
December 19, 2010

New Rugs by Missimis

Download at Missimis


  1. I like all of these except the "He Loves Me" one.

  2. Yeah, I have to say, I don't like rugs with words on them or images that have to be turned to be right side up.
    11 out of 12 isn't bad, though is it?

  3. Well, the one used as the example kind of annoyes me, because it's not symmetrical XD I don't mind the sides, it's just that one of the middle diamonds is cut off....I dislike that.

  4. ^I see what you mmean, but since the whole thing is asymmetrical (note the yellow bars on one side and blue on the other, with different designs inside those bars which do not lining up with the center parts of the rug in general...well, it makes me think that it's not *meant* to be symmetrical. So I think it actually adds to the design.
