
January 28, 2011

Intensity Eyes as Contacts by Goldeneyes

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. ^I don't think these are really So Overwhelmingly Fucking Awesome myself. The eye is pretty, but I'm turned off a bit by that very uniform ring of colour around it.

    I would love to see someone make an eye where all three colour channels edit the iris. I know my mom's eyes have an orange colour around the iris, a grey-green colour throughout, and a dark blue rim on the outside. Has anyone made a contact like this?

    I digress. These eyes have beautiful colouration, but the uniform ring is there downfall. If it were slightly more jaggedy and imperfect it would look a lot more natural. Very good work, anyway. Keep improving!

  2. I disagree, these are really well done, thank you for sharing these Golden :) I will feature them on my blog ^_^

  3. I think these are very pretty.

    Though I'm still waiting for the heterchromatic contacts. I'm sure someone out there will make them. (And if I missed them then I will be so mad at myself. D: )

  4. ^^^ There probably are some with 3-channels in the iris somewhere... I've been working on about 5 contacts that will have 3 channels in the iris. But I'm horrible with contact controls, so I'm still working on getting them right.

    I do like these eyes. They are pretty and the shine looks nice on them, imo.

  5. I like the high shine on these:) thanks

  6. You did a good job, man. I like 'em.

  7. I made contacts with 3 color channels:
