
January 24, 2011

Japanese Inspired Vector Patterns by Shower Scream

Download at Shower Scream


  1. Thanks for letting us know they are not castable!!

  2. "Thanks for letting us know they are not castable!!"

    yes, i would have been disappointed, now i'm like oh well, not like i really need more patterns anyway

  3. These look great. It doesn't matter if they aren't cast-able to me. They still give me some more choices to use in my sim homes.

  4. THe blue one is great for kimonos but it's a shame they are not cas-table.

  5. Too bad these are non castable. I love the style so much.

  6. She says they were made with EA's create-a-pattern tool and are not CASTasble (or at least won't recolor correctly)...yet plenty of people have made patterns with that tool and all of theirs are perfectly CASTable.

    I can understand why she wouldn't try CASTing those with more than four color channels but most of these have four or less...and thus they could've been easily CASTable if she'd put the work in.

    How disappointing. Non-CASTable patterns is something I'd expect from the kids on the Exchange who don't even know how to use the Create-A-Pattern tool to make the background recolorable.

    To me it seems sheer laziness and/or incompetence that this creator didn't CAST at least some of these patterns.

  7. I do appreciate all the work involved to make stuff, but yeah, these patterns are too simple not to be castable. If I wanted thousands of non-recolorable items, I'd still be playing Sims 2.
