
November 02, 2010

Anto 55 Converted by TumTum Simiolino

Download at My Blue Book

File names:

Man-V's version here
Thanks, Anon:)


  1. I think Man-V did this, but it had that awful face shine.

  2. My selfsim will need this. Thank you!!

  3. Woah... what happened to the comments?

  4. MS3B deleted them because of all the trolling and flaming.

    It's really sad how people abuse this blog. MS3B takes time out of his work and life to post updates and people can't even respect him enough to act like they have any sense of decency or decorum, which gives MS3B more work to clean up their messes.

  5. Huh, well anyway...

    Great-looking hair. One of my favorite short styles. Thanks, Tum.

  6. I wish this was for males as well.

  7. The issue of having to delete comments like that could be avoided if he would turn off anon commenting. Then I think the majority of the flaming would stop. when people have to actually be identified and some what accountable for what they are doing silliness tends to cease.

  8. Yes, then the kind people that share links to pay hair would be eliminated in the process and everybody wins. Oh wait.

  9. ^ Lol, I agree.

    Not all Anons are bad. I bear no grudges.

  10. That argument about payfiles is one of the most useless I've come across. PMBD & GOS are far more established for sharing pay files and better at it/for it. If you aren't here reading every comment every hour on the hour how would you know when a pay file was being shared? And how is it even kept track of? There is no directory or way to keep it organized.


  11. Thanks Tum it looks great.

  12. Yeah I love waiting a month or more for Newsea hair when I can get it within hours thanks to the lovely Anonymous person or people who share it here.

  13. your total disregard for the point that you have to check ALL comments constantly to know when these hairs are being shared and in which comment threads shows your total lack of validation in your argument.

    TSR Trackers?

  14. ^Just come the next day and check to see if there's a link, no need to refresh the page every second.

  15. Can't believe this hasn't been mentioned yet, but that toddler is adorable. THOSE GIANT EYEEEEES

  16. The last toddler is super cute. I thought it was a boy though. I hope this hair gets converted for males too, and that last toddler is made available for download!

  17. Whoa, it's not a boy!?

  18. He is a boy...As you can see in my post for toddler and child the hair is for both genders...Not females only :p

  19. Very nice hair Tum Tum! I needed some new nice short hair in my game since I'm getting rid of some old ones I don't even use. I'll have to download this hair when I get off work today.

    Thank you for your hard work and contributions!

  20. Anon comments need to stay, because anytime anyone with a name says anything critical about CC, valid or not, every other commenter turns on them. As a result, signed commenters rarely have the balls (excluding Fender, LME, Shivar, and Robold) to give some honest feedback. Otherwise, this will turn into MTS, where not kissing a creators ass in their comments section will get you banned.

  21. I wonder if tum is sexy like his male models...everytime I see them I just get so excited
