
January 16, 2011

UPDATED - Shuttered Window" Expansion Set! by QBUILDERZ

"The windows had a wall mask issue in which placing the windows, closing your game, then reentering the lot caused crashing. I tracked down a person who had this issue, bound them to a chair, made them test profusely against their will, and receive a pleasant outcome If you redownload the file, all of the windows are updated and fixed."

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Cool =D
    I download it

  2. Love new build items.

  3. I love this set! Which makes it extra sucky when I was building a house, and after saving and reentering the house to continue building, the game kept crashing. I ended up having to delete this set from my downloads, and, now no more crashing. Which is too bad. I also noticed when placing a window there was a weird glitchy looking extra piece of window.

  4. @Anonymous #3

    I tried to figure out why only the glass appears when placing the windows, but couldn't find any reason for why it was doing that. It doesn't break the windows or effect their appearance, so it isn't a fatal error, just a weird little blip of sorts.

    About the crashing, though, that is odd. I had absolutely no errors with the windows in my game, perhaps they installed incorrectly or something? Try again? Wish I could tell you how to fix it but...I am only a creator and next to useless when it comes to game issues :P

    Sorry they aren't working for you and I hope you can get them working :(

  5. Weren't these done by someone at TSR?

  6. I love this set but I have the same problem as the other Anon. There are stripey gaps around the window which clear when I click to place it. Unfortunately placing the window causes it to crash straight to desktop. It's just like the problem with those windows with problematic wallmasks that had to be updated for Late Night.

  7. @ Anon #2

    Hmm, I had two others test my windows, and they had no problems. Can you make sure your game is fully updated? If not I will go through, redo the wall masks, and update the download links to see if that solves this issue that some of you are having.

    Please get back if possible :)

  8. I'm fully patched and I have no problems with these windows. I placed one of each on my house to test and had no crash.

  9. @Qbuilderz
    Hi Qbz,
    Thank you very much for getting back to me. My game is fully patched and have all the EPs and SPs. Game runs well otherwise with and without CC and Mods.

    @Anon#3 The issue might arise for you when you delete the windows via the UI or with the hammer? Hope it's working for you; wish it was working for me!

  10. Okay! Wall masks are updated, I had no issues (again) but I have a few others testing for me. If all goes well, expect an update later today :)

    Terribly sorry for the inconvenience everyone; I hope that you can enjoy the windows when they don't make your game explode :D

  11. ^Im glad you could solve w/e was wrong with them. Thanks for fixing them.

  12. Hi Qbz,
    The updated versions work perfectly. Thank you very much indeed! :)

  13. It's great to see there are still creators out there that listen to players that have problems and that try to fix the problems. Thanks for that!

  14. Thanks for this post, it is great
