
November 21, 2010

New Clothing for Adult & Teen Females by Rusty Nail

Download at Rusty Nail




  1. Some of this is nice and some is sorta, flat.

    But I like it all in all! :)

  2. ^ Agreed. Nice styles, but some of it looks WAY too drawn-on. More detailed meshes would really help these out a ton.

  3. Ever since LN, I've been really digging some of Rusty Nails styles for my fashionista sims.

  4. The models look very realistic from the bottom down. Their faces look like cartoons though.

  5. Loving the long teen dresses. Thanks Rusty!

  6. I can't do better because I've never tried but that doesn't mean it is good or that I like it. I am not a superstar chef either but I know when something tastes like crap.

  7. "I can't do better because I've never tried but that doesn't mean it is good or that I like it. I am not a superstar chef either but I know when something tastes like crap."

    Ah but that's not what you said. You didn't just say: This is crap. You pretended to know how to make clothes and you acted like you could do it better. If you can't make these clothes, dear, and do it better, please refrain from making yourself look like an arsehole ;) Thanks.

  8. I'm agreeing with what most other people have said. The last two dresses are nice but for the most part these clothes don't fit with the game well.

    Any creator should be open to suggestions and advice, there's nothing wrong with what anon said.

  9. "Any creator should be open to suggestions and advice, there's nothing wrong with what anon said."

    Thing is... I'm not a creator. I'm a troll. Creators should be open to advice, yes, but it pisses me off something chronic when it comes from someone who doesn't mesh or texture. If you're gonna be told how to be a master chef, it shouldn't be from some snot-nosed 12 year old on their computer, it should be from someone who has been cooking for years and has their own restaurant, right? ;) Creators here cut way too much slack from bullshit anons. If only the creators really knew who was critiquing them... The horror!

  10. I agree that you don't have to be a creator to know when something doesn't look good and you should freely give your opinion, but unless you know how to mesh, you shouldn't be telling a creator that s/he needs to learn how to do it. Meshing is not something that is easy and in the time you're wasting to tell a creator to "learn how to mesh," why don't YOU learn how to mesh instead and then come back and tell us how it was?

    If Rusty were a pay creator, then yeah, I'd agree with comments about learning how to mesh. If you're going to force people to pay for your content, it doesn't need to be generic and it needs to be the best. However, free creators create out of their own free time and for the love of the game, and telling a free creator to learn more about meshing when you yourself aren't doing it is very demanding and hypocritical. Free creators have no obligations toward you and you therefore shouldn't be setting the bar so high for something when you could just as easily attempt to learn meshing yourself. Creators aren't your slaves.

  11. ^ Thank you. That's exactly what I was trying to say. So eloquently put!

  12. "I agree that you-OMGUSELESS-WALL-OF-BUTTHURT"

    Honestly, there has been some very good advice from multiple people here on how to IMPROVE these. And I have no doubt some of the people critiquing DO know how to mesh (you really think everybody is that hypocritical?). No, creators aren't slaves, but they have the option to listen to advice, and the ability to IMPROVE from it.

    With your shabby logic, no 'divine creator' (free or for pay) should ever listen to any advice, as long as they're nice enough to share any rubbish they happen to shit-out on to the rest of us lowly peons. Honestly, these meshes need work. If you can't bare to accept that, it's only your shortcoming.

  13. ^ Okay, point made... quite expertly. As long as advice isn't just pointless complaining, I agree that it should be taken into account. I hope Rusty Nail takes the advice on the meshes.

  14. yeah, considering how drawn-on some of these look, they almost look more fitting to be in TS1.

    there just needs to be more detail on the meshes around the ends of sleeves, and for the large wrinkles etc, and I think these will look quite decent.

  15. The dresses look absolutely gorgeous in the game. The shading is very nice and so are the meshes. Thank you Rusty. These are perfect, no choppiness around the seams like 99% of the stuff so far. I just love them!

  16. These dresses loook quite nice, but I wouldn't use them.

  17. "With your shabby logic, no 'divine creator' (free or for pay) should ever listen to any advice, as long as they're nice enough to share any rubbish they happen to shit-out on to the rest of us lowly peons. Honestly, these meshes need work. If you can't bare to accept that, it's only your shortcoming."

    With your shabby reading comprehension, you completely missed the point. Nowhere did I say that people shouldn't give any criticism. There is a difference between giving criticism, which people should give if it's their opinion, and basically saying that a creator should learn more about meshing when you do not know what that entails or what you are talking about. It's true that you don't have to be a mesher to know that something looks bad, but you DO need to know something about meshing in order to give meshing advice.

    Also, save your "butthurt" weak insult because it doesn't apply to me. I'm not butthurt since I'm not a creator. I just realize that creators should get a little more credit for trying, especially when it comes to something as hard as meshing. "Learn how to mesh" is not constructive criticism, nor is it specific enough to help a creator improve his/her body of work. No one is saying you have to accept everything a creator puts out. I have no intention of downloading these clothes and if you don't want them, no one is forcing you to download them either.

    I also was not talking to everyone or calling everyone hypocritical. I was specifically talking about the person that the other anon was responding to-the one who said Rusty needed to learn more about meshing and then later admitted that they couldn't do better because they never tried.

  18. Rusty has proven in the past that she actually can mesh. Asking her to mesh instead of photo-skin isn't 'MEEN'.

  19. Simply because you've never tried to mesh doesn't mean you don't know how it's done. I do a lot of (reasonably terrible) 3D art, so I'm very familiar with how the modeling and texturing process works, but I've never attempted to mesh hair or outfits. Often, knowing the process is enough, but simply noticing that "Gee, the dress looks kinda crappy when dramatic wrinkles are painted onto it" isn't something you need technical knowledge for, especially when you see other meshers add folds into their clothes. You can learn a lot by simply observing what one creator is doing that another isn't, especially when the final product looks better for it.

  20. The dresses are nice in their self, but I dont like photoskinned, they rarely fit with the rest of the game.

  21. i luv Rusty's fashion but the sizes of the files are huge. The day they are made smaller is the day i'll redownload the cc.

  22. "Simply because you've never tried to mesh doesn't mean you don't know how it's done. I do a lot of (reasonably terrible) 3D art, so I'm very familiar with how the modeling and texturing process works, but I've never attempted to mesh hair or outfits. Often, knowing the process is enough, but simply noticing that "Gee, the dress looks kinda crappy when dramatic wrinkles are painted onto it" isn't something you need technical knowledge for, especially when you see other meshers add folds into their clothes. You can learn a lot by simply observing what one creator is doing that another isn't, especially when the final product looks better for it."

    Yeah, but how do they know it's a mesh issue if they've never dealt with 3D programming? Trust me... programming for the Sims isn't as easy as morphing a few shapes in Blender... -_- Unfortunately for me.

  23. The files are no longer huge. The dresses look great. Thanks Rusty.

  24. Does anyone know if there's any difference between the "D" and "D-2" files on the site? I'd like to download the last two adult dresses, but I'm not sure which files to download.

  25. I don't have to know how to build a house to advise someone to learn a bit about electricity before building and wiring their own.

    It's just common sense. If the only way a creator knows to add depth is gawdawful painted on wrinkles, then it might be time for that creator to gently nudge someone in the know and ask for help.

    The whole argument that people need be experts or have any experience with 3D modeling before suggesting a creator look into it is nonsense. If RustyNail was sewing these, you can damn well bet people might be gently suggesting it was time to learn to use the sewing machine better.

    This creator has SO much potential. You diminish that by trying to silence other people's opinion.

  26. I want to like these. I really love the styles of the clothing because they are unlike the stuff we usually see out there. The longer dress is wonderful but the photoskinning is very bad. Defending the badly done wrinkles and drawn on tight sleeves is really not doing this creator any service. It is simply bad and really ruins his/her otherwise wonderful creations.

  27. I like her outfits. The sleeves look a bit "off"..but I can survive that! :)

  28. It's more than just the sleeves. The photoskinned wrinkles and dark shadows (like on the bottom of the teens dress for instance) look horrible. And they no doubt show in every category, swim included

  29. too. damned. photoskinned.

    nice styling on all, but god. i wanted to give these a chance, so i dled them. only to uninstall them because they look so ridiculously flat in-game.

    i still love your underwear, rusty. ♥

  30. some of these are quite nice... not fond of the wrinkly dresses, myself.
    Love his Amazonian models

  31. ATTACK OF THE GIANT SIMS! Anyway,I might download the teen dresses and take a look for myself,I'm desperate for non slutty teen clothes.

  32. Rusty's models are so amazing and great.

  33. This me, LOVING the purple dress! WOW, thanks!! :)

  34. ^This "is" me.^

    And strangely enough, I can see the point of those offering constructive criticism, and those saying that sometimes criticism can go too far. And mostly you were all polite about it, so bonus points to all! :)

    Personally, I think that with sims 3, a heavy hand with the drawn-on details doesn't look very good in game. The graphics are just too good, which makes the photoshopped details look too obvious. A light touch with the photoshopping can produce amazing results, though.

  35. I am tired of the slutty clothes on every site. I am glad to see something normal for a change. I am tired of dressing my sims like hookers. I think these are very nice. I hope they more of the same.

  36. I meant to say I hope they make more of the same.

  37. Love this...Thanks Rusty! <3

  38. Woo.. these designs are looking so beautiful and you really sharing amazing styles of dress.
