
October 02, 2010

Sunrise Moon ~ Layered Skirt by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun


  1. Love this! I'd love to see a full length version of this too, kind of gypsy-ish.

  2. D: It's a little blurry and odd to wear with some blouses.

  3. A little blurry? More like seriously blurry.

  4. This is adorable! ♥

  5. This is gorgeous Anubis! I don't think this is blurry at all!

    This is excellent work! Lovely! Keep up the wonderful work!

  6. Anonymous said...
    "D: It's a little blurry and odd to wear with some blouses."

    Anonymous said...
    "A little blurry? More like seriously blurry."

    Your mom's blurry

  7. How is that even an insult? Epic FAIL.

  8. That wasn't an insult,asshole,that
    was called "constructive criticism".

    Oh,wait,I forgot that on this blog you are not allowed to criticize Anubis in any way.

    You must wuv every single creation.

  9. Since when is saying that a texture is blurry an insult? Epic FAIL.

  10. The blog said it can't be used with patterns, so as cute as the mesh is, I'll pass for the moment.

  11. Yeah, it would be much better with patterns.

  12. It's so boring. For one, I don't like tiered skirts, and for another, the texture of it just looks, as the others have said, low-quality and blurry. Plus, no patterns? I'll pass, thanks anyway.

  13. Since when is saying that a texture is blurry an insult?

    They were most likely talking about the "Your mom" comment.

  14. Either way, when I see this all I can think is "progress". The sooner people become more comfortable with making unique meshes rather than painted on shirts like certain creators, the better.

  15. ^ My thoughts exactly!

  16. Could you atleast make the color presets colorful for the non shiny skirt? and why the hell did you combine pink and orange in the shiny skirt? you might as well literally stab my eyes. are you like angry at the world or something? please, i could think of a lot more pleasant outlets to release your anger safely where no one gets hurt.

  17. Anonymous said...

    How is that even an insult? Epic FAIL.

    epic annoying anon!

  18. Love love love the design, wish it could be patterned. Please make 3/4 and full length versions! Kids and toddler versions too!

  19. Versions for kids and teens would be awesome. I like the sherbet-y colors of the shiny version. They're good summer colors.

  20. Theres already a teen skirt like this on tsr. the skirt is fully patternable, except the middle layer.

  21. Well, you can use patterns, but I don't recomend the use of them. I don't want to hear comments like "This would be lovely with polka dots!" or something XD I just want to be honest with you, that's it.
    The shiny version looks really nice in-game as swimwear! The "blurriness" is not as noticeable outside with sunlight as it looks in these studio pics.

  22. cute mesh, fugly textures.

  23. First third-party custom content clothing I've ever found worth downloading. I'm not a pattern kind of person for something like this, so I find it perfect just the way it is-- THANK YOU for creating a custom mesh as opposed to the flat CC clothes that look like stuff from Sims 1.

  24. I dislike the textures up-close, but in motion they look pretty decent. Not a fan of the style but that's not really the fault of the content.

  25. I don't like the style at all. Well, that's not entirely true. It looks a lot better with real outfits than with the bikini tops. Still not a fan.

  26. This would be lovely with polkadots!

  27. Weirdly, this skirt was really popular in Japan last year. My friend owns several.
