
December 10, 2010

I'll wear whatever I want! ~ LateNight formal outfits as everyday by Anubis360

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Thanks Nubie! :) I seriously loled at the title.

  2. If you use Twallen's MasterController mod you can already wear these as everyday outfits,just disable the clothing filter.

  3. Thanks Nubie, I really wanted the shortest skirt of LN to be in the everyday category :)

  4. "If you use Twallen's MasterController mod you can already wear these as everyday outfits,just disable the clothing filter."

    Same thing with AM, but not everybody wants to download a large, rather involved mod (both of which AM and Master Controller are) just to get this benefit.

  5. Aww, now this is great! Thanks Anubis.

  6. Quite useful. Especially if they come in separate files. Thanks Anubis!

  7. I use(and I'm sure many,many other players)use the MasterController for other things,not just unlocking clothing.

    Why did you even comment when it's evident that you don't use either mod? My comment was meant for those who use the MasterController.

    And if you use either Awesomemod or the MasterController,you don't need this one,as simple as that.

    Oh wait,I forgot you can't make any comments about Anubis on this blog that might be taken as mildly critical,shame on me!

  8. I admit that I enabled three LN dresses for everyday, haha. Awesome that I'm not the only one who did it. ♥

  9. Oh please don't start arguing. Honestly, I didn't know that the MasterController and AwesomeMod (wich I use) had the same functions than my mod, I'm sure others don't know about it either (or don't even use those mods) and might find this one useful. As simple as that :)

    "Oh wait,I forgot you can't make any comments about Anubis on this blog that might be taken as mildly critical,shame on me!"
    Well you should be around here more often because that's not certainly true! XD Everyone has different opinions, many against me, but I totally respect that, you know :)

  10. LOL,yeah,I didn't mean to come off as combative,I can be a real bitch sometimes! Sometimes people who use these mods only use the basics,I was that way for awhile too.

    So,I call a truce,wave the white flag etc.,I also don't want a fight.

  11. but with master controller can you disable the filter for just a few items of clothing? or does it disable the filter for everything. because I use master controller but I don't want to disable the clothing filter for everything.

  12. I tried it and it doesnt work.

  13. I don't use Master Controller, or AwesomeMod. :P So this is actually a cool thing to me. Thanks, Anubis.

    Also, people are always critical on this site. Especially the anons. xD

  14. Oh so you can do that with Mastercontroller too, I always had the mod but I never knew haha. Altough, won't disabling the clothing filter make all clothes available in all gategories? If so I rather just use this mod.

  15. a fart is somebody squeezing their buttcheeks so hard that their eye balls pop out, until a stinky green cloud bursts out from the hole betwixt the cheeks of the buttocks.

  16. I don't use Master Controller, or AwesomeMod. :P So this is actually a cool thing to me. Thanks, Anubis.

    Also, people are always critical on this site. Especially the anons. xD

    I agree on 100% :3 thx for the unabled the dress! Great idea :)

  17. Those model Sims' thighs are way too muscular to be wearing that short of a skirt/dress.
