
November 28, 2010

New Hair for Teen - Elder Females by Anto

Download at Cool Sims

File name:

Thanks, Imminent Fate:)


  1. looks nice, i´ll give it a try

  2. Oooh I like- Jewell.

  3. What eyes are those? They are gorgeous!

  4. I really hope there are boob morphs.

  5. this is gorgeous! IM IN LOVEEE

  6. can someone upload to mediafire or somthing for me? im unable to download off her site i click the download button and it just goes to a page with all these letters and stuff!


  7. Working fine for me, go pay a decent internet or use a decent browser. hairisgorgeouskthanxbye.

  8. This is an awesome hair! I will have to try it.

  9. Pretty hair and what eyes are those?

  10. agree with anon can someone give another link for the hair?

  11. yeah im using a mac and i cant either, can someone upload to mediafire?

  12. lol go buy a real computer!

  13. Eyes are by LemonLeafs. Just look through all her eyes and you'll find them eventually.

    Nice hair. Wish wehad a clearer shot of the back. Also curious about the poly count.

  14. btw, is there some quick way to tell the polycount of something without needing to pay for milkshape or anything? I hate having to ask all the time. @.@


  16. FIGHT WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. No kidding. Have you even seen those Angelista girls? UGLIEST women in all of Bridgeport. Lola's not any better.

  18. For anyone who wants a Mediafire mirror, here you go:

  19. ^^ thank you so much!
    im gonna marry you

  20. ^^ thank you so much!
    im gonna marry you

  21. "What the hell are you talking about? There's literally nothing on the page except for download information. It mentions nothing about boob morphs or any of the other questions asked."

    It was directed to the ass anon who complained about the sim. And for you, who's also an,it's on the home page:

    "I wanna say sorry for my ugly Sims 3 XD but for me costs like hell doing a pretty face there...."

    Or do I have to draw it so you'll understand?

  22. ty for the mirror, anon!

    and I have firefox and 5mb cable, thanks

  23. Can anyone help?

    I imported packages with s3pe and saved as .dbc in the DCCache folder. I did this and organized several sets of .dbc files (clothing, objects, hair, etc.). However, none showed up when I started up the game! What could be the problem?

  24. Perfect for my Nicki Minaj sim. Thanks

  25. this hair is g o r g e o u s. i'm so glad he has started making sims 3 hair. :)

  26. Just tested it in my game and it is lovely!

  27. "It was directed to the ass anon who complained about the sim. And for you, who's also an,it's on the home page:

    "I wanna say sorry for my ugly Sims 3 XD but for me costs like hell doing a pretty face there...."

    Or do I have to draw it so you'll understand?"

    One, simply apologizing for an "ugly" model on the front page doesn't mean that that anon is no longer allowed to express their opinion about it.

    Two, while I understand and even participate in a fair amount of unprovoked scolding here, you're being a real ass. I do not need a map to know you're being an asshole, or that you think that everyone on the blog is dumber than you. Which I highly doubt is the case, falling back on the age-old assumption that your grammar on the internet is indicative of your intelligence. At least the person calling the model ugly could capitalize properly.

  28. eew hayley forgot to take a shower eeeww

  29. Coolsims' female sim isn't even ugly. I think they're just not used to the sims 3 look. It's kind of hard when you go from CC dense sims 2 sims to more simplistic sims 3 sims. In any case, the female sim he used in this preview looks pretty close to the female sims 2 sim in his banner. I think he's being a bit hard on himself.

  30. I actually like this sim.

  31. Oh this is such good work! Pretty texture and not to mention cute sim :)

  32. Beautiful Hair! Thanks for sharing. How long before you guys run off another creator? :( I think your Sim is lovely! <3

  33. Love this!! Thanks for sharing! Love the texture!

  34. YAY! Finally a Sims 3 Anto hair :D

  35. Nice.....'running to download now'.........

  36. .........i don't understand...did that anon direct something towards me? "ew hayley forgot to take a shower eeww"

    how does that even make any sense?

  37. ^ Because you're using a name so the 12 year olds on here will make fun of you to be "funny". It's best just to ignore 'em.

  38. Actually Hayley if you plan on posting often, you should make a Blogger account before the idiots start impersonating you.

  39. I really like this hair, very pretty and sophisticated.

  40. "One, simply apologizing for an "ugly" model on the front page doesn't mean that that anon is no longer allowed to express their opinion about it. "

    Who cares? The sims isn't even for download. It's not what's being offered, so bashing the sim is really stupid.

    I may be an ass too, but at least I know what's being offered, and therefore what we should be complimenting or giving some feedback. It's not the sim, but the hair. Get it?

    I don't think or act like people are being dumber than me, that's what you may think. And thinking that grammar on the internet is indicative of your intelligence is real stupid. English isn't even my first language so I do make lots of grammar mistake. If you have to go towards grammar to help that stupid anon, you're being really stupid too.

  41. "yeah im using a mac and i cant either, can someone upload to mediafire?"

    Your being an idiot has nothing to do with the computer you're on, so stop lumping the rest of us Mac users with you. It works just fine in Safari and Firefox.

  42. Pardon my glib. I was being facetious when I implied that internet grammar is an accurate measure of intelligence. However, calling someone stupid for not going to the front page of an external link to find out that Anto is self-conscious about their model isn't much smarter.

    Mind you, I'm not agreeing with nor advocating their statement, but if you've been on the blog for more than ten posts, you'll notice it's more or less the blog culture to go ridiculously off-topic. Just be glad she was at least talking about something relevant to the post, rather than catty gossip about other users, politics, or farts.

    I can see the humor in white-knighting an anon I don't particularly like, versus you white-knighting Anto, who doesn't seems unlikely to read this blog, nor the posts defending their honor. The issue at hand for me is that you're telling other users they're not allowed to express their opinion on anything but the hair in question, when half the fun of the blog is laughing (or often fighting) with other users about presentation choices and models. Precisely who are you to tell us to change that?

  43. "Precisely who are you to tell us to change that?"

    I never told anyone to change it. I only said people who do it is an ass. And so are you.

  44. "when half the fun of the blog is laughing (or often fighting) with other users about presentation choices and models. Precisely who are you to tell us to change that?"

    Yeah, only if you're a troll out to ruin this blog.

  45. ^It's only fun if you have no fucking life and the only way you can get your kicks is to fight with people on the internet who you don't know or derail threads with your ignorant carrying-on. What a shame that anyone would take the only thing to keep you going away from you and your fellow idiots, many of which have multiple personalities.

    Grow up, go out into the world, and stop acting so immature. Some of us come to read comments and issues about the hair or whatever item is being offered for download, not to see your wankfest of poor attempts at humor and wit to give your own life meaning.

    It is also very disrespectful to MS3B to flood the comments with your arguments, trolling, and flaming. You are clearly abusing the fact that he allows anonymous commenting. There are plenty of other sites for you to get your immature kicks. Go find one.

    This hair is really nice. The texture is great, and it looks to me like it is one of the better hairs with bangs. So, thanks Anto.

  46. I like this hair much more for TS3 than for TS2 :P
    Thanks Anto! ♥

    PS: Have you tested it in-game? Because I have retextured it and the bangs have a little issue, there's a line that gets more visible when you zoom out:
    It happens with Anto's original version too. Maybe it's my game, does this happen to you too?
    Thanks ^-^

  47. i don't know why are lots of people complaining about the model. raonjena's models are waaaaay uglier

  48. Anubis, must be you because I have not such issue.

  49. Don't know why people pick on weird things. I personally like the model a lot, and this is about the hair not about the model people!

  50. Wow, this is gorgeous! I loved his creations for TS2 and I'm glad he is now creating for TS3 ^^

  51. Finally, a hair style that has some pizazz, I like it. The model is gorgeous, I just would change the eyes. Thanks Anto, hope to see more for Sims 3.

  52. Oh i love this perfect hair!!! I love you ANTO!!! PS:your model is beautifal^!!!!

  53. i do have a blogger account, i just haven't started using it.
    wow i don't understand why people will take the time to troll COMMENTS on a sims 3 blog.

  54. "PS: Have you tested it in-game? Because I have retextured it and the bangs have a little issue, there's a line that gets more visible when you zoom out:
    It happens with Anto's original version too. Maybe it's my game, does this happen to you too?
    Thanks ^-^"

    Yes I had this issue too when retexturing... At least I'm not the only one. Thought it was me lol

  55. Shyne you models copy Anbuis' models too much and so do your textures GET A LIFE CUZ' ANBUIS IS THE MAN


  57. Anyone have the same issue with the yellow thingy on the top of the bangs?

  58. In my opinion, Its just the mouth that makes this sim "ugly".
    Lower the thickness and maybe use a darker lipstick and she could be pretty.
