
November 29, 2010

Newsea Anne Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. Ehh? It looks like Flower hair.

  2. Its a shame that I'm not going on tsr, as a trojan tried to infect me by just looking on the site. And I really wanted this hair! :(

  3. Thats true, Fate, it does look like the hair in the link you posted but I like this one better.

  4. With all this stepford pagaent hair we really need custom poses to host all these fashion shows, otherwise this is pointless.

  5. Can't wait to try a retexture on this :) Thanks NewSea.

  6. I've went to TSR for years,and I've never once encountered a virus.

  7. I've never gotten a virus from TSR either. Get an antivirus program that's not currently obsolete, anon.

    And yeah I feel like I've seen this 30 times. If you're going to reuse meshes and pass them off as new ones, kindly make it a bit less obvious.

  8. O.k. there is really something that irks me about this hair. First of all, it is not anything like the hair it's suppose to bear likeness to. I like that hair it's gorgeous. This hair looks like that hair if she got smashed the night before and woke up with bed head. If you are gonna mimic a hairstyle be more accurate Newsea!
    The entire right side looks horrid. There's no real style here. I was waiting to see Newsea's next creation, but this do is just blah!
    I definitely think I'll pass.

  9. "I've never gotten a virus from TSR either. Get an antivirus program that's not currently obsolete, anon."

    It comes from the ads they use, which TSR knows but doesn't bother to do anything about. Use ad blocker or a similar program.

  10. I LOVE this hair. SO damn pretty. Another success from Newsea. Yay! My fave hair modders!!!

  11. I've been staring at the hair for a while trying to decide what bugs me about it (since I generally really like this particular hair). And it's the top of the hair. It's too fluffy and shapes the head like a rear end :-/ It really doesn't match the comparison image at all. A little less volume and cheekiness at the top and the hair would go from almost-awesome to awesome.

  12. If you get a virus from TSR, then you will get it from other places. They use the same ads. This is all just a passive aggressive attempt to throw hate at a paysite. Its silly and childish. If you get viruses from ads then your anti-virus is woefully out of date or a lousy free anti-virus. Its your fault.

  13. It does look like Flower (And that one's way better too!)

  14. Looks just like flower, but messier. Do not want this.

  15. I will be sharing this here later on like I always do ;)

  16. This is cute! I like it <3

  17. Surprised that no one mentioned the first model being on a bra.

  18. Pretty good for newsea hair XD

  19. I like it, but it's quite obvious that this is a mix of Newsea's Espresso and Flower hair.

  20. "This is all just a passive aggressive attempt to throw hate at a paysite. "

    You ignorant moron, there is a lot to hate TSR for - like their atrocious practices. They shut down Garden of Shadows, they have hacked numerous people's personal accounts and websites, they have gotten other websites shut down, they have released names and other personal info of people they think are pirates (well over 600), and Thomas's newest lows includes pulling the names and HOME ADDRESSES of his magazine subscribers to try to find out who is sharing the pay items from the magazine and he threatened to "make this personal."

    So there isn't any "passive agression" directed towards them, you asskissing sheep. It's legitimate. Just because you haven't gotten a virus from the ads doesn't automatically mean that everyone else is lying.

  21. Ive heard of many people who have gotten infected from tsr, either by just looking or downloading

  22. It does looks alot like flower, but for some reason...I think I may actually use this one...

  23. "If you get a virus from TSR, then you will get it from other places. They use the same ads."

    Young and naive anon, the point is, T$R allows dodgy virus-giving sites to advertise on their site. This is purely for the gain in money. Adding why people hate them. Other reasons have been posted above by a slightly more infomred anon than yourself.

  24. Too bulky at the back.

  25. Has Newsea ever looked at real hair before? Because real hair does *not* fall over your shoulders like that.

  26. It looks like 'espresso'..only with a worse texture.

  27. Link from GoS:

  28. I don't believe a word anyone from MATY or PMBD has to say,they are a bunch of foul mouthed,rude thieves.

    Pescado is probobaly just a 50 year old,600 pound virgin with nothing better to do in life.

  29. "Pescado is probobaly just a 50 year old,600 pound virgin with nothing better to do in life."

    There is a saying...
    "You can tell more about a person by what they say about other people than by what other people say about them."
    Try being a nice person for a while.

  30. This is all,well,sad,how about we get back on topic? The hair is nice,but looks like other stuff I've seen on the web.

  31. my anti-virus catches them before i get infected. BUT would you keep going to a site that kept trying to give you a virus? i think not.

  32. you know what, there is NOTHING wrong with being a virgin anyway. GROW UP.

  33. And there's nothing wrong with weighing 600 pounds.

  34. I'm the Anon that made the virgin comment,and I didn't mean to come off
    like being a virgin is a bad thing.

    I'm sorry(I'm not being sarcastic,I am really sorry)it was all a joke went wrong,if I offended any decent folks here I'm sorry.

  35. Whoops,everything got smacked around in my top post,once again,this was a joke that went poorly,and I'm sorry.

  36. LOL You're forgiven. We all need to be reminded to be nice sometimes.

  37. Well, being 600 pounds isn't a good thing but...

  38. I'm a 350-pound, 35-year-old virgin. 15 more years and 250 more pounds, and I shall become Pescado! Though, there is that problem of keeping away the ladies.

    Thank you, hydrochloric acid!

  39. Nice hair, but it's from TSR. Not touching a thing from TSR. By the way, the roots are dark as usual. *sighs*

  40. dang how'd newsea get a picture of me !;)

  41. The back leaves very little to be desired
