
December 06, 2010

TS3 Store Stuff Made Shiftable Now with CURTAINS by Moryrie

This is a mod (for Crapified TS3 Store stuff) that makes all the wall lights, wall sculptures, wall clocks, wall televisions, mirrors, curtains and paintings from the TS3 store (with the exception of the Christmas Stockings, which are borked anyway) able to be shifted up or down on the wall.

Download at MATY

Thanks, Anonymous


  1. This is wonderful. Thank you so much!

  2. Haha i LOVE that wall deco is shiftable.


  3. I had this mod and was all excited about using it BUT, you have to have every store item that Moryrie has in this mod. If you don't your items will become un-usable (blank in the catalog). Not good. Oh well.

  4. Aww... That kind of sucks.
    Really wish to have those award certificates able to be movable.

  5. Great idea,I love it,but I also can't use it for the same reason as the Anon above me stated.

  6. I tried it, but I had blank duplicates of most of the store items that I couldn't select. It may be because I have some of my store stuff installed as Sims3Packs and some as packages, but either way, I'll have to remove it.

  7. "I had this mod and was all excited about using it BUT, you have to have every store item that Moryrie has in this mod. If you don't your items will become un-usable (blank in the catalog). Not good. Oh well."

    I agree. This isn't good at all.

    Thanks for letting everyone know on the issue, though. It will save a lot of people time for downloading a mod that has these limitations.

  8. I did separate the non-store stuff, and I gave clear warning about the store issue.

    The thing about the store items is that there were over 200 of them, and I didn't want to have to package each of those individually. but, you can still get the moveable WA curtains, the moveable awards, and the moveable TVs, and just ignore the store stuff.
