
December 27, 2010

4 styled beards adapted to TS3 by necrodog

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. i like it and dislike it at the same time

  2. The first one looks ok and then things go from douchey to douchier.

  3. The first one is fantastic (mostly because it's USABLE)... but all that "pencil-thin" facial hair is tacky and incredibly amateurish looking.

    I'd love to see more realistic variations of the first one.

  4. ^^^^When you make fun of others, you're really making fun of yourself.

    The beard doesn't look right on my sim.

  5. Yes, I agree, the first one is usable, the others look like the sim picked a pencil and drawn that in his face.
    if only the first were more blurred it would feel more natural.

  6. I think the sim is really cute, would like to have it on my game too!

  7. Elders look ridiculous with those beards with all the cuts in them.

  8. "i like it and dislike it at the same time"

    ^That was my reaction! lol Prolly cos I hate pretty much hate all bodily hair except scalp and eyebrows.

    But then again, this will help to make my male sims have more variety.

  9. okay, eyelashes. People look strange without those.

  10. I only like the first beard which looks much better than the matte beard in the base game. The rest of the beards do not look right to me. I want to find some better mustaches and chin stubble as well if anyone is up for the task of making them.

    Thanks for the effort, necrodog! ^-^

  11. I agree with everyone else the first beard is the only one that is usable cause it is realistic..the seriously who gets there facial hair done like that
