
December 04, 2010

Two Outfit for Toddler Girls by Irink@a

Download the first outfit here and the second here.


  1. were u get the dummys ?

  2. It's so cute that it looks like they're holing hands <333

  3. On first glance, I got freaked out by the red pacifier the girl has in the first screen. I thought that was her mouth...

    But the clothes are cute.

  4. The second picture is so cute ^^

    Here's the parcifier download:

  5. omg i thought her mouth was open at first. thanks anon for the link! & i really like these outfits. :)

  6. Yes, really really cute. I love the tunic very much.
    But 2 disturbing flaws. One is the seam in the leg. To get rid of that in Milkshape you only need to uncheck the Auto Smooth at the groups tab because otherwise, those strange dividing lines will appear along the arms, legs and neck.
    The other one is the stretching of the buttons of the dress. A real pain in the..... to get rid of that.

  7. "To get rid of that in Milkshape you only need to uncheck the Auto Smooth at the groups tab because otherwise, those strange dividing lines will appear along the arms, legs and neck."

    Thank you for identifying the problem and also offering a solution! I noticed this on a lot of the toddler clothes that Irreleves18 over at TSR made (and even listed several of them in the list of problem files post, but it's good to know what causes it. It has made me shy away from using her clothes because while they are high-quality, many of them cause the toddlers' arms, wrists, and shoulders to look disjointed and also make the toddler appear to have seams running up the legs and the arms.

  8. Sorry, that went wrong. To anonymous above: Thanks, but I´m merely telling you the same what others of the community told me when I had the same isue.
