
January 29, 2011

Birthstone Starters Series The Garnet by SimEve

Download at CreatEve Works


  1. Lol at their 'doll free' caption.

    Its sad that some people still have the doll actually. The thread warning about it is still going strong.

  2. ^ It makes me sad when people don't check what they snag from the exchange. That doll should have been gone a long time ago.

    The house is lovely. :) I'm liking the subway station (even though that method of travel is genuinely slower than a taxi.

  3. Well what I want to know is how it even happened in the first place. What did rebecah put in her dolls files that made it attach itselves to other files?

    then apparently she 'fixed' it. Fixed what?

    Did she do the virus on purpose?

  4. That damn doll is still around? A year later and people are still with that damn thing?

  5. Anonymous said...
    Well what I want to know is how it even happened in the first place. What did rebecah put in her dolls files that made it attach itselves to other files?

    then apparently she 'fixed' it. Fixed what?

    Did she do the virus on purpose?


    I think she said she tried to add a custom animation on a copy of the file and accidentally uploaded the one she broke.

    Something like that, anyway.

  6. thats weird, and yes the doll is still around.

  7. I would download but since SimEve is part of the ruthless_kk gang I'm not going to.

  8. I like the look of the lot, but I agree with the Anon above me. =/

  9. The doll isn't really a huge issue anymore that I know of. I still include that message for those who are still worried about it.

    Thanks for the nice comments.

    And as for those possibly trying to stir up trouble, at least have the guts to do so non-anonymously. There is no "gang". You shouldn't believe everything you read, especially from people who will do anything for blog hits. And I mean anything. Anyone who has actually spent any time around me knows that all I do is make stuff, share it and support other creators.

  10. ^ Explain the comments on TMN then. they don't lie.

  11. ^Bahahahahahahahaha! Sorry. You were serious.

  12. ^That was to the TMN doesn't lie comment btw.

  13. "Explain the comments on TMN then. they don't lie."
    I never thought of them as liars until I found out from things they said about my friends that I knew weren't true. Then when I tried to defend those friends I became a target too. So I have to disagree with your statement. Everyone that defended their main target became a target as well. They don't care about the truth. It's all about blog hits people. Hopefully none of you will have to find out the hard way like I did.

  14. What an innovative build, beautifully done too! My vampires will be very happy, thanks Simeve!
