
December 05, 2010

Mini Wedding Set by Helen

Download at SimsNew


  1. So tired of them adding these useless little updates! Plz do a a house or community lot, some CAS stuff, anything but these damn accessories.

  2. I love them! They are so pretty! I love it! They all look so gorgeous!

  3. Again with the useless...I like them and they would be great for a wedding theme. Are you so egotistical that you think if it doesn't please you, its worthless? Geesh...

  4. If only the cakes could be used, still looks nice as deco though ;) Thanks Helen

  5. Knock it off already. Plenty of people use clutter and decor for their game, so no, this is not "useless". The only thing useless is your commentary.

  6. @1st anon: Some of us enjoy the clutter.

    This is wonderful, and I hope to see more decorations. :)

  7. "Plz do a a house or community lot, some CAS stuff, anything but these damn accessories."

    I'm tired of seeing houses and community lots because so many of them are loaded up with so much custom content and several creators don't even provide a list. At least with clutter sets like these, I know exactly what I'm getting before I waste time downloading.

    So don't sit there and act like you speak for everyone. You don't. MS3B shouldn't listen to you anymore than he should me.

  8. jolie idee c est tres bien fait bravo

  9. Looks very familiar...

  10. and here....

  11. Beautiful decor for weddings. I love the wedding cakes, want to cut a piece.

    I do miss my sims eating wedding cake. *sigh*

  12. I love decorations. Thank you Helen

  13. As another poster has already said these meshes are EXACTLY like the Sims 2 wedding objects done by Sandy at Around the Sims 2.

  14. This appears to be a mixture of items from ATS and Pronupsims,I still play the Sims 2 so I have the actual functional objects in my current game.

    The site is Russian,and I haven't installed a good translator yet,so I'm unsure whether the person who converted them gave credit or not,but yes,it's fairly obvious these are the same items from those sites.

  15. Helen writes: This is the conversion of The Sims 2


  17. Anonymous said...
    As another poster has already said these meshes are EXACTLY like the Sims 2 wedding objects done by Sandy at Around the Sims 2.

    Which are useless to those of us playing Sims 3.

  18. Very cute and well rendered conversion set Helen. Thank you for sharing.

  19. "Which are useless to those of us playing Sims 3."

    Um, what? These were converted, meaning that they work for TS3. Your comment doesn't make any sense.

  20. I know these were converted. That was my point in quoting the Anon
    in my reply who said "these meshes are EXACTLY like the Sims 2 wedding objects at ATS".

    I was pointing out the fact that anyone playing Sims 3, including myself, _doesn't care_ if the objects are EXACTLY like the the Sims 2 wedding objects at ATS.

  21. ^Ah, thanks for clarifying. I didn't realize part of your earlier comment was a quote, so it confused the heck out of me.

  22. Omg, people, COME ON! You can be so annoying sometimes! You'd better take a look at the Helen's blog (one click, isn't hard ya?) instead searching similar posts for TS2 for proving something that was already said by author... Take a look and you'll see, that Helen wrote there, that yes, this is a conversion, and gave a credit! Your stupid whining is SO annoying!
    And what does it means, useless? Don't you decorate your houses? 'Cause I do! Thank Helen!

  23. I don't see any credits. Not on her blog and not on the forum...

  24. It says it's converted, but it does not specify the original creators. Which, you know, is kind of the point.
