
November 27, 2010

Pleasant Valley- Longview Edit by Shivar

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher


  1. I really do like this. Shivar please let there be no CC

  2. hmmm... so he stole this world from someone else, added a bunch of late night and other crap then re uploaded it?

  3. The link for Longview on his blog doesn't work for me.

    @anon #1, its CC free apart from the Renault pack free from the store.

  4. ^ goodness! *giggle*

  5. Thanks for an awesome night tonight, Joe. Sorry I bit your lip.

  6. This world is pretty good, I'm testing it in game now and some of the lots don't have names/labels. I also have yet to find the criminal rabbit hole or a graveyard. I'm not sure if these were features of the original, Longview, because the link to customsims doesn't work. It's definitely very spacious though, with lots of empty lots and just empty space.

  7. LOL, the mike comment is so from the other thread where that troll who was his 'wife' said he was out with a dude named mike.

    Trolls are pretty funny.

    Now is this thread going to be about squeezing buttcheeks until a stinky green cloud bursts from the hole betwixt the cheeks?

  8. I asked for permission to upload my edited version and recieved it, but I think customsims3 is down.

    I did forget to label the lots, and I placed so many rabbit holes I forgot about the criminal one! It's a matter of updating the save file, so don't get too attached if you don't want to add those things yourself, since you will have to start from the new updated save file, and that won't be done until at least tomorrow.

    Thank god all I missed are some labels and a rabbit hole, though. I was so frazzled trying to fill the world with lots I kept thinking I missed a bunch of stuff. This was my first time with a world where I made sure it was actually pretty full of lots.

  9. So shivar, does this have CC or not? Id rather here it from you than an ANON.

  10. Shivar, I have a question... When you make the roads, how do you do it? When ever I made them they ended up not turning right and the yellow lines in CAW were freaking out. The red line was not letting them turn the right way either. I looked in the instructions and it never said. Btw, is it true that the definition of a fart is somebody squeezing their buttcheeks so hard that their eye balls pop out, until a stinky green cloud bursts out from the hole betwixt the cheeks of the buttocks? I always wondered that but was never able to figure it out. I tried for myself, but it didn't actually work. Does it happen to you though? Thanks shivar!

  11. There should be absolutely no CC. I used lots from the catalogue/neighborhoods from the base game and EPs and only one or two lots that I made, which are devoid of CC.

  12. Shivar please respond to the previous comment, it would help out alot. You are the master of creating worlds. I love this one!

  13. I did not create this world. I only edited the landscape, decor, and lot placement and placed lots and their contents from scratch.

  14. Can they actually swim in the 'beach' looking lot and does this lag your game any? Some worlds cause game lag or hiccups. Thanks

  15. Will it be fixed so we can have the missing stuff? If it gets fixed i'd love to download it then

  16. I could see Shivar's panties hanging on the buildings.

  17. You're right,Anon! I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it.

  18. "I did forget to label the lots, and I placed so many rabbit holes I forgot about the criminal one!"

    And yet since you make it your personal duty to rip apart every single world that's posted here, if another creator had done that, you'd probably be the first one on this thread talking about how fucking stupid they were for not double checking their work to make sure there were labels on all the lots and a criminal lot.

  19. i think the bridge being raised is because the gap it fills is supposed to be the exact same length as it..can you re-edit that?

  20. will consider download when lots are fixed, not sure why this site is promoting half assed work.

  21. The lots aren't "broken" so it's a bit silly to say they must be "fixed". Some simply don't have names, possibly the most inconsequential oversight possible.

  22. Has anybody else had their sunset valley disappear when this is installed? I had to remove this one to get it back.

  23. "Some simply don't have names, possibly the most inconsequential oversight possible."

    This is coming from the person who criticized a custom chair for being slightly uneven along the back. "Inconsequential" oversights are usually your favorite things to criticize in others.

  24. He definitely hasn't the brain power to build something like this, I wonder where he stole it from ?

  25. ^ He didn't actually steal it. He even said he didn't create it.

  26. Shivar or anyone can you tell me where to place the folder ?

  27. First world I'm even tempted to download. Nice job, Shivar!

  28. Please update it quickly....can't wait to download it...

  29. Looks good and I like the changes.

  30. hi. i like to thank you for putting together his world. it is awesome. i love the empty lots to build more houses.

    i just have one comment. i notice that my child is not going to school because "there is no school in the area"

    i look forward to any updates for this world! =)

  31. I love how you turned a river brige into a mountain bridge...

  32. you need late night.. right? probably the stupidest question

  33. There is three objects made with tsr workshop packaged with this neigboorhood. And there is a few places where sims get stuck when about to leave a rabbithole.Wery nice neigboorhood but i think Shivar should have waited to realease his edit until it was ready and playtested.

  34. Is very good neighborhood! Loading ...

    See my neighborhoods in progress :D

  35. I keep getting extended periods of lagging.
    Is anyone else experiencing this?

  36. Im getting lagging also..

  37. This world is really beautiful, but nevertheless I will uninstall it.

    For me it is also quite laggy, even freezing for about a minute. I noticed one lot (where I put my vampire lounge) is unaccessible; as someone posted before, sims can get stuck when leaving a rabbithole, I assume this world has quite a routing problem (maybe the reason for the lagging?).

    In addition, my Barnacle Bay disappeared after installing.
