
October 25, 2010

Ulker Hair Fashionista 10

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. after her last hair i am sooo not running to get this one.

  2. I always find it suspicious when creators don't show what the back of a hairstyle looks like.

  3. ^Me too. And Ulker's hairs are notoriously bad, with a very few exceptions.

    This looks...okay. Better than most EA hairs but still not great. I like the way the hair is tucked back (at least at this angle) but the part looks odd.

  4. It looks gorgeous though nevertheless. Wonders about the back, bit suspicious...

  5. Don't install as Sims3Pack, it will disappear. I have to convert her hairs as .package files because after using it for a week, it will disappear from the game.

    Sort of have an expiration date, maybe?

  6. I like this, but I cannot trust Ulker's hairs.

  7. Why can't you trust them? Whats wrong with them? O.o

  8. O_o so thats what happened to all other ulkers's hair?? i had them as sims3 pack and now i cant not find theme in CAS

  9. wow hair. anubis pls retexture!!!

  10. When they don't show the back of a hair, it's safe to assume it looks bad. Assumption made.

  11. Isabel, they always have some problem with them.
    1) The back could look like shit
    2) The texture is horrid
    3) They always disappear for no particular reason.

  12. Looks like the one with the band in the hair. Not gonna get it.

  13. Also, Ulker doesn't use the correct mesh comments (making her hairs move with the eye corner height slider) and she also doesn't do her bone assignments properly.

  14. I really like the hairstyle. I just wish they didn't clip into the back with various head movements. On the ones where Ulker actually assigned bone assignments, anyhow. The textures themselves are fine, but way too dark.


    I'm pretty sure its the same hair.
    PS: The same creator of the above sim uses tsr pay cc not yet up on the booty.

  16. ^ I think it's not the same hair.

  17. ^It looks to be the same hair (picture 2 shows it better). The hair accessory is something separate. It's also used in another hair the sim is wearing.

  18. The textures look just fine. I'd download for sure it if wasn't Ulker's.

  19. How disappointing. Tried installing the sim for the hair. The file is over 12 MB in size. And despite that, the hair doesn't get installed separately. It's just the sim itself. Where is all of the file size sitting?

  20. ^ If you check in the Launcher under Installed Content, the separate files should be there. If they don't show up at the top, they'll be at the bottom of the list.

  21. 'she also doesn't do her bone assignments properly.'

    she doesn't even do freaking bone assignments, and then gets all defensive when people ask her to do that, or when they tell her it's not the best hair in the freaking world.

    The style is nice, but it's Ulker, so yea :P

  22. I agree. I like the style, but calling Ulker's hair flawed is being kind. They're a mess.

  23. Looks like one of her other hairs, only without the accessory.

  24. I did check the launcher under installed content :) All that showed up was the sim. They're usually at the top (when installing it and immediately going to installed conent), but I checked the bottom as well to be sure. And it as not there as well. As I had not closed the launcher, they shouldn't have been in the middle anywhere either.

    It definitely did not install the hair :-/ I've checked this by checking out my hair in-game for anything new just in case it did get mixed in out of some strange installation behavior (EA do something odd? Nevar!). And it does not show up. The file also kept downloading instantly instead of it taking a while like it usually does if it's more than 2 MB, which also leads me to believe that it's giving a false number for the file size and not giving any of the CC with the sim, just the sim itself.

  25. It's nice, it looks pretty much like Ulker's 3 and 1 though. And I agree, I'd like to see the back of it :)

  26. ^You should use Delphy's Custard tool instead of installing the Sim in the Launcher to try to get the hair.

    With Custard, you can open up the .sims3pack and see what all is included. Then you can just uncheck everything but the hair and then go to File and Save it.

  27. Thanks :) I'll give that a try

  28. Do we have a sim link with this hair?
    I don't see it in the posts..
