
November 25, 2010

Have a Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving:)


  1. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, but Happy Thanksgiving to everybody who does :)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! :D

  3. Jill the ripper? More like Jill the stripper. Amirite?

  4. I wish we would celebrate in here too.
    But I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving as well! :}

  5. aWT what does your name stand for? if I may be so bold as to ask.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving Joe, named bloggers, anons, and trolls!

  7. The female equivilant to Jack the Ripper killed illegitimate babies, over 700 were dumped in the River Thames.

    I have no idea why I just said that.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too! :D

  8. Since he's a programmer I assume it's related to Java AWT?

  9. Well, hurray to this Holiday where, within a month of Christmas, we proceed to stuff ourselves in a disgusting manner, most likely being one of the main reasons for the rise in American obesity.


  10. Happy Thanksgiving ms3B!

  11. I'm English and I don't really understand the concept of Thanksgiving, but I hope you Americans have a good one!

    Anyone who comments after me, would you mind explaining Thanksgiving to me?

  12. Thanksgiving is celebrated because of the the Pilgrims and other people that came over on the Mayflower, making peace with the Native Americans. (I think. If I'm wrong, please don't go off on me about what an idiot I am.)

  13. Thanks for the explanation =] I've always wondered.

    God I wish we had Thanksgiving over here, well actually it depends, do you get days off school for Thanksgiving??

  14. Canadians like me had thanksgiving a while ago, but happy thanksgiving to you Americans! :D

  15. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving! I am stuffed already. :)

  16. Love you Canadians! Happy late Thanksgiving to you (since yours was already celebrated)!

    -From, An American

    And Trina, kids in school and in college get days off for Thanksgiving.

  17. Happy Thanksgiving everyone that's in the US! And Happy belated to those in Canada. Have a good day, everyone.

  18. Ironically, the original pilgrims were British!! This was well before the US Revolutionary War. The pilgrims who survived a very nasty winter the year before were thankful and they invited the natives who taught them how to grow new crops. So essentially it is a harvest celebration. We are supposed to eat native foods, like Turkey and pumpkin. While it is an American holiday, it can also be a time to celebrate harvests all over the world.

    As for eating too much and adding to obesity, it is possible to limit how much you eat. Turkey is not unhealthy and neither are veggies or white potatoes. While I have witnessed some over eating on Thanksgiving day, its a personal choice. The obesity in America is more due to lack of exercise (computer and video gaming?), fast food (McDonalds), and the overabundance of corn syrup in all our processed foods. It is NOT due to Thanksgiving. LOL I find that hilarious though that one would say fresh meats and veggies are the cause of obesity.

  19. @ Trina:
    A lot of places let their workers have Thursday (and some Friday, too) off. I do have a couple of buddies working today, but they both volunteered for the extra hours. The number of people working today is greatly outweighed by those not, at least where I live.

  20. Happy Thanksgiving Joe.

  21. Thanksgiving was started as the sharing of peace between the pilgrims & the Indians but it's evolved into a national holiday where everyone gets together with family and has a big feast

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody :)

  22. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! and yes it's a must have

  23. Happy Thanksgiving to all who participate.

  24. C'mon peeps! It's Thanksgiving and your all talking about obesity. Please let me enjoy my pumpkin pie in peace and be thankful! LOL!

  25. Happy Thanksgiving Americans!
    Got to celebrate mine last month. Enjoy that pumpkin pie for me!

  26. Didn't british pilgrims kill all the natives after that?

  27. How do you guys know the owner of this blog's name is Joe?
    I don't see his name anywhere...

  28. Happy Thanksgiving! I enjoyed my feast with my family and I'm still not obese! YAY

  29. Happy thanksgiving to all the simmers!!!!!

  30. I'm So Wishing I Was American Right Now! I'm Sitting My Exams And I Just Wish We Had A Few Days Off, I'm Super Stressed!
