
January 05, 2011

Katy Perry... Fun fasion by Tegi

Download at Tegi's gaЯden


  1. Nice! Love Katy Perry! So similar looking, thank you)

  2. After all that screaming at Gaga about blasphemy, I'm surprised Katy would use the cross in such a perverse manner.

    I adore it though, downloading right away!

  3. "After all that screaming at Gaga about blasphemy, I'm surprised Katy would use the cross in such a perverse manner."

    lol that was the first thing i thought when i saw the pic. what a hypocrite.

  4. all that screaming about blasphemy... again... It's just a selebrity's outfit.
    Anyway, if this creation offense to smb's feelings, I'm sorry, haven't thought about religion before you start talking about blasphemy,I'm a Christian though...


  6. Don't worry Tegi, fundamentalist crap is not everyone's cup of tea.
    I see no blasphemy here, it's just a cross on a dress. End of it.

  7. "THE UGLY KATY PERRY" If you think this girl is ugly, I'm actually quite afraid to learn what your definition of the word "pretty" is. :/

    I really can't find a use for this, but more pics of Katy Perry are welcome in my book. :)

  8. Don't like the woman (not for looks, I just simply do not like her), don't like the outfit (translucent center or no, it isn't exciting, or exceptional, it is really just a boring black leotard), and finally, the 'belt' on the sim looks like a miniature inner-tube.

  9. Tegi, dear, I was pointing out her hypocrisy, not actually being offended myself. Either way it's the sexualisation of the cross, can't be that good.

  10. Katy Perry "slammed" Lady Gaga for using blasphemy for her music video. Then she turns around and does the same thing by wearing an outfit with a mesh cross that shows cleavage. This is what makes her a hypocrite, it's because she's doing the same damn thing she slammed Lady Gaga for.

    I've never liked this women, and this just seals the deal really.

    But back to the point, I love the outfit, if you can call it that! LoL. What's up with the pantless craze anyway?!

  11. It's not crap, it's a cross on purpose... Stupid little girls didn't get enough attention and now they try to shock everyone as adults

  12. That woman is considered pretty? Seriously? I don't know who she is, but I know enough to say there's nothing attractive about her.

    I really question the tastes of todays youth. They seem to be unable to tell the difference between pounds of make-up and Beauty. What happened to the days when women like Sophia Loren, or Gene Tierney, or Lauren Bacall, or Myrna Loy were the standards of beauty. Now, it seems all that is required to be "sexy" is giant boobs, excessive make-up, and all the modesty of a peacock.

    But, that is unimportant.

    The outfirst would be interesting swimwear. If people want to complain about there being a "cross" on it (Which is really dumb, since the cross is just two lines crossing each other, nothing else), just think of it as being the medical cross.

    I dislike the belt, though. It's a bit too much 80's for me.

  13. Ano, I understood what you wanted to say) I just scared that people will start screaming about blasphemy after 3 & 6 comments. cause I didn't even think about religion, it was just a cross for me... Like "plus" or whatever...

  14. Plus "+" a cross "†" (technically a dagger, but I'm showing the difference between a cross and a plus). The symbol on this outfit is a "†", a cross, which has major connotations with Christianity. You can't blow over her obvious use of the cross by saying a cross looks like a plus.

    Oh but thank you to the anon who pointed out that belt, it really doesn't do any good for the outfit, I don't think I'll be downloading anymore. ):

  15. Why does every female who is sexy have to called slutty? What is it? You mad because you're not considered sexy?

  16. Sexy=Looks+Confidence+Elegence+Talent

    Slutty=Make-Up+Risque+Whore+No Talent that can be used in anything other that porn.

  17. First off katy perry cannot sing. And second off, shes like zooey's twin.

    Anyways this clothing is ugly.

    Katy perry on the other hand is pretty. Just not hot. Shes too 'sweet' and innocent looking to be hot.

  18. "Slutty" and "whore" are two different words entirely. One is an adjective to describe and one is a noun that describes one with sluttish qualities (or less common, man) of a certain profession.

    Katy Perry has built her career on having big titties and being "naughty". "I Kissed A Girl" and the video for "California Gurls" don't ring a bell?

    And of course being married automatically means you aren't slutty. Right.

  19. "Slutty" and "whore" are two different words entirely. One is an adjective to describe one with sluttish qualities and one is a noun that describes a woman(or less commonly, a man) of a certain profession.

    Edited because I typed in the wrong thing.

  20. Why does every female who is sexy have to called slutty? What is it? You mad because you're not considered sexy?

    Ah...a variant of one of the worst arguments ever: "omg u dont tink dis gurl iz pretti ur so jelouz".

    Beauty and sexiness are both subjective. One person's beauty is another one's ugly and one person's idea of sexy is another person's idea of slutty. Doesn't mean you're jealous. In fact, it's baffling why you would be jealous of something you consider negative.

    Also, not all women strive to be considered "sexy". Being perceived as intelligent, talented, or witty is much more important. Physical attributes fade, after all.

  21. "Why does every female who is sexy have to called slutty? What is it? You mad because you're not considered sexy?"

    You know, I actually agreed with your point... until you ruined by accusing the other person of being "jealous". There's a real double standard for women in regards to sexuality. Unfortunately, you're just reinforcing it, not challenging it.

  22. "There's a real double standard for women in regards to sexuality."

    Too true. I believe that men can be slutty too, but I'm probably in the minority. "Slut" seems to be an exclusively feminine word. *sigh*

  23. It's so funny because all the "beauty fades" or "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" reminds me of this joke from the movie Liar, Liar.

    Little Boy - "Beauty is only skin deep."
    Dad - "That's just what ugly people say!"

    Anywaysssss! I hate when a creators creations get a bad rep because of who it was inspired from. Yes this outfit is saccrilegious, if you are of a certain faith.'s a sims creation! Very nicely done at that. I like that the belt is meshed instead of drawn on.

  24. I have to add that Christians do NOT consider the cross a religious symbol. It's two pieces of wood slapped together. What Christians consider to be a religious symbol is the Crucifix, which is the figure of Jesus ON a cross.

  25. "I have to add that Christians do NOT consider the cross a religious symbol. It's two pieces of wood slapped together. What Christians consider to be a religious symbol is the Crucifix, which is the figure of Jesus ON a cross."

    Entirely false. I say this as a Christian. I consider both the Cross AND the Crucifix to be holy.

    I don't know of any Christians who consider a cross to be "two pieces of wood slapped together" or unreligious.

  26. ^Seriously, why do you think so many Christians wear the cross? Catholics are more apt to have a Crucifix.

  27. No catholic would wear a crucifix, as it's considered sacriligious, just like wearing a rosary.

  28. I have decided tonight that I am going to give my self the title of saint at this very moment. I have decided after many seconds of thinking that I deserve this title and that I hence forth be known as Saint Me. Try to deny it. It is truth because I say it. I give my self the title of saint and there is nothing you can say against it. I have as much knowledge of life after death as anyone else claiming to be a preacher or pastor so I deem my self a saint and that is that. When you reply you may address me as saint.

  29. "No catholic would wear a crucifix, as it's considered sacriligious, just like wearing a rosary."

    Check your facts before talking out of your butt.

    Some of you are just so ignorant, it's unbelievable. Learn to follow the maxim, "Write what you know."

    A crucifix is a cross with the crucified body of Christ depicted on it. The crucifix is the most popular variety of Catholic jewelry. Crucifixes are often worn as necklaces, attached to bracelets and crafted into rings. Catholics wear crucifixes as a reminder of Christ's passion and the price of salvation.

    More links:

    And I am Catholic. Please stop talking about what you don't know. We wear the Crucifix and also medals of Saints.

  30. I'm not reinforcing anything, it's just stupid to call someone a slut unless you really know them to be exactly what you say they are.

    And I truly believe only ugly people need that beauty is in the eye of the beholder crap, yes its subjective, but any rational person can look at Katy Perry and see her appeal.

    And megan fox is still hot to most even if beauty is supposedly subjective =]

    Back on the slut shaming topic, sexual double standards are for people who don't know any better.

  31. Megan Fox is a homily spinster who raids the make-up counter to make herself look presentable. I've seen drag queens that are more sexually appealing as women than she is.

  32. And the fake tan too, don't forget that.

  33. I'm just saying, a lot of these anti-pretty-girl comments do sound a little envious. The majority of people who are attracted to women (and a lot of those who aren't too) will admit Katy is pretty, same with Megan Fox and all those other women hated for how they look. I find it incredibly silly that some people insult Katy Perry on her looks as if she designed the structure of her face and it's all her fault she's nice to look at. Seriously, stop insulting people you don't know based on attractiveness, you just sound shallow.

  34. I'm just saying, a lot of these anti-pretty-girl comments do sound a little envious. The majority of people who are attracted to women (and a lot of those who aren't too) will admit Katy is pretty, same with Megan Fox and all those other women hated for how they look. I find it incredibly silly that some people insult Katy Perry on her looks as if she designed the structure of her face and it's all her fault she's nice to look at. Seriously, stop insulting people you don't know based on attractiveness, you just sound shallow.

  35. The majority of people who are attracted to women (and a lot of those who aren't too) will admit Katy is pretty, same with Megan Fox and all those other women hated for how they look.

    I know plenty of straight men who find both Katy Perry and Megan Fox unappealing.

    I guess that immediately makes them jealous or gay?

  36. And talking about double standards, I don't believe I've ever heard anyone call men jealous for saying they thought Brad Pitt or Orlando Bloom wasn't good-looking.

    Any female that thinks a female celebrity isn't attractive is instantly called "jealous".

  37. Mmkay whatever, it's just odd for you girls to be lashing out at these women verbally who you never knew and never will because of your perceptions of them.

    Especially, in the are of looks, i mean lets not kid yourselves most guys would still rather have katy perry or megan fox or zooey deschanel than you even as "subjective" as beauty is.

  38. Especially, in the are of looks, i mean lets not kid yourselves most guys would still rather have katy perry or megan fox or zooey deschanel than you even as "subjective" as beauty is.

    Perhaps, perhaps not. You have no way of knowing that since you have no idea of how I look. Just as I have no idea of how you look.

    And for all I know, Katy Perry could be a perfectly nice lady. I just don't think she's drop dead gorgeous.

  39. What's the reason of discussing Katy Perry's appearance here? It's an outfit... not sim and not the real life)))
    Anyway, like this suit. Even belt, it's not perfect, but at least it is not painted on...

  40. I find plenty of women beautiful (and straight female here). But I've never seen Megan Fox or Katy Perry as one of those women. They are pretty, but also just meh. They're average looking women under all the makeup.

    As for the actual outfit. Not my style. I don't like it.

  41. Pfft. I find many conventionally attractive women beautiful, as well as many less popular ones. What I don't like is women who are pretty anyway acting dependent on an excess of cosmetics they don't need. Including fake tan and plastic surgery. Katy Perry is not attractive for me, and she never seems to show her face without makeup.

    What posebox was used?

  42. Sorry, but you're all just catty because Katy Perry is hot and Megan Fox is hot and you're not. Why is this focused on their looks anyway? Hehe. They are far better looking than any of you, and I do not need to look at you to say that with absolute confidence. Hot chicks make ugly chicks and others green eyed monsters. With that being said, I see a lot of hate for these women generally perceived as hot. Sexist slurs and accusations. Tsk tsk.

  43. What a discussion... Whatever, I like her...
    Ano, no posebox, just playing with pure ingame animation.
