
November 03, 2010

Southern Charm II by Lisen801

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I really love how different these are. I wondered when something like these would come along, too. A happy addition to any architect's repertoire.

  2. check out part 1 of this set.

    While you're at it...

  3. As my flesh, burned by yesterday's most extraordinary fart, begins to heal, I contemplate this morning's remarkably pleasant fart sequence. Delicately, and ever so quietly passing through, it seemed to gently whisper, "I am aware of your injury and I bid you no harm."

  4. I agree, Little Miss Epic. I hope they will work with LN, cause I do love these windows.

  5. Speaking of CC doors/windows: does the CC have to be fixed to work with LN, or is it just a glitch with the new EP?

  6. EA changed the wall masks on windows, so alot of the CC windows have to either be fixed, or do not use them. They will crash the game.

  7. ^ Good to know. I haven't been building since the new EP, except redocorating my apartments....or a house I had already built.

    These are beautiful doors and windows...Should be able to make a believable replica of Bourbon St with all the good stuff lately.

  8. Anon with the fart stuff: It was sort of funny (but not that funny) the first time, but now it's just childish.

  9. Thanks B. I've had trouble with a few of my CC windows since installing Night Life (masking then crashing - some are my favorite windows too), and I had been searching the websites to find out what the problem was. Glad to know it wasn't my graphics card, but sorry to hear that I can't use those windows until a fix comes through. I hope these windows work. They are beautiful.

  10. ^ has a list of a lot of CC windows that aren't working, and they've also started listing the windows that have been updated/fixed for Late Night.

  11. Benjamin bedroom windows crash my game if I click on them. I don't really like them anyway, but at least I know now.

  12. These windows look great and render just as they ought to with Late Night installed.

  13. ^ has a list of a lot of CC windows that aren't working, and they've also started listing the windows that have been updated/fixed for Late Night.

    Thanks so much for this information, Anon. I only used a few, but good to know who fixed there windows.

  14. Thanks so much! Cute house btw!

  15. Really great windows but I don't trust MTS.

  16. "Really great windows but I don't trust MTS."

    Um, are you high? MTS is one of the most controlling websites out there in regards to what they'll upload. So I'm honestly drawing a blank about what you're referring to.

  17. ^It's a troll making fun of similar reactions to TSR. Please don't feed it.

  18. MTS is controlling,that's why the site has so little to offer.
