
January 31, 2011

Clothing and Accessories by Meronin


The Daylight Glare Dress

The Daylight Glare Mask

The Night Shadow Mask

The Crow Mask


  1. Dang...these are just beautiful. Where did the dresses come from?

  2. D'OH! Forgive me! I had a lack-of-sleep moment! XD I'm quite stupid at times, it's bizarre anyone wants to impersonate me in the first place.

  3. So incredible I might cry then throw myself down the laundry shute.

  4. The tutus are beautiful and the dress reminds me so much of venice's carnival. The creator definitely has talent meshing from what I can see.

  5. Since I don't do modeling comps or stories, I can't really think of a practical use for these. I may just have to throw a masquerade ball for my sims so I have an excuse to use these gorgeous masks and dresses.

  6. I really like these outfits. I only wish there was a way to make sims hold their arms in a different way to prevent the clipping issues.

  7. By tutu on

  8. Really good looking work, but the question is wil it work in the game or will it eventually cause crashing issues?

  9. Love the dress, the masks, etc. Dislike the hosting site.

  10. Nice clothes and masks. :)
    Where I can get the lipstick that are using her/his sims?

  11. These are really nice :)

  12. These are gorgeous. Too bad I'd never use them. :/

  13. Oh my god...i love it thank you so much !!!

  14. Wow, these are beautiful.

  15. gorgeous work! specially the tutu <3 and the maskes are soo cool.

  16. They look great in the screenshots. What a pity the person who created these chose the shittiest site possible to host their creations. :(

  17. These are breathtakingly beautiful. I couldn't care less about the clipping issue. These are an amazing MUST have.

  18. Jin-Ah said...
    I really like these outfits. I only wish there was a way to make sims hold their arms in a different way to prevent the clipping issues.

    In game clipping is the excuse I use to make my Sims dance a lot. Clipping is not so much an issue when they're waving their arms around above the bottom of the dress which is when I take advantage for the purpose of storytelling pictures. Since these dresses are indeed appropriate formal party wear anyway it all works out nicely. :-)

  19. There are absolutly gorgeous. Well done ! ^^

  20. ABsolutely marvellous, OMG!! Wonderful clap, clap, clap :)

  21. Meronin - our everything! Julia, Julia - you wonderful!

  22. these are amazing. I love the tutu and the night shadow mask, Idk what I would use them for, but they are beautiful

  23. I really don't mind that it clips, the dresses are absolutely gorgeous, I'm very into baroque ect, these are perfect for me <3, Thankyou Meronin!
    Masks are beautiful too <3

  24. These remind me of black swan so that movie. Also heart this set, so beautiful.

  25. I think she posted this on TSWR so it would be known and then she starts her own site. You know - marketing ;)

  26. WOW! These are sooo AWESOME! ~ Congrats&Thanks!

  27. the mesh is just perfect!

    Thanks for making them :)

  28. They LOOK pretty, yes, but are they actually as nice as they look?

    With previous meshes she didn't always include all morph states. They are not always recolorable. And finally, the last tutu she made was the base game 'retro' swimsuit with random things coming out of it that were not recolorable.

    Also, I have no idea if this person did all LODs with her previous meshes, as I didn't bother to test in game once I discovered these obvious issues.

    Maybe. maybe, she's improved since then, but I don't think I'll trust her. Especially since she's on TSR.

  29. ^Thank you for giving warnings like that. We need more comments that point out flaws with creators' works than just praise of the work that APPEARS to be very nice (not talking about the stuff that you can tell right off the bat is poorly made). I've downloaded things before that had nothing but praise only to find out they had severe issues. I do leave a comment later (even if it's months later), but by that time the damage is done and so many have already downloaded it.

  30. I love these, already downloaded the mask before checking here and I now love the tutu! My game hasn't crashed using these and I love them! Meroin is sooo talented! Browse the profile and have a look at the clock earrings and dresses too, they are worth all your time!!

  31. Yeah the dresses do not have well done morphs but hey if you weren't planning to play with fat sims with this dress, it's good to go ;)
    Here's some pics anyway if you want to see what problems awaits you.

    And recoloring is good:

  32. "Meroin is sooo talented"
    Talented doing bad meshes? yes I can see that. Good looking but not so well tecnically working. oh well, maybe she'll work to get better. Cause it looks great so I wish someday it works as well.

  33. You'd have to be an idiot to believe that only TSR hosts corrupt content, there's a refrigerator right now on MTS that wreaked havoc in my game and the site won't even remove it:

    Where is their supposed almighty quality control? The thing shows up as corrupt with the Dashboard tool.

  34. Poor Neckbird. She was born different.

  35. These are stunning. O.O I'm an absolute sucker for unique and out there stuff. <3

  36. Anonymous said...
    Yeah the dresses do not have well done morphs but hey if you weren't planning to play with fat sims with this dress, it's good to go ;)
    Here's some pics anyway if you want to see what problems awaits you.

    GASP...SOB...FAINT...oh no...whatever will my heavier Sims do? Oh, I know! Wear something else.

  37. Okay now I need to download Natalie Portman from MTS...

  38. Some how these made me think about Lady GaGa, especially the second picture because of those dresses. -_-;

    But they are lovely, these masks, that is.
