
October 01, 2010

Sims 3: Artistry Redux - Replacements for All 1,580 Paintings by Plum

Download at The Grown-Ups are Lying


  1. These are really cool..even if I don't technically "Play"'s still good to have these available in game.

    Love all the images!

  2. I'd heard of someone trying to do this like months and months ago. Don't know if it's the same person, but still kind of cool.

    I'll download. I don't make Artists too much anymore, but it's interesting.

  3. I wish they were additions to the painting repertoire, not replacements. No matter what the paintings are, it gets boring to see the same ones over and over.

  4. 100MB?
    Okay, I can do this.

  5. ^^ Yes, but in the blog it says that originally there were only 158 paintings, just different filters were used on it for different traits. I think the person actually replaced all 1580 paintings, so there are different paintings for different traits.

    It would take a while to see all of those different paintings.

  6. I'm currently downloading the gallery to see each and every one. It takes a long time to download... I've been waiting about a half hour now (that's for the gallery not the actual sims 3 object), but I wanted to see what they replace before I added them.

  7. It must have took a long time to make this. First I've ever seen. Is it the first? DOH! STUPID CHARLIE (me :p)

  8. Wow just got through going through all of them. You get a much better variety with these than you do with the game which uses the same paintings over and over. I have to have these just for the variety and the genius kitty paintings alone. <3 kitties!

  9. This is so cool! I was getting tired of my Sims painting the same thing over and over. This will mix it up a bit!

    Love it!

  10. LOVE. These are gorgeous paintings. I was getting sick of just having a few paintings run through some basic photoshop filters, this is amazing and much needed. THANK YOU! <3

  11. I cant seem to download the gallery file from rapidshare.

  12. Great job on even completing this! This is a huge task to undertake, congrats on completing it!

  13. This.. Is a must have. o.o ... I am SO GLAD! someone finally did this! Now I won't have to be so picky about what traits an artist has, because they'll always paint something cool instead of squares, or weirdness.

  14. Wow, I was worried about how you'd preview it and was considering making an image for MS3B, but I had to go to bed, and you went and made images of a couple of descriptions. That was really nice of you, Joe! Thanks!

    I'm glad people like it. I was kind of worried people would be like "You seriously wasted your time with this?" and like four people would download it. I, personally, really like having it in my game.

    I am currently working on the issue with the gallery not being available. I'm breaking it into three parts to put on Mediafire.

  15. Downloaded and loving the variety of new paintings - thanks :)

  16. I love this download. Really. You have no clue how awesome I think this is.
