
November 27, 2010

Abercrombie Classic Shirt-Tucked by terriecason

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. The moose!

    My favorite brand! (:

  2. This is incredibly pointless and a waste of space. I am willing to bet it took longer to make the ugly previews of this than it took to stick that tiny logo on that base game shirt.

    And it looks better logoless.

  3. ^ My thoughts exactly. It took two seconds to slap that stupid moose on there, and the price of the shirt IRL would have gone up by about $80.

  4. ^ Like real life - pay silly prices for a logo - why do people like to pay ridiculous amounts to become a walking advert?

  5. "^ Like real life - pay silly prices for a logo - why do people like to pay ridiculous amounts to become a walking advert?"

    Because the media tells you to lol

  6. Seconding Anon #2. This is so pointless.

  7. That shouldn't be a moose, it should be a sheep.

  8. WOW,this is something that any 11 year old could have done,please explain to me,MTS2,how this is "quality"?

  9. Actually folks,

    I didn't just "slap" a logo on the featured shirt. The shirt with the vertical lines on it is not a pattern but the shirt itself. It took quite some time to make the lines on this shirt appear correctly and to allow them to be recolorable on three channels...

    It is sad that instead of giving a measure of thanks to someone who has taken the time to add some versatility to the game freely, you find it's more productive to be unnecessarily cruel :(

    To those who appreciate the effort, I thank you graciously :)


  10. Isn't there already a vertical striped pattern in the game though?

  11. Yeah. There's several EA and CC striped patterns that would work just as well. They can be recolored just as easily as this shirt can.

    And why didn't you focus on your striping if that was the main 'feature'. You focus on that stupid moose logo, that is, quite frankly, very easy to add to any shirt.

    Finally, while this might have impressed some of us in June/July '09, in November of 2010, I, at least, and I am sure other anons as well, are really looking for new meshes. Not, recolors of existing base game clothing. And for the most part new 3rd party meshes are rare, or low quality, which means most of the CC clothing I use is from EA's store.

  12. "And why didn't you focus on your striping if that was the main 'feature'. You focus on that stupid moose logo, that is, quite frankly, very easy to add to any shirt."

    My focus was simple to present the Abercrombie Classic Shirt. I mentioned the work pertaining to the vertical lines on the shirt so that one would understand that I did not just put a logo on an existing shirt.

    "I am sure other anons as well, are really looking for new meshes. Not, recolors of existing base game clothing. And for the most part new 3rd party meshes are rare, or low quality..."

    I would be very interested in seeing the meshes and custom content you've created. Being so critical of others work you must be a pro :)

  13. "Isn't there already a vertical striped pattern in the game though?"

    Yes hon, there are many vertical striped patterns that can be used which is why I submitted the second shirt for those who wanted to use a different pattern on it. However, if you use one of these patterns on a shirt like this the pattern on the collar will appear vertical as well. This shirt does not have vertical lines on the collar :)

  14. "I would be very interested in seeing the meshes and custom content you've created. Being so critical of others work you must be a pro :)"

    Different anon, but I was trying to like you until you said this.

    Film critics don't make films, does this mean they can't critizise films? Same with TV critics, book critics, music critics, video-game critics, and oh, critics of custom content. I know how to create textures for clothing, so I feel I'm okay to say adding lines and a logo to a texture does not make a good piece of custom content.

    Which is precisely what the other anon said.

    Your argument is flawed and stupid, now go make something worth while or come back with a better response other than "OMG LET'S SEE U DO BETTAR!!!1ONE".

  15. Way to get pissy, creator!

    A logo and some stripes (which you could have had a much easier time doing, by the way, if you just made a pattern) are not hard to do. You pride in making the collar unstriped is unfounded, as that's as simple as creating a new CAST map, which also makes the collar recolorable. It's a base game shirt, the logo should have taken five minutes, and anyone with a copy of Photoshop (or even GIMP) could have done this. You didn't even bother to make the moose a stencil, which is why all your previews are on light-colored shirts.

    Falling back on the "Well, where's your fantastic shit" argument isn't wise. It's fallacious in the first place, as one doesn't need to be able to create to see the quality of a piece of CC. Even minimal knowledge of the creative process is still ample to be able to make a judgment on how little effort this should have taken. As for your implication that none of us have created anything (therefore making our criticism invalid), that's simply not true. Many anons here are creators themselves, and many of us of have created CC for personal use.

    Besides, white knighting yourself certainly isn't doing you any favors in the public opinion arena. I'm willing to bet that if you didn't storm in here like a self-righteous asshole, this would have gotten maybe six comments. Creator drama exponentially increases the amount of negative posts, and any work from you in the future is probably going to reference your attitude problem here.

    Just so you know. You seem new here.

  16. "I would be very interested in seeing the meshes and custom content you've created. Being so critical of others work you must be a pro :)"

    *is anon this was addressed to*

    I'm primarily a 'fixer'. I was the anon who 'fixed' lemonleaf's eyeliner so that people who didn't have WA could still use it. And I made posters when the game was new and there wasn't too much variety. I've also done similar things to this. I've shared one 'clothing retexture' it wasn't displayed here though, and I don't think it should be featured as I considered it a 'fix', and not anything 'new'. I also did that one as a request. I've made a couple others for personal use. I haven't shared them, because I'm not conceited enough to think others are going to want something so simple. I've also edited a few xml mods for personal use.

    All of this stuff is easy.

    I'm also not going to link to anything I've done and posted (non-anonymously) as I don't think the people here care.

  17. ^^ don't have to be so harsh, do ya? dang

  18. Please understand that my comments were not posted to criticize any creators work nor was I asking anyone to do better than I or white knighting myself :(

    When I wrote that I would be interested in seeing the work of one Anon I hadn't mentioned anything in my post denouncing his/her work only that I would be interested in viewing it. For all I know this person may be exceptionally talented. I can appreciate that people have various taste and understand that creations are not going to be liked by everyone. I suppose I created drama the moment I submitted my inital post. I will remember not to repeat this error in the future. I'd like to sincerely apologize to anyone I have offended.

    Best wishes and my regards,

  19. I am not a creator, but it's funny how these creators are attacking this person and being a coward by posting anonymously.

    If you're a creator like you claim, then please post under your username instead of acting self-righteous and cowardly behind the anonymous tag.

    MS3B was right when he posted a few months back that so many of the anon comments weren't from random anons, but they were from creators hiding and being vicious. I'm willing to bet that the harshest comments come from creators who feel superior by putting down others' work.

    With that said, I don't much care for the shirt either. But thanks for making it, I'm sure someone will want it.

  20. There is a difference between criticizing a creator and telling him/her how to improve and slinging vitriol and attacks at a creator just because you can.

    Most of what is on this thread is the latter. Hell, most of what is said on just about any thread here is the latter. Don't for one second try to disguise it as criticizing; because you and anyone else can see exactly what you're doing.

  21. "MS3B was right when he posted a few months back that so many of the anon comments weren't from random anons, but they were from creators hiding and being vicious. I'm willing to bet that the harshest comments come from creators who feel superior by putting down others' work."

    He was referring to creators attacking themselves in order to get sympathetic comments, or to defend themselves. And I'm not a 'known' creator. You wouldn't recognize my username, unless you're a creepy stalker who keeps tabs on everyone who has ever done anything TS3 related, posted here or not. And, you're anon too.

  22. By the way, just so the creator knows, smiley faces are pretty much read as the universal passive-aggressive "fuck you" when ending an argument.

    Thus, writing "being so critical of others work you must be a pro :)," and calling someone "hun," will be read in a patronizing (if not sarcastic), overly sweet kind of voice. Which, by the way, I'm certain was your intention, despite your protests otherwise. Though you apologized, please don't pretend like you were being sincere. It's somewhat insulting.

    However, I do take back most of my criticism, having looked at the rest of your work. I didn't realize that your niche was putting recognizable brand names on meshes available from CTU. I think you could really improve by putting a bit more detail into the base texture though, to make it more your own. And you would save a lot of time by simply making new patterns, which are super easy to do, especially since you seem to have a fondness for stripes.

  23. The reason why there are so many anonymous posts on here can be explained fairly easily;,people are afraid to post their actual opinions under their registered identity.

    Noone wants to get a reputation like Shivar,and it seems like if you don't squeal and crap your pants over every item uploaded by certain popular creators you are a dirty dog and will get flamed and attacked.

    Meanwhile,it is ok to create 101 comments devoted to how shitty an item is,if the creator is either old and unpopular,they uploaded their creation to a site with a shifty reputation,or are a new creator who uploaded their first item and needs time to improve.

    The bias in The Sims community towards certain creators and websites is just flat out wrong,how are new creators supposed to emerge when they are being attacked on this blog?

    Oh,and to the people who are sure to attack my grammar/spelling to make themselves feel intelligent I have two words in advance for you;

  24. Oh,and as the kiddies on here like to accuse,I am not a butthurt creator from a paysite,I don't even make CC,I just observe the goings on in the community.

  25. I post as anon because I don't have a google account or openID, and I have no intention of making either just to appease some conceited twat who seems to know everything about every anon that has ever existed.

    You may be wondering, "Why not the name/url option?" well, dear, that's because it's ridiculously easy to steal identities when people do that, and I rather like my identity mine and mine only.

  26. I think you guys are missing the big picture of what TerriCason has created. Yes, it may be an EA mesh, but look at the pin striping. If she were to just apply a vertical stripe *pattern* to the shirt, then the edges would not be as lined up and smooth as she/he has them. Also, look at the collar of her shirt, as the creator pointed out those stripes wrap around the collar horizontally. If you were to apply a horizontal pattern to the color, you still would not get the sharp, clean look that terriecason has given us. Have any of you actually tried to line up stripes on any piece of CC? It's incredible time consuming, and I applaud the creator for obviously spending a lot of time on the shirt texture.

    And also, this shirt has a custom bumpmap, in case you didn't notice.

    Instead of saying this is easy, this sucks, anyone could have done this. Simply say, "I appreciate the effort, but {insert criticism}". Or if you can't be "critical" without being "vicious", simply say "not my taste, but thanks anyways".

    The majority of the creators out here don't get paid and do stuff in their free time. We create stuff that we like and share with others who may want it. If you don't like the item, move on! But, at least appreciate that there are people making content out there, for free.

    Most of you will tl;dr this, so I don't know why I bothered to type all that. Just needed to get my opinion across.

  27. I agree with you Daluved1. By the way I love your tuts!

    Anyway, not only is it time consuming to make a custom mesh but it is also very time consuming to retexture an object,clothes, accessories, ect.

    I'm not saying people don't have a right to their opinion but I think it's incredibly pompous of them to say an item is easy to make when they don't know how long it actually takes to make these kinds of things because they have never tried and or succeeded. Constructive criticism people. Look it up!

  28. Way to get pissy, creator!

    ^ They're part of MTS, it's basically in their blood to be idiotic *and* self-righteous.
