
November 14, 2010

Sunset Valley Official Office by Shivar

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher


  1. This has been done very beautifully! I am impressed :)

  2. Awesome Town! Love it.

    Please vote for my dog. I entered her into a contest, she only has a few monthes to live, and I would like her to win. That would mean so much to my family. So please help me vote for her and thank you for reading and sorry if this is spamming. :'(

  3. Love the building, it's really impressive!

    (Ps your dog is really cute, sorry for its situation)

  4. If that's really your dog and that's really its situation, I'm sorry to hear that and I hope she recovers, but if not that her last months are good. If you're lying to get votes for it for some reason, you suck and fail. However, since I'm feeling generous today I went ahead and voted.

  5. So sorry to hear that, I am with Interim above - and gave my vote.
    Buona Fortuna!

    Anyhow; this deserves praise, Shivar.
    Very nicely outlined... It'll fit perfectly in the suburbans of a 'hood I have in mind. I believe this will come in handy, as the lot itself looks quite decorative :)

    Thank you!

  6. This is wonderful! So pretty I must have it!

    And yeah, regardless, I also voted for your dog! :)

  7. I voted for the dog too. I am a sucker for the cute and fuzzies :)

  8. "So please help me vote for her and thank you for reading and sorry if this is spamming"

    It is. I'm a pet lover and went ahead and voted too, but be careful about this since, yeah, it is spamming.

  9. I'm VERY impressed with Shivar over the last month or so... he's truly a new man, with so much fantastic work churning out.

    The only downside to this: Now we have this Katsu filling the 'old' Shivar's shoes being the new talentless know-it-all of MS3B with nothing whatsoever to show for it.

  10. ^ lol. yeah, that's pretty much accurate.

    either way, kudos on this building Shivar. it's incredible!

  11. @Sarah, I voted, love your sweet dog. :) Hope you win!

  12. ^^i think shivar is a smart guy who sometimes say idiotic things, but mostly i think his sarcasm is misunderstood. but katsu is just an idiot who believes he is oscar wilde lol. he seems so deluded i feel sorry for him. i just scroll past whenever i see him name.

  13. If you guys check the blog (my blog :P) you can see semi-regular updates of the rest of the town- I'm redoing it to be more of a beach city-town than a valley suburb. May even make some high rises.

  14. So please help me vote for her and thank you for reading and sorry if this is spamming. :'(

    try contacting joe of this blog, and he might make a more public notice of your situation, mate.

    and i'm......kind of impressed, with all the new content shivar is churning after this ep (no homo).
