
November 22, 2010

Newsea Theron Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. I like it... needs a brighten though lol

  2. brighten? what is that?

  3. ^Yeah, I agree. But, don't we have a hair that looks almost like this one already?

  4. It looks very nice, the hairline is very wrong though, there should be no lines pulling out from scalp as the hairstyle is divided to sides.
    Think newsea doesn't know how hair is when you brush it?

  5. It looks close to one of the actual ea hairs, just better quality. I think it's adorable on the toddlers!

  6. Well, it looks like one from Peggy, even though the style is similar the hair is different.
    And this one if better I think, because Newsea doesn't make the huge foreheads Peggy does.
    That's a thumbs up for me.

  7. Looks quite nice. It grows on you, I guess.

  8. I like it... Retex, please.

  9. Is this a hair, or a lace front wig? LOL

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. @ Anon about hairline:

    Newsea and Peggy both go for the 'industrial fan blowing at you' look with hairs.

    (I till will get this when it is retextured, I just wish I knew how to get rid of some of the extra 'strands of hair' floating about)

  12. @Anon: Unless you are a frequent flyer with 'Air Mustnotbenamed' the link should work for you.

  13. "brighten? what is that?"

    Its when you take the hair texture into a editing program like gimp or photoshop, and makes the texture lighter, quite easy to do really.

  14. Cute! It reminds me of that other Newsea hair, "Only You", but with a little more complexity to the mesh.

  15. I like big foreheads. this is not attractive or accurate especially since the original has one, I hate short forehead syndrome...who is beautiful in out society, Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, Nicole Kidman, none of them have stubby little foreheads...with this you don't even have the option for a higher forehead...another hair i WON'T be downloading

  16. Beautiful hair. Textures making it silky and shiny. So subscribing would give me all his meshes, and especially getting this hair would be a great deal. Guess I'll pay then. Thanks Newsea.

  17. @Mallow:

    Nobody but pirates should ever pay for Newsea hair.

  18. ^Oh, how come? Is it not good to subscribe in TSR?

  19. Beautiful people come with low and high foreheads. It is a pity so many use people like Angela Jolie to define beauty. Look around you..really look. Beauty is not always what you see in the movies. I love this hair.

  20. i don't see what is a pity about it, shes unique and interesting looking, not typical at all, what is a pity is that you have forgotten that because you have to see her face on every magazine cover....and society decides who's beautiful , not just one person... i happen to agree, i like wide set eyes and high foreheads... im not asking for things to only play to my favor, just that we get a bit of variety....why when i bring a different point of view , my personal opinions are bashed, i don't know...i express my opinion to give the community and creators an idea what EVERYBODY likes

  21. "society decides who's beautiful"
    Different societies different people, I might be Kenyan and find Angelina Jolie ugly in comparisions to people who are beautiful in my society. You can hardly say something which is an opinion, no matter how many people agree, is fact. Because it's an opinion, not a fact.

    This hair looks like what Peggy did but nicer. IN MY OPINION.

  22. Opinion, Opinion, O-o-Opinion.
    Opinion Opinion Opinioonn Onnn
    Ohpinion Pinion Opinion Onnn

  23. I'm not sure what you are arguing with, i clearly stated, it was my opinion, not anything to do with fact, my right to my opinion was the argument for me from the beginning, not what is beauty. From the beginning i have said i am only sharing what i like so that creators will know and take it into consideration. it pisses me off that it has to become an argument.... I'm not sure where you're from but I'm sure free thinking is not encouraged

  24. ^ Angelina Jolie is ugly to me, just saying..

  25. I express my opinion to give the community and creators an idea what EVERYBODY likes

    Sorry to break your little bubble my dear, but what you like is not what EVERYBODY likes.

    Humans are all different, so our tastes are different too. Some might have similar tastes, but not ALL.

    I am only sharing what i like so that creators will know and take it into consideration.

    Wait, now it's about you and not EVERYBODY? And why, my dear, whould anyone take what ONE person likes in consideration? Unless this is a request section, which it isn't.

    Creators do what they want to do and share it, don't expect them to take your tastes in consideration.

  26. ug...its a misunderstanding...i did not mean everybody shares my opinion, i meant that everybody likes different in...what everybody likes not just what most you get it now? for example "dear creators not everybody likes short foreheads everybody likes something different please take that into consideration." and if this was not a here to express our opinions we would not have the option to leave comments at all.... why do i even bother...its pretty clear you are just going to assume the worst..and that a statement of opinion has something to do with you

  27. "dear creators not everybody likes short foreheads everybody likes something different please take that into consideration."

    Most creators I know of make hairs with pretty high foreheads. Newsea seems to be the exception, not the rule.

  28. I actually like those extra "floating" hairs. They make the hair look nice. ☺

  29. Angelina Jolie looks like wide set eyes? There should only be the width of one eye between the eyes...otherwise you look a FREAK! IMO

  30. *wonders, if the people here arguing about foreheads, are aware of the option to slide the sims face up and down in CAS... hmm*

  31. it makes the ears way to high or low...


  33. looks like a bad wig, really. which i guess is the goal.

    and thank christ i'm not the only one who thinks angelina jolie looks ugly. she's like a big-lipped donkey. except that her craziness is her most attractive attribute.

  34. I have to wonder if Newsea just looks at ONE angle while making hairs,, there's a COMPARISON PIC of what it's supposed to look like- and it's impossible to not notice that it's too wide and the hair is too thick and tall and all that.

  35. thank you so much for the link <3

  36. "^Oh, how come? Is it not good to subscribe in TSR?"

    I have no idea if you're being sarcastic, but this has been discussed ad nauseum. TSR is well known for distributing the personal info of their subscribers, including credit card numbers.

  37. @ Anon: T$R is a terribad company. You share any T$R files on any site they pretty much burn you at the stake. Give out credit card info, private info, etc.

  38. Alexa Chung hairstyle, here i come. And thats not even a bad thing, i really like this one- well not the tex, but the rest. Yay.

  39. This could be for males too, please convert it..

  40. love it!!! 'cept the hairline

  41. "You share any T$R files on any site they pretty much burn you at the stake."

    Correction: if they THINK you are sharing files. They've screwed over plenty of subscribers by claiming they are "pirates", with no regard for actual, you know, support.

  42. Oh god, TSR seems to be one horrible place. I wish I had knew that before I once shared one file, which I did delete right away. Altough nothing else happened to me than a ban.. hopefully... Does anyone think they'd still do something horrible if you stopped sharing at once after one file?

    Like that they would do only those horrible things to a person who keeps sharing and they'd know who that was.

  43. *I have no idea if you're being sarcastic, but this has been discussed ad nauseum. TSR is well known for distributing the personal info of their subscribers, including credit card numbers*

    Oh no no I'm not being sarcastic. I never been much into sims forums until just recently. So they actucally give out credit card numbers? Can't anyone just sue them? : o

  44. ^Just taking a stab in the dark here, but it seems like you might live in the USA, is that correct? That sounds like something I hear from fellow Americans as the answer for everything, it is not the answer! The owner of TSR doesn't even live in this country, so good luck with that route! You'd have to be willing to spend a lot of money on attorney fees & court costs. In the end you are left with no real way of enforcing the payment of any money awarded. What an expensive victory.

  45. Its what you people get for sharing TSR files that aren't yours on other sites.
