
January 11, 2011

Butterfly Sims2 Hair 018 ~ Converted for teen-to-adult by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File names:


  1. Thank you so very much for doing this hair, Anubis! I love it! It's beautiful!

  2. Its not that bad. Also too did Nubie even retexture this? It only says he converted it.

    This is a nice hair, but what sucks about it is that I like to actually see my sims outfits, and this is just covering it up. But it does look very nice.

  3. Anubis's texture always all one color. someone retexture this pls.

  4. "Anubis's texture always all one color. someone retexture this pls."

    What joy do you get out of trolling every Anubis thread?

    Seriously, telling obvious lies makes you nothing but a troll.

  5. Anubis has been doing some awesome conversions as of late. This is no exception. Thanks, Anubis!

  6. Thank you, Nubie! Luv it! ♥

  7. Anubis, would you consider doing an alpha edit in the front? Like right under that last set of layers under the Sims' bustline?

    I ask you because I know you always include the mesh with your work so I won't have to download two different versions.

  8. No one should retexture anubis's creationssz okey? oh wait.. i mean converted,

    He is our only hope and you know it
    zorry about my grammatic.

  9. There are one too many brain dead trolls on this forum. Stfu!

    Anyway, I like this hair. Thanks!

  10. "Anubis's texture always all one color. someone retexture this pls."

    Err, textures are supposed to be all one colour. *Peggy* is doing it wrong because hers have dark roots. A good texture *can* be used as all one colour because if it can't, the people using the hair can't get the exact colours they want.

  11. I don't have anything against long hair in real life, but in game, it looks so - weird(I don't know how to describe what I mean :S)I usually don't download hairstyles, which are that long... Just my opinion, I know lots of people like it ;)
    Anyway, she did a great job on the retexture :)

  12. This hair is absolutly georgeous! Sadly I´m one of the less people who don´t like the texture of anubis. But the shiny version maybe could be good. I´ll try it out.

  13. It's so completely wonderful. Luv ya, Nubie. :)

  14. I second a request for a shorter version. I love this but its just too long. Thank you!

  15. Oh! Thank you so much, Anubis!!!
    I´ve requested this in My Bluebook... and I´m so glad now!!!

    Yeah!!!!!! lol

  16. Oooooo I love it, great work Anubis.

  17. ah such a beautiful hair, I gladly download this, Thank you Nubie.

    this is off topic but did you ever manage to finish those shoes you were making? They were really nice , I hope you upload them someday

  18. I've been secretly wishing you would convert this one, it's my favorite butterfly sims hair, thanks so much! :D

  19. Anyway, she did a great job on the retexture :)


  20. i love you nubie <3

  21. SOOO BEAUTIFUL, I've been waiting for this to get converted, and it looks awesome! Thanks :)

  22. Love it! Thanks Anubis.

  23. I love this hair, it looks gorgeous. But I'd also like to see an alpha edit too, would be awesome sauce :)

  24. I wanted an alpha edit on the front, hopefully someone can do it. After seeing it, I kinda like it. Would love to see the long parts on the front cut off.

    Thank you.

  25. Noone here is a brain dead troll just because they happen to not like something that you like,it's called having a different opinion than you.

    Not everyone has to like the same things,and just because they don't share your opinion doesn't give you the right to attack them,what makes you or your opinions so fucking superior?

    Anyway,I happen to like the texture on this particular hair,and I can somewhat agree that Pooklet's textures can look somewhat dead and lifeless in the game,but it depends on the mesh,I do usually prefer Pooklet's textures for blondes though.

  26. @ Anon above me: Are you referring to this comment(which was written by me)?

    I don't have anything against long hair in real life, but in game, it looks so - weird(I don't know how to describe what I mean :S)I usually don't download hairstyles, which are that long... Just my opinion, I know lots of people like it ;)
    Anyway, she did a great job on the retexture :)

    Then I don't see where I attacked ANYONE. I just shared my opinion, and I don't get where the problem is, because everyone here is sharing their opinion. I don't like the hairstyle, and not everyone has to think the same.

  27. I still play The Sims 2,so I have the original in my game,believe me,this version is an improvement,the original texture is atrocious!

  28. It looks a more wide than the sims 2 version, too bad, but the texture in better.

  29. I like it but It needs a retexture, Anubis no offense but I've never liked your textures, probably because i see them as bland and bleh. I love your effort though :)
