
November 24, 2010

Newsea Frizzy Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. Pretty, would be even prettier without those blackass roots.

  2. ^ Um I was just pointing out that the child is attractive compared to the gremlin looking child sims you constantly see.

  3. Yep, the child is cute, but her eyes are too big, like they are on most sims.

  4. ^ Um the child's eyes are not big. Ever look in a mirror? You're eyes are probably about the same proportions.

  5. ANYWAY i really like this hair and think its a gorgeous creation. lets get back to appreciating what the artist has created. you can always change the colors in the game, so honestly you should just drop the subject of the color of the roots and stop bringing race into this.

  6. ^ Um it IS undesirable, when it's unrealistically a part of lighter hair colors. The same would go for a darker hair color that extremely light roots.

  7. Just another frowzy hair from newsea.
    No thx

  8. ^ Um I always look in the mirror. And woman, I was talking about the child not the toddler. The toddlers eyes are big but not the CHILDS. handi-tard.

  9. Please. If you saw that child in real life, you'd freak a little. The adult's eyes are pretty big too.

  10. ^ Um I'd literally LOVE to see a screenshot of how big you make your sim's eyes. I imagine they're the size of a fucking pin-point dot.

  11. Especially with EA's sims, they usually have huge bug eyes, that are too far apart.

  12. They're a realistic size. I'm very nitpicky about it.

  13. ^ Um like most humans, eye size varies person to person. There isn't an actual realistic size. More like your personal idealistic size.

    Also, EA sims have huge, wide heads.

  14. AHH! I adore this one!
    Thanks NewSea! :)

  15. On average, there are realistic sizeS and then the popular anime sizeS that are unrealistic, which too many simmers seem to love.

  16. ^ Um so you're the judge of what the correct eye size is? You have yet to provide any evidence of your superior eye size. I believe that maybe, it is your sims eyes that are not the right size.

  17. ^ Um if you can't see the difference it's not really my problem.

  18. ^ Um if you really want to compare, then go look at a magazine. Google pictures of eyes. It's not hard.

  19. ^ Um I want to compare them with YOUR sims eyes. Stop being a pussy and show me.

  20. Don't call me that! I'd show you but I don't have any pics!

  21. Then take pics! It's amazingly easy. All you do is.....

    Press C. Omg.

  22. i am with the anon that likes big eyes :)

  23. I like how stupid comments about "skin color" get removed (which I agree with), but somebody saying "stop being a pussy" is perfectly fine.

  24. I don't take orders from you! My sims look zombie-ish in game because I need a new graphics card. I'm not loading up my game just to prove something to you, anyway.

  25. Love this! Very attractive!

  26. Your avatar is attractive :D

  27. Pretty normal hair, I like it on adults.

  28. ^ I like you on adults.

  29. ^ I'd like to beat you up.

  30. I'd probably kick your ass to be honest.

  31. Somehow I doubt that.

  32. I really, really don't like creepy little guys like you.

  33. And that day, the battle began.

  34. ^ I really, really think you have me mistaken for someone else. Do you like keep tabs on me? That's pretty creepy.

  35. Don't flatter yourself. I see your posts enough to know how creepy you are. You were creepy just a few posts up.

  36. In the distance, thunder was heard.

  37. Nope I just got here. You only say "don't flatter yourself" because what I said got you choked up.

  38. Am I that hard for you to understand? I see your comments on this blog all the time. They're usually creepy comments. You just got here and you've already been creepy.

  39. really cute hair! :)

  40. Don't feed the Katsutroll. He'll ALWAYS out-ghey you. Don't even try.

  41. I actually like it. It is much better than the Theron, which should be free.

  42. I agree theron was my least fave by newsea.

  43. Don't you all have better things to do? Really... ¬¬

  44. I will definitely arr this.

  45. I'm at work, so I have nothing better to do OBVIOUSLY. So I just looked up what Katsu's name means.

    Katsu means "feminine cat" in Japanese. Makes a lot of sense.

  46. Really nice actually.

  47. Wait I'm lost. I haven't played the sims in almost ayear. When did Newsea go to TSR?

  48. Newsea came to TSR a long time ago, lol.

    It seems like Newsea's now interested in messy hairstyles.

  49. Anyone have a link for this?

  50. would also love it if someone has this to share? :D

  51. I have never found a perfect retexture. Some come close but none are perfect just as the texture used by Newsea isn't perfect either. But when I put both the retexture next to Newsea's, I often prefer the original. At least her hair shows dimension while some of the retextures, as lovely as they are, lose some of that. Its a style thing and some creators prefer the Sim look while others prefer a more realistic look. While I have met a few perfect blonds, especially children, most (unless they color their hair) have darker undertones. In fact, my hairdresser added darker highlights under my blond hair. So if you don't like this, then please, don't download it. But I see no reason to 'jump on the bandwagon' and keep complaining about the same things over and over. Appreciate the mesh for what it is and then ask someone to retexture it. But plenty of folks like these they way they are. Why is it that there are some people who think these creators make stuff JUST for them???

  52. No pictures of the back? Suspicious...

  53. Super cute from the front. Very large in the back, however. As can be seen from the side shot :-/

  54. Cute in the front but no back shot? It looks like some bun thing...

    Unrelated: I've seen some pretty stupid arguments but are you really arguing about eye size? It's a video game! XD

  55. i like it for girls. it's cute and messy

  56. I am also a little "worried" of the back/side views.
    Usually when this creator doesn't post them in previews there's something wrong with it.
    Like that Wella hair, that have this ALIENHURRIBLEHEAD while viewing at the side.

  57. I really like this one, it looks cute in front.

  58. A link would be nice :)

  59. I like it! Reminds me of NewSea's "Shangri-La", and I like that hair too. I'm pretty sure it's just a loose bun, doesn't look like a ponytail at all. (Still cute, though)

  60. Love this hair. Even if most of you hate black roots Peggy, Newsea, and Rose makes, the texture of theirs is so nice and shiny unlike the retextures change it into kind of dull looking sometimes.
    But in the end of course it's a taste question.
    But Great hair Newsea, Thanks!

  61. I don't see any good coming from liking this hair style, so I refuse to. :D

  62. I love it, its like a short shangri-la. I would prefer for the texture to not be so dark. It muddies up the blonde hairs. I will use it anyway, but will definitely d/l a retex if one gets made

  63. Stop with the demanding comments about a link already. Remember that somebody else must first pay for it and then risk their own personal info in order to share it.

    If it hasn't been shared yet, take a deep breath and find something else to do while you wait. Fire up the game or something.

  64. I think the eyes look red.

  65. I'm happy to upload this hair (once I download it in 5 days LOL) but how do I remove the tracker files? If no-one can help me with this then why should I upload? ;)

  66. you can drag it to s3rc from Pescado and the trackers are gone, he said that himself

  67. I know that because I did shared most of the hairs I bought on tsr and put the files that way and they never detected it was from me

  68. I'm happy with that. Will upload when my Paypal goes through lol

  69. "you can drag it to s3rc from Pescado and the trackers are gone, he said that himself"

    I've heard that it's not safe doing that, that dragging them to s3rc doesn't remove them, but I could be wrong.

  70. Well I shared most of hair I bought on there in here, been that while for long time and they never caught me. So, well I can't be sure but Pescado did said as I pmed him about it, and since they never caught me I assume it works.

  71. "you can drag it to s3rc from Pescado and the trackers are gone, he said that himself"

    He actually said that decrapifying removes TSR's trackers, but he warned numerous times that you are not to SHARE decrapified items at any point for the danger it could bring to other people's games, so there would be no point in doing that if your sole intention is to SHARE.

    Dragging it over s3rc without decrapifying doesn't remove trackers.

  72. Do not EVER share decrapified files. There are warnings all over the place on MATY not to do this because you can really bork other people's games this way.

  73. Ok so... how will I remove the trackers for people?

  74. You send them to someone at PMBD to remove them.

    There is also someone I've seen a few times on here who knows how to remove them safely (without decrapifying), so you could wait for him/her to pop up again. But right now, your best bet is PMing AshRedfern at PMBD so they can be removed.

  75. I can't PM him, my IP has been blacklisted lmfao

  76. There's a lot of confusion about whether or not recompressorizing them ALONE removes the trackers. AFAIK, Pescado has never confirmed or denied if recomressorizing removes the trackers WITHOUT decrapifying. Decrapifying does, but decrapified files can't be shared, literally.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. help me please how do u get the downloads onto the sims 3 game please tell me

  80. i also need help i downloaoded hair from here i been looking forever all over the web looking for it finally i found it!!!!! but i can not get it onto my sims game please help me too

  81. Does anyone have it that can send it to me via email or pm? <3 i love this hairstyle

  82. I said this a while back and I will say again.
    Pescado said that T$R includes the trackers as "extra" data on the end of the file.
    Any stream that reads for the real package will exclude that data since it's not part of the file structure.

    You do not need to pass them through decrapify, only through s3rc to "fix".
    You can use my extractor tool for that, on the settings UI check the "fix" checkbox and put the s3rc path on the application. Then close to save it.

    After that, right-click the .Sims3Pack and click on "Extract with S3CE".
    File will be parsed through s3rc after extraction.

    Or, you can parse the file through the following command parameters: s3rc -f "file.Sims3Pack"

  83. Also, I recommend if this is shared through package, to export all resources and import them all back.
    Any package editor can do that, just in case.

    Also, if you do, remove any manifests (XML Type: 0x73E93EEB) that the package may come with.
    They are useless once in package as they are meant to be readen only by the Launcher.

  84. Anonyomous,hair goes in your mods packages folder.If you dopnt have one you have to create one yourself.

  85. How is there still not a link for this?

  86. Speaking of which...if anyone could find a sim child that looks like that- I'd love to have her.

  87. come on people share it already, dont be afraid of tsr bullcrap!

  88. Precious sims stuff looks so cheap and ghetto LMAO!

  89. Someone create a Chris Hansen Sim for the guy three posts up.

  90. I'm not sure why the eye size is such a problem. My eyes are just as big as that child's compared to the face size. And have you ever seen a photo of Emmanuelle Beart? Her eyes are the biggest and probably the most beautiful (but not because they are so huge)I've seen in my life.

  91. You can send the item to the booty staff email at

    They'll make the file safe and upload it for you. :)


    credit go for Prikkie from digitalperversion

  93. Thanks for the link!!!

  94. yeah thanks for the broken link -_-

  95. Here, I found a sim on the exchange with the new hair:
