
January 24, 2011

Eyes N17 & Lipstick N19 by Lemon Leaf

Download at Lemon Leaf's Sims Cafe


  1. lip gloss looks like dried up doll lips

  2. WOW the lipgloss is amazing. Thank you LL!

  3. I love that lipgloss!! Downloading right now! ^-^

  4. I already have seven billion lip glosses, but I'll have to add one more.

  5. Amazing lipgloss! Simply stunning!

    I agree with the anon above! I have so many lipglosses but I shall download one more!

  6. All these start to look the same to me. Too much lip gloss.

  7. Those pupils aren't black, though. They have color in them.

  8. Does she realize that her eyes make the sims even more fake?

    I thought the sims was supposed to look realistic.

  9. ^^Actually, these look more like a stlye of Circle Lenses that put a certain shape on the eye. I forgot the specific name.

    But, in reality, most of the stuff people in the West associate with Anime, is really inspired by real life stuff in Japan, from hairstlyes to clothing, etc.

    And the Sims are supposed to look like what you WANT them to look like. Some people want realistic (With ugly things like body hair, skin complaints, lazy eyes, dirty hair, fat, and excess muscle), other people want to have sims that look pretty, regardless of how realistic they may or may not look. Others want "Anime" styled sims, and others want...well, you get my point.

    I'll grab these contacts for the people they'll suit. I'll grab the lip gloss for the girls it'll suit, and I'm certain I'll love them.

  10. I think they are titled Barbie eyes for a reason. Some people like to play their sims like human and others like dolls. It's great we have so many choices.

  11. I don't understand why some people don't like lemon leaf. She or he is so great at adopting japanese/chinese elements into his/her work. (okay, i guess people have their own sense of style, but his/her sims are gorgous ((even though they tend to look artificial at times)) ) cool beans, lemon leaf! -chinwe, 12

  12. Yes Ive heard of anime, but that just makes the sims look more fake. Not realistic at all.

  13. I always love lemon leaf's work..

  14. They may not look realistic but not all aspects of the game are based off of reality. Not everyone plays as if it's real. It's ok if someone likes something you don't. :)

  15. Anime =/= Realistic.
    Not that hard, buddy. And it's not really anime, it's just basically pretty dolls.

    They're called Barbie eyes. As in, doll eyes, an ideal of sorts. I like my sims to not look hideous, thanks. So, I enjoy Lemon Leaf's work, because it's high quality - if a bit repetitive.

    If you don't want it, don't download it.

  16. Why do Asian people like blond people so much?

  17. ^people like what you can't have easy or just don't have. I'm from Scancinavia and believe me - not only me but other blonds too tend to dye their hair darker and use black contacs.

  18. Is that picture that LemonLeaf has in the sidebar of Horikita Maki?

  19. what i have noticed about her lipstick is that, unless you make a fair skinned sim, the lipstick comes off very bright... so on tanned sims it doesnt look as good

  20. does lemonleaf photoshop her images?

  21. I use lemonleaf lipstick on my black sims all the time. You just have to play with the colors and I find sliding down the opacity helps too.

    Great work LemonLeaf!
