
January 30, 2011

Anne Hathaway by dutch_1991

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. She looks a little old...

  2. Y helo thar Anne Hathaway

  3. Does anyone notice the clothes at her feet on the clothing picture? Anyways, it's awsome.

  4. downloaded the makeup to see how it works on my sims

  5. what skin is this? she does look old. and those dark circles just make her look sleep deprived...

  6. Look at a picture of her..she has dark circles.

  7. That's a really good likeness but the dark circles are unfortunate. It makes her look incredibly tired.

  8. eww, Anne Hathaway looks waaaaaay better than this.

  9. wow look just like her.

    but this person looks too old

  10. ^ Yeah, that's what I thought. Spot on except that she looks too old.

  11. looks exactly like her, but maybe in 10 years after she comes out of rehab...

  12. Wow, each time a celebrity sim comes up all you guys do is bash bash bash the sim even though it has a great likeness to the actual celebrity. I knew it was Anne Hathaway without even reading the title.

  13. a bit more teri hatcher to me

  14. it really does look like anne (btw this is the first time i ever commented on this blog :D ) anyway...if you guys look at her at the moment, because she lost so much weight she does look older in real life too. if you watch her movie rachel's somethin (ahah sorry i forgot what it's called) she looks older too even with the hair cut that was suppose to make her look young. I think anne just lost weight too fast thats why.

  15. we're not bashing her. I even said it looks just like her. But too old.

  16. I was wondering how we can post our work on here can someone help me pls ahah sorry i kno its out of context

  17. ^ Post it on a sims 3 website and hopefully it'll get featured here. Or put your stuff in the suggestions area.

  18. its not that we're trying to bash these sims. its just that all of his celebrity sims to me look kind of strange, mostly because they look old. I think its the skin he is using, which is why I ask, what skin is this?

  19. This looks good. I see the resemblance but maybe the creator can make her look a bit younger ? She looks...well, kinda not-so-young-anymore here. Sorry just my opinion. I still like it though.

  20. ^Anne Hathaway is beautiful. Supremely beautiful. However, to the people saying the sim looks old. ann has never looked young to me. Even when she first came onto the acting scene she looked like a late 20's, early-30's woman. Now adays she could easily pass as a 40-year-old. She pretty in a mature way. That's probably why this sim came out looking old.

  21. thats what i said ayaa! =) u understand!

  22. this is a major fail. doesn't look remotely like her at all, old or not. hohummm.

  23. "^Anne Hathaway is beautiful. Supremely beautiful. However, to the people saying the sim looks old. ann has never looked young to me. Even when she first came onto the acting scene she looked like a late 20's, early-30's woman. Now adays she could easily pass as a 40-year-old. She pretty in a mature way. That's probably why this sim came out looking old."

    A 40 year old?? Your perception of age scares me.

  24. ^*Contemplates changing his name to Anne Hathaway.

    As for the age thing. forty doesn't equal crows feet, grey hair, wrinkls, and podge. If you'd stop being agist for five seconds you could see so many women in the 36-40 age range that look similar to Anne Hathaway, or many of these other "young-looking" actresses.

  25. "^*Contemplates changing his name to Anne Hathaway.

    As for the age thing. forty doesn't equal crows feet, grey hair, wrinkls, and podge. If you'd stop being agist for five seconds you could see so many women in the 36-40 age range that look similar to Anne Hathaway, or many of these other "young-looking" actresses."

    Who said anything about being agist?? She doesn't look 40 because she isn't, she is 28. I work with many women, most who fall into the 40 year old range. And yes most of them have crows feet and other wrinkles...usually those you start to develop in your mid to late 30's, it's just a fact of life. Unless you live somewhere where botox is the norm.

  26. This is VERY well-done. Yes, a bit older-looking than she should look, but still better than 95% (or more) of the celeb sims out there.

    Thanks for sharing.

  27. I instantly thought Anne Hathaway before I saw the name. Wonderful job! However, she almost looks twice her age.

  28. she looks brill. Obviously its impossible to make a her look exactly like anne but this is good. btw anne does have those eyebags in real life, if she looks younger on tv then its probably because of that...TV!

  29. I don't think she looks that old honestly. I think shes beautiful as a sim and in real life. btw, just because you have "eye bags" does not mean your sleep deprived. Its the way your eye is shaped is what causes them.
    Anyways, "celebrity sims" and face masks are usually a disaster and this is not so bravo to the creator.

  30. Firstly, I think this sim is an amazing likeness to Anne Hathaway, and I think the creator did an awesome job.

    For those of you who don't like what I would personally call the realism of her face, it is just full face make-up (a face mask) so it is easy to remove. I removed it, as I prefer her without. I also tweaked her nose a bit, though I think that's just my preference, too.

    And, to each their own! Some will like this sim and some won't. (shrug)

  31. The creator did a great job in trying to be realistic to what Anne looks like now. She does have a tired look in real life. Great job. Instantly recognisable. Audrey
