
December 08, 2010

Kristen Stewart by Valuka

Download at Valuka in Simderland


  1. I recognized her almost instantly.

  2. looks just like her, good job!

  3. looks like her obviously not perfect but still great!

  4. After someone makes a "Vampires Drink Sim to death" mod, I'm totally going to download this sim, and introduce her to a REAL (sim) vampire. :D

  5. Holy crap!
    I absolutely hate her, but this is dead on.

    Amazing job.

  6. Great job! Immediately recognized her!

    The last screenshot looks so much like her it's ridiculous haha.

  7. Stewart's hair never looks that clean.

  8. The Sim is prettier than the real woman.

  9. The last screenshot is dead on. Great job!

  10. Some call it jealousy. Others call it good taste.

  11. You got the "I don't give a crap so I'm not going to smile for the picture" look spot on.

  12. Sim is well done and I think it's actually prettier than her. But I don't like that girl at all, so no download for me.

    Nice job, though.

  13. I didn't even see the name I knew instantly who it was. Great Job!

  14. Gah, I hate her so much. She always looks like she just rolled out of bed.

    Will download and kill ASAP. >.>

  15. It's not "good taste" when the girl is better looking than you. It sucks to have to know this, but your bf (if ogres can have boyfriends) would dump you in a second for this chick.

  16. so how many of you actually hate her personally and how many of you hate her because she's bella in twilight?

    c'mon guys, i hate bella but personal insults and death wishes on the actress are pretty low.

    anyways, awesome sim. she looks very similar!

  17. Who the would want to be jealous of an average looking girl with wooden acting?

    Anyway, good job on the sim. It looks just like her, especially in the last picture. Might download just to poke fun at twilight fans.

  18. Bears a passing resemblance but if you use your imagination then yes it looks just like the actress.

    It's a good Sim but Kristen Stewart it is not.

  19. Woah I recognized her instantly. Really well done! I'm not a fan of her (or Twilight) but I might let her run wild in my game for procreation purposes. Thanks!

  20. "It's not "good taste" when the girl is better looking than you. It sucks to have to know this, but your bf (if ogres can have boyfriends) would dump you in a second for this chick."

    What the hell is your problem? I'm willing to bet that you're not as pretty as her either.

  21. Seriously people calling us ugly because we don't think she is beautiful. You can't even see us you have no clue if we are or not, that's like an insult a 3 year old would use. Be mature and learn to deal with the fact that people have different tastes...the world does not revolve around you.

    Anyway I hate her...not /just/ because she's in twilight but because she can't act and she seems like a bitch. I do however think this sim is very well done and looks alot like her....she is actaully kind of pretty....she'd be far prettier if she ever smiled.

  22. Seriously, you know you're not as pretty as her. It's a fact, not about being mature, or not so don't go there just because you can't win this one. Yeah, everyone has different tastes but none of you are up to par and the attacking of someone because they are prettier and well know and RICH doesn't cut it either.

    Find some obscure reason to like yourselves and stop venting at an actresses sim. Seriously! It's fricken retarded.

    It's jealousy. How can you "hate" someone you have never met? You don't know what this person is like. Get OVER it. I don't like a lot of movies but I don't start having it out for the actors. Hehe.


  23. Very-ery alike! Great job! @_@

  24. Umm... Kristen Stewart is hot. This just looks like a genetic mutation.

  25. OMG!!! This is friggin perfect!!! I am going to dl her, and after I get my new computer for xmas I am going to put Bella and all the Cullens, and even smelly flea bitten Jacob into my game :D

  26. I don't really care for her or Twilight and I rarely comment here but DANG that is a pretty well made sim! I recognized her pretty much instantly.

  27. "The Sim is prettier than the real woman."

    ^ This. Waaaaaaaaayy better-looking than the 'real girl' **VOMIT**

    Nicely-made sim all-around! :)

  28. "Yeah, everyone has different tastes but none of you are up to par"

    Ok, where are you getting this from? Are you some sort of cyber-psychic who knows what we all look like? Hate to break it to you, but this actress is average-looking at BEST. Statistically speaking, it's not unlikely many people commenting here are more physically appealing to most people.

    Such rabid defense of somebody you'll never meet makes you sort of... hysterically insane. Seriously...GET.HELP.

  29. I'm not a fan but I think she looks very close. Good job, I'm sure a lot of people will download.

  30. I have this wonderful idea: SHUT UP!
    This isn't a place for fucking arguing. Leave your comments on here about the Sim, and leave your petty insults out of it. Jesus. Some of you Anons piss me off. Nobody cares how anyone else looks, if we think that she's ugly, it's just what we think. Personally, I think she looks like a stoner ninety percent of the time. It's not that I'm saying I'm gorgeous, that's just what I think.

    When it comes to the Sim, I think you did a really good job. It looks a hell of a lot like her, especially in the last screenshot. A prettier 'sim' version of her, but still. Bravo! =]

  31. Wow, anger over a sim. Too funny.

  32. YOU'RE too funny.
    I had no comeback... Shut up. xD

  33. Maybe you have to be beautiful like me to NOT hate her. But that doesn't mean she's a goddess, sheesh.

  34. lol great now we can download her as a snack for game Vampires ! XD

  35. Just chuck her in a vampires basement, lock her up and let them nom when they feel the urge. xD

  36. Bitchy anon who is calling all lady anons ogres:

    Please, by all means, post a picture of yourself so we may all behold your outstanding beauty. It would make my day to gaze upon your flawless, glorious visage.

  37. ^ Good call. Something tells me she's gonna chicken out... just a hunch.

    Not to mention she's flippin' CRAZY anyway... idolizing a celebrity to such a disturbing degree. :(

  38. "Seriously, none of you, I mean, NONE of you are even worthy of kissing her feet. Face it! You're nothing."

    LMAO. Wow... can you say "UNSTABLE STALKER"? Whether it's a average-looking celebrity like this, or a non-famous beauty, worshiping ANYONE like this is extreeeemely unhealthy... you seriously need help.

  39. I like the sim a lot. I have no idea who the actress is (I've heard she's not very attractive), but this sim is beautiful and unique! :)

  40. ^^^ To be fair, that anon didn't say he or she was stunning. But this made me laugh nonetheless.

    Also, I really don't like the "you're just jealous, that's why you don't like someone" argument. It just doesn't make sense to me. I don't like people because I think they're annoying or talentless or jerks or something. I have no desire to be like the people I don't like.

    I'm not a fan of Stewart, so I won't be downloading, but this really is an uncanny likeness. I knew who it was before even reading the description, so good job.

  41. It's a great likeness to the actress!

    But to the commenter who's so intent on putting everyone else down, a word of advice. Being beautiful is a lot like being a lady: if you need to tell everyone you are, you're not. Especially since you seem to be trying to do this at everyone elses expense. Most of us are probably pretty average, and I'm willing to bet you are as well. Your comments reek of insecurity.

  42. I feel bad for the crazy Kristen Stewart stalker-anon. Out of all the people out there to obsess over... THIS girl? Really? That's sad. :(

  43. "Your comments reek of insecurity."

    ^ You hit the nail on the head. Insecurity...and insanity.

    Although no doubt we commenting here are a wide range of physical-specimens, hot and hideous alike.

  44. Crazed stalker-anon aside, this sim is one of the greatest celeb sims I've ever seen.

    I also would agree with the lot of you saying the sim is a lot better looking than the actress, but I digress. This sim rocks.

  45. A great likeness to the real Kristen Stewart :D

  46. Very good likeness. The sim itself is done really well.

    It's just too bad that the real thing is about as expressive as a plank of wood.

  47. I think I've been mistaken for the bitchy Anon. Oh well.

    Anyway, shouldn't these screenshots have her with an open mouth, showing us her two top-middle teeth? The half asleep eyes are spot on though.

  48. Unless you're the one calling everyone ugly while simultaneously fellating Kristen Stewart, I don't think so.

    Maybe a preview of her biting her bottom lip in a bored manner would also be appropriate.

  49. "I think I've been mistaken for the bitchy Anon. Oh well."

    Nahh. You're obviously not the insecure, raging-psychotic-stalker anon who missed their lithium medication. You would've moaned about how jealous we all are of mediocre actresses, how ugly we are, and how nobody on the entire internet is worthy to wipe this drugged-out girl's lumpy ass least 10 times in your above comment.

  50. ^ lmao... point taken!

  51. Twilight might be the current, trivial 'in' thing for depressed teens to cry about these days, but I can't help but love this sim. :)

  52. This sim does look like Stewart especially the eyes so good crazy anon made me laugh with all the hero worshipping. Stewarts probably not going to loose any sleep over what we think so move on and get over it. Insulting an entire message board of posters is not going to win you any friends or's just going to make you look unstable.

  53. “Wow, anger over a sim. Too funny.” I agree! Hey, Guys! It’s just a sim!
    If I had known about this hysteria I would have never published the sim in MS3blog. Thanks a lot to the ones who commented my job, but not the personality of the actress . To my mind is not the blog to fighting, please find another place!

  54. I saw her on David Letterman ages ago before I knew who she was and I remember thinking that she was extremely boring and didn't seem very smart. I was surprised that she was "famous". That aside, I never thought she was ugly. This sim is good.

  55. Just based on what I've seen of her in commercials, I think from the nose downward is spot-on, but something about the eyes is a little off to me. Not sure what. Eyeshadow maybe?

    On an unrelated note, sorta, I kind of wish the simmers who make celebrity/character sims would provide more shots than just static, "looking straight forward without any expression" ones. Sure it showcases how great the likeness CAN be, but it does make me wonder if it's all some sort of delicate illusion that hinges on the sim never having any other expression or opening their mouths. It'd be nice to see nice to see a shot that doesn't look like it was done for a photo-shoot and actually showcases what the sim looks like going through regular actions in-game, like talking and whatever else.

  56. I hate everything Twilight,but this Sim does look like her,so good job for that.

  57. yes, at last, Vampires food ! XD

  58. Quite a likeness well done for that its just the choice of person you used.

    No doubt some sadass will change her name to Bella and find a Robert Pattison and make thier own little twilight that has been done for so many times before, the poor sims who are mutilated.

  59. You really captured her lack of emotion. :D

    But seriously, terrible actress, but AMAZING Sim. :3

  60. ^anon has cyber vision...

    Looks spot on... maybe a bit too much eye makeup, but that can be altered...

  61. Look, I hate sparkly bloodsucking pedophiles an much as anyone else, but I don't think Kristen is as spitworthy as you guys say. Just because she plays a demensionless girl in an overhyped franchise doesn't mean she's a horrible actress. And about how she never smiles.. I think she's just shy, is all. I don't like Kristen, but I don't hate her. I've never met her, so I can't have an oppinion about that stuff.

    Oh, and since these comments are supposed to be about the creator's work: Nice sim. It looks just like her.

  62. Those eyes make her look like a fucking zombie. NOT good.

    But I can just..."see" the real Kristin in her.

  63. Looks like her. But hey its ugly and so is the real thing.

  64. I always think she's gay.

  65. I totally could tell it was her when i first looked. not bad.

    her eyes always look lazy

  66. What's this about wiping asses?

    Oh, you wild & crazy kids!
    **waggling finger**

    Anywho, it kinda looks like that Twilight-chick. Maybe her eyes, nose and mouth need to be tweaked a bit more. You can see it coming out, but it's not quite there.

    That hair doesn't do this sim justice. She looks like a hydrocephali victim.

    Idk. This is way better than what I could've done. So the creator gets much props from me.

    It's a cool looking sim either way, especially without the hair.

  67. I think it looks just like her, and at all the people arguing.. I think she's gorgeous and not "average-looking", and depends who you're comparing her to, 40 year olds who are 99% plastic trying to look like 20 year olds ? or actors who are 100% human and her age ? or saying that people here don't know what you look like, let's just say if you were that gorgeous you wouldn't be sitting here writing sad comments and playing sims.. , At least she doesn't give a shit what everyone thinks! Definitely downloading this.
