
January 27, 2011

Newsea Te Amo Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. Newsea did a similar hairstyle before. No thanks.

  2. yea looks too much like another hair. its not bad its just not original enough


  4. Just how many variations of this style will Rose, Peggy and Darth Newsea do?

  5. newsea's so productive

  6. Download link please?

  7. I wish NewSea would release some new male hair, I'm absolutely craving some new styles.

  8. ^me too. I like the style, but I have the other Newsea did, that looks a lot like this one. I kind of like the other better though.

  9. newsea is running out of Ideas

  10. And yet Craving some money hence making any hair to get that cash

  11. I used to like Newsea's hair, but lately it seems like every new style just has more random wisps, flips, and ties piled on top of it. Has for the last year now. I'm not saying they're not talented creators, but I'd like to see them browse an ACTUAL HAIRSTYLIST'S gallery and make some nice, fun, functional styles that look classy and cool instead of pumping out these things that look like the hair would either have to be shellacked into place to stay perfectly wispy all the time, or frozen from a snapshot.

  12. Well, I don't think newsea really cares about the designs, since as long as her hairs are downloaded, she will be payed by TSR

  13. ^this.
    And we all know that people at TSR aren't really very selective. So as long as it's new it's "his best hair ever".

  14. ^ Newsea works for free according to tsr's magazine.

  15. This looks like another or two of newsea's hairs and if I recall correctly the other one (two?) were better.

  16. this is a very nice hair, and i will have it in my game without paying a nickel for it. i like this one a lot better than the earlier, similar one.

  17. I think this could be saved with a retexture, as the mesh isn't all that bad.

    Lotus, you out there?

  18. Ditto on the new male hair, even though it does look like some earlier hairstyles, I would still like it for my tots and children.

  19. I like it! Very cute and a nice texture.

  20. When I saw this, I first thought it was Newsea's Theron again.

    Stop recycling the same hairs and making people pay for them again and again, Newsea.

  21. another rehash of the same stuff... la misma mierta Newsea

  22. yay! My hair!

    Hopefully a re-texture is coming... :]

  23. ^ Good one Caleste ;)

  24. This is so cute! Especially for toddlers :)

  25. "^ Newsea works for free according to tsr's magazine."

    I'm not sure if this has been confirmed or not, but I read elsewhere that pay artists don't receive the money from TSR, they receive access to the pay downloads. I wouldn't be surprised at all, though, if they are pressured to meet a certain quota of creations.

  26. "Newsea works for free according to tsr's magazine."

    Than he really isn't very smart, because before he worked for TSR he used to sell his hairs in his own site. Going o TSR to get only their pay crap (when you can get it free somewhere else) isn't a smart move. Specially if he's 'being forced' to make new hairs every week or so.

    Anyway, this isn't original (like most of his hairs lately) but I like it more than the Theron hair. Simple but cute.

  27. That is really stupid if TSR creators work for free. They should get a cut of the money. Gaining access to other subscriber items doesn't sound like much reason to be a featured creator, especially since I doubt Newsea even plays that often.

  28. Is there a link?

    And isn't newsea a guy?

  29. Newsea doesn't work for free. It's a complete lie. He has to deliver 4 hairsets each month for a fixed fee.

  30. I like this best for toddlers and kids. Other than that, meh.

  31. That is really stupid if TSR creators work for free. They should get a cut of the money. Gaining access to other subscriber items doesn't sound like much reason to be a featured creator, especially since I doubt Newsea even plays that often.

    Hahaha, you know. I can lift just one hand up at the number of creators I know that actually play the game. It's hilarious. But to kind of avoid saying some things, TSR is good publicity. Sometimes that's.... payment enough for some people.

  32. "Hahaha, you know. I can lift just one hand up at the number of creators I know that actually play the game."

    Even though I rarely play the game when I do I get so immersed into it I play for consecutive hours. XD

    But for me, it's create more than work actually. Well The Sims for me is more work than play actually...

    I love the details NewSea puts into the mesh, it's his personal touch, and his uniqueness, as much people hate though, as they feel some hair a bit "wispy", talk about tastes...

  33. wish the roots were not so dark, but I can live with it I guess.

  34. I love this so much more than the earlier similar hair because this hair isn't really floating sideways, I hope Lotus will retexture it though.

  35. I know there was a similar one, but I'd still love this retextured by a caring creator. Even better if someone gets it to work for males too.

    And that toddler's eyes >.<

  36. I found a link on 4shared.

  37. oh my god, thank you immensely Anon! :]
