
January 26, 2011

Simplified Doll Eyes – Contacts by Shyne

Download at Shyne's Blog


  1. Beautiful work! I ♥ U!

    I'm a little pissed my anon-lover hasn't been around :(

  2. Beautiful work! I ♥ U!

    I'm a little pissed my anon-lover hasn't been around :(

  3. ^ How would they even know it's you? You're anon, too! WTF!

  4. Shyne u and me naked in a tub of cole slaw. mmmmmmmmm I feed u buttered biscuits and German fries. This is luv, no? I

  5. (>_<) Sorry, I wasn't signed in, but that was me. I'm glad you could tell :D

  6. ^ Not that last anon post, though! I don't talk to girls (or guys) I like, like that. I much more classy.

  7. Do I take a left at the light or what?

  8. ^ anon-lover who only pretended to like me in an act of anti-trolling? ;-;

  9. Shy, remember when everyone thought you were LME/Briddy G, those were fucked up days.

  10. These are so pretty! Thanks Shyne XD.

  11. I wonder where my lover-boy went ;-;

  12. Where are the brows from on the blue eyed pic? Nice eyes, i wish i could use Esc-iShadow on them, but, that's also located in the same category as contacts.

  13. ^ re-categorize it with CTU or get awesomemod and use the allowmultiwear on cheat.

  14. What is Esc-iShadow and where did you download it? :)

  15. really nice contacs :) thanks Shyne!

    and I love Katsu too, he is refreshig for this site, makes me laugh and gives good come backs for those stupid trolls
    Katsu you're the man ♥

  16. CTU is outdated and doesn't always save work properly (in the past I've changed categories and saved but a few times had something missing and I've tried to deselect a gender on particular hairs before but part of the mesh didn't show up in-game). You're much better off recategorizing anything with s3pe. I've never had those errors with it ever since Peter enabled the Grid function.

  17. ahhh....Is she crying?????

  18. They look more realistic than lemons eyes.

    The only thing unrealistic is the the white shiny dot in the middle.

  19. They look quite good, downloading for suu to test em. Thanks!

  20. Thanks, i have s3pe, now if i can figure out how to do it :)

  21. ^Rob has a short tutorial explaining how to do it

  22. oh, and these contacts are really lovely. wish they were defaults. I'd give them a whirl, but alas I never use contacts.

  23. The white shiny dot isn't shynes fault, I think it's just Ea's own shine dot that's always on eyes. maybe... at least I've seen in all contacs in CAS

  24. ^This. The white dot is the The Sims 3's eye reflection, which is why it is located on different places on different pictures of course.

    Thank you Shyne! I really love the details in it!

  25. ^is there a way to get rid of this eye reflection? any mod or replacement thingy out there that does this? because alot of times this gets on my nerves

  26. It's ok, it depends on the type of lighting you use, I was using a lamp lol

  27. You can default replace the white dot with a blank texture in TS3. Aikea_Guinea has a tutorial somewhere.

    Also, Shyne, these are looooooooveeeely!

  28. FINALLY, circular irises

  29. I lurve them. Would love them more as defaults...hint hint. ;)

  30. I would love some new default eye choices.. ;)

  31. "FINALLY, circular irises"

    LOL Yeah sorry, I fixed my eye whites :) My other eyes WERE circular :P

  32. Um, Katsu. You said once that you are always auto-logged in. LIAR.

  33. ^ Well when I'm on an iPad it's kinda different, derp.

  34. Katsu, I'm here, I love you. D: <3

  35. Wtf do you mean when people USED to believe Shyne is BriddyG/Freckles? I have believed it and will not stop until I see them together in the same room! Come to think of it I have never seen her or Lady Caca in the same place at the same time, maybe they are all Lady Caca?!

    I don't get what the big deal is with the contacts or eyes that she releases. I've found so many that are far better and look very realistic. I'll search all the creator names and make a list.

    I'm not saying that she should quit creating, she is bound to eventually make something that will meet the needs of even those with higher standards. I mean that in a good way because there is definitely an improvement from the first BriddyG released contacts to these!

  36. I'm sorry but you're really not hurting my feelings, anon. I don't release any of my work for people like yourself. And I don't care who calls me what, I'm Mary and I'm proud to be. If you have a problem with that, then that's entirely your problem.
