
January 06, 2011

New Things at The Sims 3 Store

Muse Luxury

The Muses pooled their collective talents to design something worthy of Gods, heroes, and Sims.
This is a new object!

9 items are included in this set - 450 Points

Through the Spy Glass

Every Sim lives for the day they discover a secret hideaway! Help your Sims live their dreams with this collection!
This is a new object!

16 items are included in this set - 850 Points

Luxe Kidswear

Indulge your little Sims with some super snuggly sleepwear!
This is a new object!

14 items are included in this set - 1,000 Points

Year of the Rabbit

It's the year of the rabbit and we have a whole mess of rabbit themed gifts for your Sims!
This is a new object!

5 items are included in this set  - 100 Points


  1. Love the kids clohes and hairs.

  2. the muses pooled their talents together and that is all they could come up with? that is soo soo sad.

    I do like the children pj's set, though.

    The Alice set is cute, but I don't really have much use for those style of items within my game.

    And the rabbit set is just pathetic and kinda ugly. I can't believe its not free. Its not worth 100 points.

  3. Oh SHIT.... stuff for sim children? So now they have more than 3 articles of unisex clothing in the CAS screen? Whoa-Nelly! **does a ho-down**

    That second furniture set is kinda hideous. I'll get it anyways. The bed is cute.

  4. I like the kids clothes but thats it.

    Also too, where is the set from a long time ago we had a poll on that they promised us?

    it was all futuristic looking. What ever happened to that one?

  5. aside from the kids stuff, every one is pretty much disappointed with what got released today (Myself included)

    if i played kids more i'd get the whole damn set!) im gonna get a couple items today probably

  6. The spacey kitchen is probably being saved for the Outer Space Expansion Pack. :)

  7. The spy glass set and the rabbit set are perfect for my current sim!

  8. I am in love. What a gorgeous set for kids !! And I pretty much like all of them actually. Can't wait to get it.

  9. There is no outterspace EP.

  10. I love the sleepwear for kids, it was time our sim-kids got some normal clothes. I also like the girl hair.

    The rabbits are ok, I like the white one. It'd be cute for decoration if it's not too big.

    The muse luxury set is kinda dissapointing, and I don't like the spy glass one at all, except for the desk.

  11. "Also too, where is the set from a long time ago we had a poll on that they promised us?

    it was all futuristic looking. What ever happened to that one?"

    Was about to ask the same thing.

  12. Lol, even with prices like that, EA can't afford a decent videocard. :D

  13. the users could do with some other stuff. this is so useless.

    the sleepwear is cute though and the hairs are adorble. but I guess they won't look that good in-game as most of the free stuff out there.

  14. Ufailedatlife, your journal says you have a shit computer and can't run sims 3 anymore, how come you leave comments about this if you can't even use it?

  15. I like the Rabbit and Muse sets. The Muse stuff is plain enough so that it won't look out of place everywhere, and I like the designs on the rabbits.

    I did like last year's Tiger set better though.

  16. The futuristic kitchen set is set for EA's undisclosed project coming after EP4. Most likely EP5. Word on the blogs is that its going to be an expansion pack similar to OFB with the kitchen set being part of an "out of this world" DIY restaurant package.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anonymous said...
    The futuristic kitchen set is set for EA's undisclosed project coming after EP4. Most likely EP5. Word on the blogs is that its going to be an expansion pack similar to OFB with the kitchen set being part of an "out of this world" DIY restaurant package.

    Whoa, may I ask who your sources are?

  19. The rabbit set should be free

  20. ^Isn't that semi-redundant after Ambitions though? :/

    I hope we get something less... work oriented. The game has too many ways to get rich, and not enough crap to spend money on. (And I'd rather not download a mod to make TREES overpriced.)

  21. ^Well, we don't have restaurants yet where you can sit down and order and be served.

  22. ^lmao, I totally forgot about those trees.

    But I agree, we need more stuff to waste our sims money, other than buying furniture and making them eat outside.

  23. "Ufailedatlife, your journal says you have a shit computer and can't run sims 3 anymore, how come you leave comments about this if you can't even use it? "

    Well if you're interested, I said in a comment on the post you're talking about that a friend borrowed me a graphic card (the same day I posted lol), and I can play now.

  24. " ^Well, we don't have restaurants yet where you can sit down and order and be served."

    I'd rather not see a whole EP revolving around that when you can /sortof/ do that with LN. Y'know?

    And seeing as how long it takes for sims to order/be served/eat at bars right now (without Twallan's relativity), I seriously dread a restaurant experience.

  25. Ufailedatlife, you don't have to explain anything to that moron.

    To the moron who wants to pick fights with registered users about comments they make that do not concern you, you really need to get a life. Going to someone's journal and gathering info to use against them on an MS3B blog entry is definitely creepy. Also, it appears you didn't even read far enough but just took what you wanted to manipulate and ran with it, so that makes you creepy, ignorant, and your argument entirely futile.

  26. "I'd rather not see a whole EP revolving around that when you can /sortof/ do that with LN. Y'know?

    And seeing as how long it takes for sims to order/be served/eat at bars right now (without Twallan's relativity), I seriously dread a restaurant experience."

    Oh, ok, I see what you are saying. Speaking of the relativity mod, I REALLY wish they'd change the time in the Sims 3. It is just so unrealistic and makes it hard to do many things in Late Night. By the time you get to a club and up the elevator, sometimes 2 Sim hours have passed! Then it can take another 2 Sim hours just to order the drink and drink it...when you are the only one being served! Also, it shouldn't take a Sim over a half hour to brush their teeth and do other mundane tasks.

  27. I can't believe that rabbit set isn't free! I like them, but 100 points? D:

  28. I downloaded the Muse one, but the installation failed. I only game I have is the base, and it's up to date. :\

  29. "I downloaded the Muse one, but the installation failed. I only game I have is the base, and it's up to date. :\"

    Do you mean you downloaded it from MATY or you used your Simpoints to download it from the site?

    If it's the former, then that is just the game's way of telling you that you are using a pirated version of the set that you didn't download from your own Sims 3 account. This means you will need to run the .sims3pack over s3rc if you plan to turn the set into .packages afterwards by using Delphy's Sims 3 Pack Multi-Installer. This really is the best way. If you insist on using the Launcher to install as .sims3packs, then you will have to decrapify, which isn't for the faint of heart and those who don't know what they are doing. When you decrapify, there is no going back and you have to decrapify your saves, your library, and your user presets. You also cannot share decrapified files because they can mess others' games up.

  30. they should care about the exchange and not about the stupid overpriced store.

  31. "they should care about the exchange and not about the stupid overpriced store."

    I think they should get rid of the Exchange altogether. Other than TSR, there has been more borked, game-destroying, poorly made sorry excuses for content uploaded there than anywhere else on the net. At least TSR isn't their official site, so unless they REALLY enforce some restrictions on the Exchange, they need to get rid of it. The few gems posted there in the sea of bad content would be better off posted somewhere else anyway.

  32. I would like the rabbits if they were normal colors. I'm not a fan of the odd designs on them. It should have been free like it was supposed to have been. There was a news announcement at the official site that said the rabbit set was free, but now there's suddenly no news there. They must have realized their mistake, and rather than refunding those who spent their points on the set and making it free, they just deleted any evidence it was supposed to be free and kept charging for it.

  33. "Other than TSR, there has been more borked, game-destroying, poorly made sorry excuses for content uploaded there than anywhere else on the net."

    Agreed. The exchange is a mess, and honestly, it's an outdated idea. It made sense way back in the days of TS1 when the community was still being formed, but now there are numerous well-developed, free custom content sites out there. The exchange completely unmoderated, and too many people use it as an excuse to pass around CC without crediting the creator.

  34. Blah blah. Who cares what you people think? Why don't you all just shut up? But no...! Instead, you'll just keep yapping away. Blah blah blah...

  35. ShortyBoo, I would bet money that the rabbits are CASTable. Everything EA usually is.

    I caved and bought the toddler rabbit doll. It's cute!

  36. Ok to the anon who posted saying that the next EP is going to be similar to OFB, just shows that (if its true) then EA once again, didn't listen to what we wanted. Everybody on the website and on non-offical EA websites has been begging for seasons. If there is no seasons in the next EP I really wonder why.

    I mean the sims isn't that realistic without seasons and people have been demanding it since day one. People are demanding seasons now more than ever though, so they really need to release that next. What the hell, an OFB EP? I thought the ambitions consignment store was the closest thing to OFB we were ever going to get. We need seasons.

  37. "We need seasons."

    LOL? We do not "need" anything.

  38. Yap yap yap, blah blah blah, talky talky talky GET OFF THE COMPUTER

  39. Who cares about having seasons? Do people not have imaginations anymore?

  40. i no haz imaginashuns i needs moar sims eps plz

  41. " Yap yap yap, blah blah blah, talky talky talky GET OFF THE COMPUTER"

    Follow your own advice please. ^^

  42. I want seasons and pets, but if I have to pick between the two, then I want pets :)

  43. "Ok to the anon who posted saying that the next EP is going to be similar to OFB, just shows that (if its true) then EA once again, didn't listen to what we wanted."

    It looks like it said that EP 5 would be an OFB related exapnsion pack, not the next one, which would be expansion pack number FOUR.


    If what anon said is true, im excited. Ambitions was lackluster. I want to manage my own shop dammit! Not bother with a shitty consignment shop

  44. any1 want my game i no like dis dumb game no mo

  45. What complaining? So stupid! This is the reality,if you gonna spent money in a game this must worth the money and quality!

  46. ^ You're under arrest. You've committed countless, profane violations against the English language.

  47. And EA is milking again, lots of women and gay men will buy this stuff for sure.

  48. What does gender or sexuality have to dowith what items you buy for the Sims game?

  49. Does the girl's hair work for males too? I have a few boys that would look good with it.

  50. The grammar police crap is retarded and annoying,who appointed YOU to talk down to someone for misspelling a few words?

    This isn't MATY!

  51. Go back to MATY Grammar Police. You have no clout here.

  52. I agree,I can't see spending 10 bucks on kid's sleepwear.

  53. too the sexist and homophobic anon. I am a woman and I think these sets are pretty crappy. The only one I would buy is the children's pj set, and I would only buy that one on DD. so STFU pig

  54. Well, I Maty'd the january stuff, and I have to say I LOVE the new hairs. I guess it'll be a week or so before someone on MTS makes the hairs useable on adults, and the little girl's long bedhead for males.

    All in all, EA has released stuff I'm interested in, but don't care enough about to pay for.

  55. To this day I love how adamantly people are all "I REFUSE TO DONATE!1!!!" yet they're perfectly willing to grab everything at MATY. What's it like being a freeloading leech?

  56. Ha,my thoughts exactly.......

  57. I only MATY because I don't have the money to fritter away on pixels. It takes enough for me to eventually save enough money to buy an Expansion Pack. aside from those occasional buys, too much of my money goes into things I actually need.

    Now, if EA decided to price there stuff realistically, I'd probably have less of an issue with purchasing stuff from them.

    I can't speak for everyone, but that's my two-bits. I also love music, but on my budget, I'd be lucky to own more than ten albums, as opposed to the over 2000 albums from fifty different countries I have downloaded. Money shouldn't be a barrier between us and the things we enjoy/love.

  58. I really like the bed and the girl's pajamas.

  59. Yes,money SHOULD come between the things we love,that would be the same thing as saying it's ok to steal a car or Rolex watch,just because you "love"it and can't afford it.

  60. You're kind of stretching that statement to the point of breaking it, but I do understand your point and agree somewhat. I still find comparing Sims3 stuff that really wouldn't cost more than $100 each month to stealing a Car or Rolex which could cost many tens of thousands of dollars to be a bit...outlandish.

    But really, I think it's more a sense of priorities. I need to buy clothes for myself for my job, but I want some of the items in the Sims3 shop. Obviously, the clothing has priority, because I'll be able to use it in many ways. Sims 3 stuff is just pixels, vectors, coding, and shit. Now, if I DID have the money to throw away on S3 items, I'd be more than happy to do so.

    Likewise, with music, I'd LOVE to own more physical CDs, but when most of the music I like has to be imported, and the cost of Imports can be $30-$50 for an Album and $18 for a single, I'm more inclined to spend that money on practical stuff rather than simple enjoyment, even if that enjoyment is one of the things that keeps me alive.

    Comparing that to a Car or a Rolex is silly, because A car, and a Rolex are investments. You put money into them, and they provide you with many years of use. Sims3 stuff is fake digital stuff that has no practical use outside of providing us with enjoyment.

  61. I do understand your point,I'm sorry for coming off as an insensitive jerk earlier(I'm an Anon,I know,but I do believe in integrity)

    The prices EA charges for this shit are crazy ridiculous,only a very few could afford EVERYTHING.


  62. ..people pretending to be ignorant... seriously, gender and leanings have everything to do with it and u know it

  63. If you want to attack others for ignorance, then atleast DEFEND your point using actual reasoning, and know how to spell you.

    I smell ignorance, but the stench is coming from above.

  64. "If you want to attack others for ignorance, then atleast DEFEND your point using actual reasoning, and know how to spell you."

    I'm not commenting on anything else in the argument, but if you're going to tell someone else how to spell, then you should know that "atleast" is actually TWO words.

    It's "at least."

  65. omg rabbit year..EA in CRACK!
