had just googled "Russian school uniform," you'd see that some of them actually DO look like this.

    Ok, while this is really rude, it happens to be true. People tend to conflate different ideas from other cultures. They don't realize that just because something is a maid uniform in certain countries doesn't mean it is one in others.

  8. it's perfectly natural for a non-russian to think that about this outfit. don't be ignorant of non-russian countries.

  9. Russian, yes... horribly done, yes...

  10. ^This.

    Why would I have to know about how SCHOOL UNIFORMS from Russia look like? I undertand if you called me ignorant if I don't know about important buildings, wars or history in general... but uniforms? please!

  11. Well, I learn something new everyday. Thank you.

  12. Ohh. Thanks for the comparison pics, but no thanks for being a total dick about it.

  13. "horribly done, yes..."

    I agree. The child version is even worse. Bad use of photoshop painting tools.
    But I don't like anything by irink@ so I'm not surprised.

  14. Gee, I'm stupid. I should have known, specifically, to google Russian school uniforms. Since I'm an ignorant American though, I have no knowledge of what other cultures had their schoolchildren wearing in the 1980s.

    Seriously though, I picked up on the fact they were foreign uniforms fairly quickly. It does not give me the right to declare my superiority and cross-cultural awareness, and pretend that it gives me the right to talk down to others. You are not special for realizing there are countries apart from yours.

    They totally look like tiny maid uniforms.

  15. "Comments from a bunch of stupid Americans who think obsessing about Japanese schoolgirls equals cultural awareness."

    Actually, you asswipe, when I think school uniforms, I think, plaid skirt, collared white shirt, navy blazer/sweater set, because hey, that's what I wore to my Catholic high school.

  16. "Some of you are just SO FUCKING IGNORANT to other cultures that it is embarrassing for the human race.

    If you had just googled "Russian school uniform," you'd see that some of them actually DO look like this.

    Educate yourselves before making stupid remarks."

    Uhm yeah sure.. except for the fact that these are 2 inches below her crotch and short sleeved they're exactly the same! ._.

  17. ummm ya I'm sure the Russian school girls in the 80's didn't wear uniforms this short... and I don't like Japanese school girl crap or anything really Japanese...except sushi, school uniforms to me are knee length pleated skirt, blazer and sweater, not maid or "sailor" outfits.
