
November 16, 2010

NewSea #J038: Retexture by aWT

Download at aWT's Stuff


Newsea's version here - Mesh required.


  1. Omg aWT you did it! -cries tears of joy!-

  2. Now that aWT has cracked the retexture code maybe nubie will start sharing newsea retextures!

  3. Thanks aWT this is wonderful (^_-)

  4. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!

  5. Woot Awt you did it! I have a retexture of Flower to post (hoping that it works..)

  6. Newsea meshes here

  7. Oh this is pretty! I like the retexture! :)

    Pretty pretty!

  8. I hope the meshes are trackers-free.

  9. It looks very nice,thanks for sharing! I've tried retexturing it too, but since I am very newbie at it, i'll stick with yours :)

  10. So Newsea's mesh is required for this? That's bs.

  11. So Newsea's mesh is required for this? That's bs.

    this is why we can't have nice things. anyway, i already had this hair in my game, but the text. makes it a whole lot better. thanks, mate.

  12. didn't see a problem with the original.

  13. didn't see a problem with the original.

    The roots on the original were too dark for most people's tastes. Take the platinum blonde image on the original - it's platinum blonde hair, with black roots, wut? Like all retextures, it's all a matter of preference.

  14. Does newseas have any virus's on it?

  15. No, the hairs work tecnically pretty great all of them. The only thing I see bad in the hairs are the huge back of them. But no viruses

  16. Newsea's hairs are actually very good quality! They are properly categorized, all LODs included, good bones for the most part, no unnecessary textures, etc. he (they?) certainly do the best job of the big hair creators (Peggy, Rose, Raon)

    (Hate TSR not the creators there)

    As for viruses I don't know, TSR isn't very trustworthy but with the use of a good virus scanner and some skill (downloading versions with the trackers removed) you'll be fine :)

  17. "They are properly categorized, all LODs included, good bones for the most part, no unnecessary textures, etc. he (they?) certainly do the best job of the big hair creators (Peggy, Rose, Raon)"

    LOL. Um, except for the fact that they are RIDICULOUSLY high poly. And can seriously fry your computer-- well, sure. It's not like Rose or Peggy is setting the bar that high to begin with.

  18. I don't have a problem running Newsea hairs, I know Peggy doesn't set the bar high but the point is that Newsea hairs function (besides poly-count if your computer has problems with that) which you can't always say about Raon, Rose or Peggy

  19. For the person who said "hate tsr, not the creators"

    Well the place wouldn't be full of virus's if it wasn't for some of their creators.

    So your statement is invalid.

  20. That's true but any creator can have problems like that (Blue lot issue comes to mind), some of the creators at TSR aren't the most trustworthy but the majority of people there are fine (misguided at uploading there perhaps)

  21. T$R and Thomas might suck, but it was the FREE creators who released blue lot causing software, which completely ruined save games.

    Also, that viral doll that came from Rebecca at TSR, it was borked because she tried to use one of the tools created by the free creators to attach an interaction that went faulty.

  22. "T$R and Thomas might suck, but it was the FREE creators who released blue lot causing software, which completely ruined save games.

    Also, that viral doll that came from Rebecca at TSR, it was borked because she tried to use one of the tools created by the free creators to attach an interaction that went faulty."

    Actually Inge and Peter aren't creators at all. They are programmers. Which I might also add that TSRW uses some of their code considering Inge, Peter, and Thomas have shared knowledge.

    Also it was the free community that told and spread the information about the doll. Rebecah had even stated that she knew of the problem and TSR knew of the problem prior to it becoming public, yet there was no update?

    "That's true but any creator can have problems like that (Blue lot issue comes to mind), some of the creators at TSR aren't the most trustworthy but the majority of people there are fine (misguided at uploading there perhaps)"

    This is very true. Coconut's blog is a fine example of those FA's who decided to get involved in information sharing. Should I point out that literally COMPLETE strangers had access to your information? These were just people on Thomas's payroll.

    "I don't have a problem running Newsea hairs, I know Peggy doesn't set the bar high but the point is that Newsea hairs function (besides poly-count if your computer has problems with that) which you can't always say about Raon, Rose or Peggy"

    The thing about polys they might run fine now, but over time they destroy your graphics card. Every moment your sim moves, your graphics card has to render where that hair moves. Now imagine if you were in bridgeport, and there was about 10 sims with a combination of Peggy, Rose, Roan and Newsea hairs. Over time eventually your graphics cards will give out.

    As for the retexture, I surprisingly like this. I always thought Peggy's textures were a bit off, but once they were lightened they seem okay. Great job. :)

  23. godd, you're a genious!! thank you very much!


  25. Absolutely love this! looking for maore Newsea hair retexture from you you are a genius:D

  26. Anonymous said...
    'Newsea meshes here'

    Thanks anon!! :)

  27. Gorgeous! I am okay for the fact we need the mesh, I can just merge the files together, but it kind of sucks we have to download 2 things in order to get one. and can you retexture also moonriver and only yu!? pretty pretty prettyy pleasee! <3
