
December 20, 2010

Kitti Accessories by Irink@a

Download the earrings here and bracelet here


  1. give it up irink@a your accessories aren't good.

  2. Give it up anon, your insults aren't good.

    I don't particularly care for these, but wouldn't giving up just ensure that she never got better?

  3. "kitti" accessories? Why hi there cheap Hello Kitty rip off!

  4. ^That's so obvious that it hardly requires a comment.

    I don't have a use for these but they're kind of cute.

  5. "give it up irink@a your accessories aren't good."

    If you don't have anything constructive to say to tell her how to improve, then just keep your mouth shut. It's useless and just hateful to tell a creator to "give up." If you think they aren't good, then give her advice on how she can get better. But it's easy for you to sit back and attack creators instead of trying to give feedback. Some of you are really miserable souls who are only able to get your jollies by putting creators down.

  6. ^They could also just be trolling in an attempt to get people like yourself to react...

  7. On the contrary, Irink@a, I think your accessories are very, very good :) I would not use these because I am not into the whole Kitty thing, but they're very well done. I especially love the effort you put into the chain. <3 You now seriously have a new #1 fan :D

  8. I have to admit that Shyne is right about the chain. That part looks very good.

  9. give it up irink@a your accessories aren't good.
    Give her a chance. She's improved.

  10. ^Trolls don't give chances.

  11. The overly photoshopped pictures aren't really doing the accessories justice. :/ It'd be nice to see in-game shots rather than wannabe "glamor shots" advertising it. The lighting isn't very good, and you can barely see what they look like on the sim, to begin with.
