
December 22, 2010

The Fast and The Furious - More TSC's Horse Poses by Vicarious Sims

Download at Vicarious Sims


  1. Oh god. More stuffed horses?! Give me a break.

  2. How come they never give the horses outdoor shadows? :S

  3. I don't know why people always complain about this person's content so much. I think these look quite nice and would make an excellent addition to many outdoor scenes.

    The outdoor shadow thing IS a little obnoxious, though.

  4. ^ I hope you're not saying my comment about the outdoor shadows was obnoxious (kinda hard to tell who that comment was aimed at). I think it was valid input, besides, it's incredibly easy to add outdoor shadows to objects using TSRW.

  5. I mean, really. How many horse poses are there? Aren't the storytellers finished with their horse stories by now?

  6. Aww, no perverted horses this time? I'm disappointed...

  7. "I hope you're not saying my comment about the outdoor shadows was obnoxious"

    No, I was saying that lack of outdoor shadows is obnoxious. I was agreeing with you. Sorry if that was unclear.

  8. ^It wasn't unclear at all, Katsu is apparently just kinda dumb.

  9. Is it true cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

  10. Anonymous said...
    ^It wasn't unclear at all, Katsu is apparently just kinda dumb.

    Actually it was unclear. That person's comment could of been interpreted multiple ways. When they said "the shadow thing", that could of either referred to my comment about the shadows or the lack shadows issue at present. Their comment was far from clear. It was ambiguous.

    I really don't appreciate you calling me dumb just because I couldn't distinct whom or what that person's comment was directed towards. It was their poor choice of words, not mine.

  11. More horses?

    Like we really need any more....

  12. I'm sorry if I offended you, Katsu, I was just playing but I guess it wasn't readily apparent.

    I DO think their comment was very clear, mostly because of the use of "though" and the emphasis on "is." I think that if you read it the way it would have sounded out loud, it ought to have been abundantly clear. I guess it's possible that not everyone will agree, though, so sorry if I offended.

  13. ^That's the problem with textual clues. Some people read comments as if it were a conversation, some don't. A lot of subtle clues are lost if you don't.

  14. I like these horses. I don't even like horses IRL, but I think they are very useful to make scenery look more realistic, if you're scene is set in a place where there might be horses that is.

  15. Now, now Katsu. We do not need a soliloquy on why you may or may not have been offended. What is offensive are these horses. More, and more, and more! They just keep coming, like zombies. I need a chainsaw

  16. Now, now Katsu. We do not need a soliloquy on why you may or may not have been offended.

    I don't think your use of the word soliloquy was correct for this given situation.

    Also, at the other anon, I accept your apology.

  17. ^Aww cyber hugs all around

  18. ^for realz...
    You got reeled in like a deathfish moron

  19. "for realz..."


  20. Artard
    You make me so sad with your link phail

  21. "I fucking hate all of you."

    Don't you know actual people you can hate? Cyber hate, really? Is it that bad for you these days?

  22. "You make me so sad with your link phail"


  23. "You make me so sad with your link phail"

    Ugh. If you don't get the joke, it's better not to call attention to that fact.

    It's a pretty common joke on many sites, actually. You put the file name of a common meme or image rather than taking the time to post it.

  24. "Don't you know actual people you can hate? Cyber hate, really? Is it that bad for you these days?"


  25. "You make me so sad with your link phail"

    aaaaahahahaha aw sad

  26. You make me so sad with your link phail"

    Ugh. If you don't get the joke, it's better not to call attention to that fact.

    It's a pretty common joke on many sites, actually. You put the file name of a common meme or image rather than taking the time to post it.

    Aww look at you feeding the trollz tonight...
    Have you learned anything anon?

  27. "It's a pretty common joke on many sites, actually. You put the file name of a common meme or image rather than taking the time to post it."

    Dammit, it's so funny when people don't get it! Don't tell them!

  28. obvious troll is obvious, asses

  29. Pretending not to understand something is the lamest kind of trolling. Almost as lame as not understanding something and then PRETENDING that you were trolling. They are indistinguishable due to the level of tardiness in both.

  30. Srsly... it's like the same troll on all over the place... You guys are falling for this crap wayyyy too easily. It's like you're new to this blog or something

  31. Desperate trolls are so laughable.

  32. I would like to see some sheep! I could use those on the hillsides in my world rather than a lot of horses.

  33. You guys really need to shut the hell up. You make this blog a bad place.

  34. ^ aww look at your trying to make a difference

  35. "I would like to see some sheep! I could use those on the hillsides in my world rather than a lot of horses."

    I personally like the horses for scenery purposes, but I LOVE the idea of sheep for hillsides. Or cows.

  36. I just like to see how big of a fight this turns into everytime these horses are posted because eventually it has nothing to do with the horses.

  37. Hi everyone - ;) Most of the time I just poke through these without responding but Katsu and Anonymous brought up a point that I felt I had to address.

    The objects *SHOULD* have ground/outdoor drop shadows and created with each object in TSRW. The computer I create content on, however, is not geared for gaming and has a lot of trouble handling increased graphics settings - so I have shadows disabled for my own purposes - and didn't realize the pictures I was taking implied that the objects didn't have shadows.

    If in fact you have downloaded these and they do not appear to have outdoor shadows, please let me know and I will rectify that - it occurred in error and not laziness. <3 Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention - it's simply something I cannot see on my own computer.
