
December 08, 2010

Nicki Minaj by daluved1

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  1. LOL not even close.

  2. Lets just put it out there that Nicki Minaj is the worst excuse for a singer that I have ever seen, or heard.

    Autotune is her best friend, because without her bff, she sounds like a drowning cat swallowing a lawn mower.

  3. wtf do you mean not even close???

    it looks just like the nutty girl

  4. @Anon: In some of her songs she is singing, but actually she's a rapper.

  5. Seriously, she's a rapper not a singer. I love her!

  6. another sorry excuse for a musician...if you can call her that... this sim is better looking than her... she's nasty. I only listened to part of one of her songs and she should lay off the autotune and maybe get some lyrics that don't point out that she's a hooker.

  7. the black people felt left out so they whipped up a black lady gaga.

  8. ^so she makin that money though

  9. I don't know who she is...


    To the tune of Bad Romance.

  10. I have no idea who this is. I'm about to look her up though.


    this one is better

  12. Am I odd for never having listened to her OR to Lady Gaga?

    *goes off to listen to Anathema*

  13. "Seriously, if she is untalented she is no less talented than Lady Gaga."

    Gaga worked to become an artist since she was 14, wrote her first ballad at 13, learned the piano at 4, writes all her songs, and songs for other artists, hates lip-syncing and doesn't do it. Now, saying whether music is good or bad is an opinion, so if you don't like her, your opinion, that's fine, but saying she's not talented is a complete fallacy.

    Looking at the pictures, this sim is an okay likeness.

  14. ^ Music snobs are the worst.

  15. "^ Music snobs are the worst."

    And non-conformists, because they don't make anysense as they conform to not conforming. ;-;

  16. Wow! It really does look like her! ♥

    I love Nicki!

  17. This made me lol (laugh out loud) irl (in real life).

  18. hey, leave Nicki alone.
    She was rose up in the hood, trying to do better for herself.
    talking her down isn't going to make you any better.

  19. I like her too! (:

  20. Who cares? Why can't people simply accept that everyone has different tastes?

    I don't care for her music but I think she looks pretty close :)

  21. its fine that people have different tastes in music. but minaj isn't even close to being considered music. she is awful. and honestly i agree with the anon saying that black people felt left out about lady gaga. which is sad because i and i'm sure many many others feel that lady gaga is someone for everyone.
    and whoever said something about music snob really needs to just shush because lady gaga worked hard for where she is today. she deserves the creative freedom she has & the money she is making. but not minaj. she came out in the past few months (i think) and i still don't understand why someone in their right mind would consider her music or someone who is talented. i've listened to her song. its awful. I'd much rather see a gaga sim on here.

  22. She looks pretty good! For some reason I can see the resemblance more when she smiles, not sure why. Thanks for sharing

  23. @Anon, black people had Grace Jones, LOONNNNNGGG before miss caca came around.

    Anyway, I think the sim looks sort of like her, Nicki's face is obviously more expressive/crazy, though. The nose seems a little weird too.

  24. Lady Gaga is a manufactured pop star. Get over it, she is not original in any way. Britney is more original, at least she made her image and career on her own instead of taking from others.

  25. check "madonna vatican speech" on youtube and other interviews from the ninety's and you'll see where gaga gets her interview material. a stupid bimbo taking from a more intelligent bimbo.

  26. Her face looks really dirty in the third pics.

  27. why are you people comparing her to lady gaga? they are nothing alike, their music is completely different. I think this sim is pretty, but doesn't really look like Nicki. Her skintone should be darker as well.

  28. White people, again you do not get to tell people what music is. The majority of you do not like rap music and consider the music you like to be of a higher caliber, that is all fine and well that you think that but again rap IS music and Nicki Minaj IS a black music artist. Get OVER it.
    You also don't know what Nicki Minaj has done and she does write her own music, lets not act like Lady gaga writes such amazing shit and is such a lyrical genius because shes not.

  29. Musician? And here I was getting the reality tv attention whore vibe off of her. ick.

  30. Yes. Can you not wrap your mind around the fact that whether or not you like her music, a person who writes and raps or sings, makes songs AND puts out albums is a musician?

  31. She's a Gaga wanabe not as good as Gaga though more trash. Gaga is class.

  32. I don't know her but it's a nice Sim.

  33. Who is this? (just googled her, meh)

    I am older so the new artist don't impress me, but I still love the R&B sixties to the nineties, and my classic rock. Anything else is lost on me.

  34. "She's a Gaga wanabe not as good as Gaga though more trash. Gaga is class."

    Oh please stop, GaGa is pure trash. Nicki is not trying to be gaga, her music doesn't even sound similar, why the hell are you trying to compare the two? And who ever said she was trying to be like gaga? I would compare Nicki more to Missy Elliot mixed with Trina and maybe a little Foxy Brown, Gaga has nothing to do with it.

  35. if lady gaga is 2009, then at least 2009 sounded way better than this trash. god. lady gaga is incredibly more talented than whoever this is. nicki minaj or whoever she really is just needs to go to a psychiatric ward for her split personality disorders. seriously you all need to stop defending nicki minaj. she's nobody. shes just an excuse. anyone that comes after gaga is going to be compared to her and no one is going to be able to top her. nicki minaj is a proven fact of that.

  36. ^I don't like Minaj either but, pretending you don't know who she is and then saying she has personality disorders and the like, not only shows that you know who she, but also that you are just a hater.

  37. but the thing is i don't know anything about her other than growing up she made other personalities for herself. that screams split personality disorder. i don't know where she grew up, how old she is, what her ethnic background in detail is, who her siblings are, who her preferred designers are, her favorite color, food, or drink is. who she is dating or has dated, how long she has been attempting to do this. what her sexual orientation is or what she prefers. who her preferred stylist & wig maker is.
    these are things that fans & even some ordinary people would know.
    so really you're just trying to hate on me.
    i'm not hating on her, i'm just pointing out something that is true & i find slightly amusing. calm down & unbunch your panties.

  38. "And if I’m fake, I ain't notice cause my money ain't
    So let me get this straight, wait, I’m the rookie?
    But my features and my shows ten times your pay?
    50k for a verse, no album out!
    Yeah my money’s so tall that my Barbie’s gotta climb it"

    I'm not what you would call a fan of hers, but Nicki makes a strong case for herself against haters, I think.

    I wouldn't even go so far as to assume she considers herself an artist. She gets money.

    My favorite thing about this sim is how its nose looks like it's gone through just as much surgery as Nicki's has.

  39. Never heard of her, heh playing sims all my free time caused me to turn into a hermit it seems. Anyway, her sim is nice, I like her nose!

  40. she's not trying to be gaga people, get over it

  41. Needs more wonk eye and less talent.

  42. God lord. Nicki has been dropping mix-tapes for about four years now. It's only recently that her hype has reached to major levels because she finally released a full studio album, Pink Friday.

    If you don't like her, that's cool. I used to think she was some bum bitch rapper until I learned more about her. Her lyrics are actually very intelligent--some more than others. Not like some of these other ABC rappers out here (I'm looking at you Waka Flocka).

    As far as her being the black Gaga...*kanyeshrug* She's eccentric like Gaga, very unique, but I wouldn't say she's stealing her look or anything. If anything, I would say she's more like Lil Kim.

    That being said! I would have rather seen "This sim SUCKS" posts than looking at a long debate about Nicki Minaj. Her face was hard, and I know it's not 100% on point. But she's good enough for me.

  43. I don't think the sim sucks. I think she looks interesting. I do not know who the celeb is as I am "older" and don't keep up with a lot of new music. Thank you for sharing her though.

  44. you know what? black people don't "need" to feel left out or that they "need" someone like lady gaga. who cares what color any of us are? in fact, who cares about lady gaga??

  45. I don't think colour really matters, but anyway, I haven't really heard about Nicki Minaj.

  46. The second pic she looks like groupie Kat Stacks!LOL

  47. The people who dispise Gaga have probably never heard Stefani Germanotta, poor ignorant souls.

    Oh wells.

    Nikki Minaj isn't massive over here, so I can't comment on her.

  48. Aren't they the same person?

  49. The pic with the green hair looks like her =O and honestly this is the first time I'm hearing her being compared to lady gaga. Nicki's a RAPPER, not a pop singer? If anything, Nicki is a Lil Kim rip off. (still like her though, shes catchy)

  50. Lady Gaga is a washed up freak. I heard of Stefani Germanotta ya punk hater. Gaga dead at 50.

  51. People need to stop debating music, everyone has different tastes in music, and if you ask me, Nicki Minaj is actually a really good rapper. Even though rapping doesn't require much talent. But have you seen Nicki Minaj act? One of her music videos was a little movie scene at the beginning, and Nicki acted amazingly in it, better than 90% of the actors nowadays, so to call her "talentless" is completely untrue. Just because you don't like someone's music, doesn't mean that they're talentless. Besides, singing/rapping isn't the only talent that you can have. Anyway, I agree that she is a terrible singer, but her rapping & her acting are amazing, so just lay off a little, and I don't think she acts at all like Lady Gaga, they're two completely different people with two completely different forms of music. Just because they both have colorful hair sometimes doesn't mean that they're the same people.
