
November 05, 2010

Stone Patterns by Jun

Download at Jun Sims


  1. Again, these look REALLY 'artificially patterned' when placed along an entire wall.

    It would help drastically if each of these was 3-or-so tiles long so it didn't look so patterned when placed.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Making a tileable texture isn't difficult. All you have to do is photoshop out any really distinctive shapes and colors (I'm looking at you, third "pattern"), or make a few tiles of texture to add some variety. Thet blue shape, the rust stripe, and the bumpy pattern are all stuff you need to airbrush out.

  4. Well how bizarre, these look great to me. But with a slightly zoomed out camera, I can see how they might be too repetitive.

    It's actually really difficult to do something like this and make it look good. You want enough variation to make the surface look "rough" and interesting, but too much and the whole thing becomes one giant ugly pattern. I'd airbrush some of it out, perhaps...

  5. ...Or tone down the contrast, like in the cracks etc.

  6. After playing my NES, these aren't repetitive anymore.
