
November 12, 2010

Anacondo - 20br, 48ba by Shoosh Malooka

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. 48 fricking bathrooms?! Too much crap for me.

  2. How utterly useless.

  3. Looks nice, I guess, but it seems like it would be really unplayable. And just way way bigger than it needs to be. 48 bathrooms, but only 20 bedrooms? Come on now.

  4. Is there a reason every single apartment is decorated? Is this supposed to be a ridiculously shaped mansion? A functional lot? A commuinty lot? Solely for taking pictures? A misguided attempt at making a LN apartment? What is it?

  5. ^ It's intended for 24 sims if you don't have Late Night, which the creator does not.

  6. My computer is exploding just thinking about this lot...

  7. In apartment lots you don't need to decorate every single space, as you just need to put an special object that tags them as an functional NPC apartment.

    Why is all those lots decorated? I suppose the game automatically at the beds/bathroom/sinks to each NPC that lives on it. Or am I wrong?

  8. Loath as I am to agree with Shivar, he has a point. This is a computer-killing lot. With or without LN.

  9. ^ You're right about the special objects but the game doesn't add furniture to NPC apartments. IF you go to the actual page where this lot is for download, you will find out that this creator doesn't have Late Night and so made an "apartment" for sim players who want to occupy the building with 24 of their own sims.

  10. In the last picture, the little sim is like, 'wtf am I doing here?'.

  11. This would be sooo unbelievably awesome if it were an actual LN apartment complex

  12. Controlling 24 Sims AT THE SAME TIME is just insane, no matter what system you have as no way in hell can you multitask that.

  13. This is really stupid. Even with LN, you can't have 24 families live on the same lot. And there's no way to do that without LN either.

  14. What's wrong with it? I think it's great because I've been looking for a place for my ridiculously large family to live. (it'd also be great for challenges, how long can you control 24 sims!)

    "This is really stupid. Even with LN, you can't have 24 families live on the same lot. And there's no way to do that without LN either."

    There are mods you know....

  15. The amount of work/time and architectural design has to be credited here! This is amazing, although it is probably a game killer!

  16. I've done a 8 apatment building and at this I'm in aw,LOL! This was a lot of work.
