
December 08, 2010

Cute BJD Eyes TS3 Version as Contacts by Goldeneyes

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. This is all kinds of intense. I'm gonna try them out on MY sims because these sims are terrible so I can't make an astute judgement.

  2. Ahem.
    No thank you.

  3. Still horrible and I know what BJD means. And those sims are absolutely diferent from the dolls.

  4. The models are..different, but I LOVE these eyes. Really cute O_O

  5. I think the creator should have used better models instead of these men. Other than that, it looks nice for BJD sims. I believe a BJD simbot could be interesting.

  6. Cute eyes, absolutely horrifying models.

  7. There was a BJD SkinSet for Sims 2, was one ever made for Sims 3?

  8. That is one of the creepiest things I've ever seen.

  9. I dont care what anyone thinks. I LOVE those eyes. SO fricken cool. I can make some fun fantasy other world type sims with this. Tired of serious straight laced shit. THANKS!!!

  10. what skin is that?

    Creepy eyes are creepy, but I might have uses for that skin... doesn't look like any of the ones I have.

  11. Creepy! I might try them.

  12. I like ball jointed dolls, and the eyes are nicely done. The thing here are those creepy models O_o

  13. Chill kiddo. No matter if you do know what BJD means or not, they contacts still look horrible.

    Uh excuse you? Don't you EVER talk to me again.

  14. ^ Uh... forget BJD. Do you know what PMS means?


  16. Oh wait ROFL ^

    Anyway I think these eyes might be cute if the damn models she chose didn't LOOK LIKE ALIENS!


  17. P. fucking S. I'm a boy.


  18. ^No one who is really in med school talks or carries on like that.

    Try to impress someone who buys it.

  19. ^ I'm actually chortling at your little remark. You'd have to be pretty deluded to think that just because I'm in med school that I have to be some huge bore with no capability of shooting off fast quips fueled with disdain and anger. Get over yourself. I am who I am, get used to the fact that not everyone fits into your little picture perfect coloring book.

  20. Sorry, those aren't "fast quips". Those are verbal sharts. And the gender analyzer says you're a girl - hmmm.

    I don't for a second believe you're in medical school, either, kiddo. Real docs don't dismiss actual scientifically studied and backed up phenomena.

    Not a fan of these eyes so much, they're lacking something. Maybe the problem is that the pupil is being colored with the iris, and it's very noticeable with a big pupil like that.

  21. why are the necks so thick O__O

  22. Gender analyzer fender? Seriously get your head out of your ass. That has to be the more ridiculous thing you've said to date. You're a person full hypocrisy and contradiction. The fact that you had to add your little input into this little exchange just shows how you feel the need to always be right. Sadly, you're the furthest thing from it. I know for a fact that when people call you out on this you feel the utter need to have the final word, the absolute urge to dissect every sentence in hopes of finding some means to make yourself sound clever and to refute everything said against you.

    You're a contrived person with a major superiority complex. I truly can not stand you, right down to your writing style.

    P.S. Medical studies are dismissed all the time. The "male PMS" has to be one of the biggest jokes around. Everyone in the bio community knows how fickel medical science can be.

  23. I clicked must have cuz Fender just got put in his place! PWN!

  24. Gender analyzers are funny. Once it thought I was 90% likely to be male. But usually I got between 51 and 59% likely to be male. Another time it analyzed my writing and came up with, "Weak Undefined".

    I'm a girl though. And a male friend who was doing the same tests kept getting 'weak female,'. And the analyzer said 'weak emphasis might indicate European' but he's Asian.

    Very lulzy overall.

  25. certainly a lot of fuss over some mediocre pixels...
    and yes men can have their own hormonal cycles and there are viable and authenticated studies to prove this. That is not even including the biochemistry in our brains, the ,malfunction of production of things such as seratonin, etc, which cause psychological disorders that are cyclical like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. So yes, dear med student, both men and women can and do suffer from hormonal fluctuations. It is biological. Every human being has their own biorhythm. Besides you can find a "study" to support nearly every medical theory there is. The crediblity of the study is quite another story. Med student? Really?

  26. ^see? this is how you explain shit, and not saying "IM IN MED SCHOOL, I BE INTELLIGENT, I KNOW EVERYTHING".

    Another thing is, if that is true or not, which I don't know and don't really care. All I know is that men can bitch as much as women.

  27. ^ lol sounds like the previous anon could use one of those!

  28. I know what BJDs are, but these contacts are still creepy. The models don't help either.

  29. I was actually thinking of making some doll eyes earlier after seeing some for TS2.

    These are nice, but still not really my style.

  30. "Stop trying to make us MEN equal to you women by trying to say we have the same issues as you. WE don't!"

    Wow, sexist much? Just because you have things dangling between your legs, doesn’t make you better then woman – it just makes you more entertaining to kick.

    Even for BJD, I’m not sure I like these eyes – they are a good start, and I agree that the pupil should be black, or at least a lot darker then it is currently. A few of my favorite eyes for the actual dolls have lines along the colored part, giving them more dimension.

  31. you little men are getting soo offended, just like pmsy women do


  32. i looked up BJD (which does sound like a dirty abbreviation hahaha) & these eyes do look like those. BUT these models are really bad so it just makes it look worse.

  33. Wow, sexist much? Just because you have things dangling between your legs, doesn’t make you better then woman – it just makes you more entertaining to kick.

    LMAO. XD

  34. It would have had to hurt to put me in my place. MedicalWasteAnon up there said nothing that matters to me.

    Chica might want to check out the definition of "fact", though, because she appears to be using it incorrectly.

  35. Not sure if I like it, one of the eyes seems to be missing the white part in one of the sides, remind me of a fish or a frog.

  36. ^^ Yeah, I just noticed that... it seems like the eye isn't centered on the file. It looks like the Sim's eyes are constantly over on one side.

  37. WTF are these?!?!

    So creepy

  38. lmao you guys crack me up especially that med student don't you have studying to do tests you have to prepare for rather then argue with people on a thread on BJD eyes like really dude...failure lmao. those eyes are not too bad for BJD eyes though but the models really make it look bad.

  39. OMFG LOL!! Love it because it's hilarious.

  40. What does BJD stand for? BIG JEALOUS DOUCHEBAG? I think so...

  41. I'm not a chick Fender and using an online writing analyzer to determine my gender is beyond idiotic. With that logic I may as well rely on google translate if I want an accurate translation of in French converted to English. Nice try at being condescending, better luck next time.

  42. They look like creepy aliens...*Runs and hides*

  43. "Just because you have things dangling between your legs, doesn’t make you better then woman – it just makes you more entertaining to kick."

    Bahaha! I had to tweet this. It's full of awesomeness. ^_^
