
October 02, 2010

Supermodels - Naomi Campbell by Audrey

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Um...this doesn't look much like Naomi Campbell.

  2. I think it resembles her but it's a good Sim none the less.

  3. Better keep the cell phone from her....yeah I said it!!LOL

  4. Beautiful sim but it's not Naomi.

  5. If you look at the pics of real naomi and this naomi...the facial structures were recreated very well, but somehow it still just doesn't look like her. despite this creator doing a great job on the nose and mouth. I think maybe she just does not translate to sim very well :/

  6. ^It's something about the way Audrey does her Sims...almost every single one of her celebrity Sims are off in a big way.

  7. She's so pretty. Doesn't look like Naomi though.

  8. Yeah, I agree, she's a pretty sim, but not Naomi.

    I wish EA would code more facial and eye structures. Right now, it's hard to get some faces different without using mods.

  9. The dress in the first pic doesn't have proper morphs. :/

  10. Really pretty Sim. Did they give her the "mean-spirited" and "likes to party" traits? And coke?

  11. All I see is a pretty black chick who is not Naomi Campbell.

  12. Oooh! Now my sims have someone to be assaulted with a blackberry by.
    If I squint at the first pic, I can definetely get the gist of Naiomi, but I don't think that cuts it

  13. *Naomi, sorry. :)

  14. I don't see Naomi but she is very lovely. I really like that emerald dress!

  15. Naomi Campbell has a very unique face structure. You either nail it or you don't and this didn't. This doesn't look like her AT ALL. I wouldn't even believe she was Naomi Campbell's sister. A cousin maybe...

  16. Tyra Banks won't even have anything to do with Naomi Campbell. ...

  17. doesn't look anything like naomi but she is a pretty model

  18. Pretty sim, but yeah I had no idea who she was. Did not recognize her as Naomi.

  19. It's a lovely sim but doesn't look much at all like the real thing. There are definite resemblance points but overall meh.

  20. i don't recommend you download this sim unless you plan on getting rid of the green gown with the roses - that's one of Rose's dresses, and if you have it on your computer, then every female sim will shower with that dress on. and the dress itself has two giant spike things coming out of the front. it really is too bad, since the dress would otherwise be lovely.

  21. She does not use facial masks the way many people do. So its more difficult to get them to look identical. But I would take a sim like this over the overly facial masked ones I see ANYDAY! At least if she has babies they will look like her. I really get tired of creators who use facial masks telling others it doesn't 'cut it'. Not fair.
